Salty Paws Canine Ranch

Kennel History

Retirees of Salty Paws Canine Ranch

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Dogs Bred By Salty Paws Canine Ranch

IPnHu SPCR * Adventuring FridaysRhodesian Ridgeback818
ARO SPCR * Ambition To ZealAkita1633
AM SPCR * Ambitious InspirationsAkita2243
AO SPCR * Freaky FridayRhodesian Ridgeback2443
APnT SPCR * Prophecy’s DelightWire Fox Terrier1224
NP SPCR * Royalty In The VinesLagotto Romagnolo19
AP SPCR * Shining LightsLagotto Romagnolo2039
* Weekend Bender “Lencho”Rhodesian Ridgeback16
AFl SPCR Adventure AwaitsRhodesian Ridgeback1937
MSc SPCR Adventurous PursuitsRhodesian Ridgeback3976

Game Time

03:31am on Mar 10

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