Salty Paws Canine Ranch

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Dogs Bred By Salty Paws Canine Ranch

IPnHu SPCR * Adventuring FridaysRhodesian Ridgeback818
ARO SPCR * Ambition To ZealAkita1633
AM SPCR * Ambitious InspirationsAkita2243
AO SPCR * Freaky FridayRhodesian Ridgeback2443
APnT SPCR * Prophecy’s DelightWire Fox Terrier1224
NP SPCR * Royalty In The VinesLagotto Romagnolo19
AP SPCR * Shining LightsLagotto Romagnolo2039
* Weekend Bender “Lencho”Rhodesian Ridgeback16
AFl SPCR Adventure AwaitsRhodesian Ridgeback1937
MSc SPCR Adventurous PursuitsRhodesian Ridgeback3976
MP SPCR Cocoa QueenLagotto Romagnolo3569
AD SPCR Cocoa VinesLagotto Romagnolo1429
MH SPCR Forever ImmuneCatahoula Leopard Dog3775
ChT SPCR Immune ResponseCatahoula Leopard Dog4285
Innocence Of War “Blair”Scottish Terrier16
AHu SPCR Ivied MarshlandsCatahoula Leopard Dog1633
ExFl SPCR Last Friday NightRhodesian Ridgeback3773
AHT SPCR Love’s Silver LiningAkita1428
JPnA SPCR Lucky WarriorScottish Terrier113
AFr SPCR Miss ShadyAmerican Staffordshire Terrier1835
MM SPCR Redwoods Among UsCatahoula Leopard Dog3673
JAA SPCR Redwoods Under NightfallCatahoula Leopard Dog1630
NA SPCR Redwoods VirusCatahoula Leopard Dog17
Roadhouse Friday “Izem”Rhodesian Ridgeback16
IPnA SPCR Shades Of DawnAmerican Staffordshire Terrier717
NHT NFr SPCR SpencerAkita160
ExD SPCR Sweet CocoaLagotto Romagnolo3367
PnP SPCR Sweet GrapevinesLagotto Romagnolo1020
APnHu SPCR Twisted FantasyAmerican Staffordshire Terrier1122
ExHu SPCR Uncultivated AdventureRhodesian Ridgeback3673
AW SPCR White ChocolateLagotto Romagnolo1530
JPnA SPCR Whittled From ThornsWire Fox Terrier615
IPnA SPCR Wicker BasketWire Fox Terrier818
ChFr SPCR Wild AdventurerRhodesian Ridgeback4185
LockedGGEG lla 7HH 5hhCatahoula Leopard Dog16
LockedFor StudPnT SPCR Virus In The TreesCatahoula Leopard Dog1018

Game Time

06:44am on Mar 10

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