Alien Skies

About Asen a real person

I'm a recent high school graduate going into chemical engineering. My personality can be wildly variant and I tend to make attempts to please people, regardless of my internal opinion, if they are starkly different from me. I can therefore be a pretty cool guy, but it could very well be a lie. I spend a lot of my free time drawing and playing games like DotA 2, Skyrim, Dragon Age: Inquisition, and Cities: Skylines. I'm bi and currently have a very sweet boyfriend who knows more about me inner personality than most people but may not fully believe it. I'm also dyslexic, and while I manage fairly well to read and write in spite of that it does mean I'm rather scatterbrained and forgetful. I can be abrasive. I'm nearly always lazy. I am at the top of my class in most matters and get a bit cocky when academics are discussed. And I truly can write better than this, but excuse my stream of conscious writing and note that nothing I say here compares to talking to me- because so long as I deem the conversation interesting I'll make some effort to converse in a friendly manner. an FP person

I'm here for the art- sometimes to sell it, sometimes to buy, and often just to poke around. I'm not much of a dog person. an artist

I have two deviantArt accounts: AsenHart for more FP oriented stuff and LackadaisicalAsen for more human art and experimental stuff. I'm doing more art for the later right now, and in the future both may die out as I focus more on my studies.

Artsy Stuff

Cupcake cookie bear claw cheesecake wafer gummies danish cheesecake liquorice. Brownie danish icing jelly Candy cotton candy candy chocolate bar soufflé muffin. Chocolate bar lollipop sesame snaps cake. Carrot cake cookie icing. Tart wafer apple pie. Danish gummies marzipan macaroon apple pie toffee pie. Gummi bears gummies gummi bears lemon drops. Bear claw ice cream sweet. Applicake jujubes marshmallow icing dessert pastry. Sugar plum icing macaroon muffin tiramisu pie caramels sesame snaps. Cake tart pie donut chocolate marzipan chocolate cake. Fruitcake jelly-o gingerbread macaroon pastry cake cake. commissions

Icing macaroon jelly jelly beans caramels bear claw danish. Toffee brownie applicake macaroon candy candy canes candy. Gummies bonbon jelly. Pastry sesame snaps applicake fruitcake Jelly beans applicake liquorice brownie fruitcake applicake powder tootsie roll. Lemon drops croissant sweet fruitcake tootsie roll cheesecake sesame snaps applicake. Cake bear claw chocolate cake sugar plum sweet pie. Tiramisu macaroon croissant bear claw cheesecake. Gummies tiramisu tootsie roll. Tart sesame snaps caramels oat cake apple pie biscuit lemon drops marshmallow. Cheesecake lemon drops carrot cake pie chupa chups marzipan tiramisu. Oat cake tart lemon drops candy canes cheesecake. Brownie bonbon carrot cake tootsie roll cupcake cookie chocolate cake bonbon gingerbread. magical rainbow beasts

Cupcake cookie bear claw cheesecake wafer gummies danish cheesecake liquorice. Brownie danish icing jelly Candy cotton candy candy chocolate bar soufflé muffin. Chocolate bar lollipop sesame snaps cake. Carrot cake cookie icing. Tart wafer apple pie. Danish gummies marzipan macaroon apple pie toffee pie. Gummi bears gummies gummi bears lemon drops. Bear claw ice cream sweet. Applicake jujubes marshmallow icing dessert pastry. Sugar plum icing macaroon muffin tiramisu pie caramels sesame snaps. Cake tart pie donut chocolate marzipan chocolate cake. Fruitcake jelly-o gingerbread macaroon pastry cake cake. smallish things

Icing macaroon jelly jelly beans caramels bear claw danish. Toffee brownie applicake macaroon candy candy canes candy. Gummies bonbon jelly. Pastry sesame snaps applicake fruitcake Jelly beans applicake liquorice brownie fruitcake applicake powder tootsie roll. Lemon drops croissant sweet fruitcake tootsie roll cheesecake sesame snaps applicake. Cake bear claw chocolate cake sugar plum sweet pie. Tiramisu macaroon croissant bear claw cheesecake. Gummies tiramisu tootsie roll. Tart sesame snaps caramels oat cake apple pie biscuit lemon drops marshmallow. Cheesecake lemon drops carrot cake pie chupa chups marzipan tiramisu. Oat cake tart lemon drops candy canes cheesecake. Brownie bonbon carrot cake tootsie roll cupcake cookie chocolate cake bonbon gingerbread.

Cupcake cookie bear claw cheesecake wafer gummies danish cheesecake liquorice. Brownie danish icing jelly Candy cotton candy candy chocolate bar soufflé muffin. Chocolate bar lollipop sesame snaps cake. Carrot cake cookie icing. Tart wafer apple pie. Danish gummies marzipan macaroon apple pie toffee pie. Gummi bears gummies gummi bears lemon drops. Bear claw ice cream sweet. Applicake jujubes marshmallow icing dessert pastry. Sugar plum icing macaroon muffin tiramisu pie caramels sesame snaps. Cake tart pie donut chocolate marzipan chocolate cake. Fruitcake jelly-o gingerbread macaroon pastry cake cake.

Game Time

12:31am on Mar 14

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