*Love For Dogs Rescue Kennel*

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Come join us at the dog game of the century, Alacrity! adbanner.png

Please check out my timers in the middle of my description in my kennel. THey're awesome! You get discounts on dogs, updates on the kennel, and you can even as CC a question and she'll answer it! So check those out! Thank you!

millions in stock
Cost: Believe in Jesus
Know, Show, and Share your Faith! Put a cross on your page!

Awesome people who adopted a rescued dog:

1. Apocalypse (578805): Adopted Karl, a Shiba Inu
2. Sugar7pup (924043): Adopted Vinny, a Chihuahua, and Synthia, a Begian Malinois, and Lusty, a Begian Malinois, and Female 1, a Beauceron
3.Stary night (892500): Adopted Spotty, a Dalmatian, and Jasmine, a StaffordShire Bull Terrier, and Annabell, a Stafforshire Bull Terrier, and JACKARONIE, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and Anastasia, A Siberian Husky, And Franccesca, a Siberian Husky, And Stark, a Beaceron, and Lone star, a Beaceron, and The Trixter, a Beaceron, and The Abominable Snowdog, a Aidi, and Male 1, a Beaceron, and Butter-toast, an Affenpinscher, and Mark, a American Pit Bull Terrier
4.Fimble (250540): Adopted Sally, a Beauceron
5.RachelM715 (905510): Adopted Angel, an Ainu dog
6.Aero (56011): Adopted Michael, a Belgian Mal, And Fawn, a Belgian Mal
7.Fer (628643): Adopted Junior, a Bull Terrier, and Glass heart, a Bull Terrier
8.M&M983 (950407): Adopted Earon, a Siberian Huskey
9.Ducky (964637): Adopted Candy, a Newfoundland, and Spring Clover, a Australian Cattle Dog
10.Angel (757275): Adopted Anna, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier
11.Angel of Dogs (813770): Adopted Hot-tamallies, an Irish Setter
12.Askim (943993): Adopted Snowbirds perfect Dog, a Boxer, and Max, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier
13.Sshorses (802850): Adopted Fiery Flame, a Border Collie
14.AP. (954728): Adopted Snow-white, a Chihuahua
15.Crypt (29373): Adopted Stacks, A Cane Corso, and Gigi, a Cane Corso, and Maycie, a Cane Corso
16.Animal Artist (938783), adopted Hannah An Alaskan Huskey, and Eric, an alaskan huskey
17.Skypelt (877225): Adopted Milo, A Pembroke Welsh Corgi
18.Bubblepopelectric (943360): Adopted Casaburst, a Shiba Inu
19.Fallen 872615 Adopted: Kanna a Siberian Husky
20.Hubblebubble951850 Adopted: Ghost, an american pit bull
21.Flippy892500 Adopted: Quinn, a beagle. And Baxter A Cane Corso, and Jack A Jack Russel Terrier, and Savannah a RidgeBack, and Starburst a Shiba Inu

Dogs rescued Right now (48)

Important! Not all links will take you to the dog. I couldn't find some of them.

The Daily Timer [2:09]

CC here! The first to message me gets a 60% off discout on any *IMY* dogs!

Question Timer [2:09]

There is no question available at this time. If you have a question for CC, just message her the question labled "Question Timer" And she'll post it up for you!

Weekly Timer [2:09]

CC here! I am going to lock my account for a few days. I have to take my dogs off sale, so if you bidded on a dog than when I unlock my account and put them back on sale than you can bid again. If I sent you a form to fill out, please send that back to me filled out, and I will get you your dog as soon as possible. Thank you!

If you want to buy a rescue dog here is a form that you need to fill out:
Your call name:
Your FP number (For example mine is 952153):
Dog's name:
Dogs breed:
Dog's gender:
Dog's level:
Refered level for dog:
Do you go on FP everyday? Y/N
If you can't go on everyday do you try to lock your account so your dogs don't starve? Y/N
How do you think You will treat this dog once you've gotton him/her?
Will you message me if you decide to: retire dog, sell dog? Y/N
How did you find out about me?

Copy this and put it in the message box and answer the questions please. Once finished I will look at and decifer if you are the right owner for the dog.

Here is something that I will send you if you didn't get the dog you bidded on:

I'm sorry, but the dog that you wanted from my kennel has ben sent to another kennel,
Possible reasans why:
Out bidded
Filled a form, and you didn't
I didn't like what I saw in the form

Hello, I'm Dusty, CC's kitten! To
get a kitten of your own, click here.

Here is the link to a kennel my RL BFF and I made together!Dragon-luv I know it's simple, REALLY simple, but I hope to make it even better in the future! And here is my boarding account!Bonset

Game Time

10:51pm on Jan 2

Welcome Guest

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