Pemalite Kennels

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Pemalite Kennels

* FadeEnglish Shepherd12065
NM 17th 0.937x [M] 7HH [1 5] [stmstm spdint] [Kk EmE BB DD swsw mm] LlaGreat Dane13719
NM 17th 0.953x [M] 12HH [3 5] [agiint agispd] [Kk EE Bb DD Ssw mm] LlaGreat Dane13719
NM 17th 0.978x [M, H] 12HH [1 9 18] [agiint strint] [kk EmEm Bb DD sisw mm] lalaGreat Dane13719
APnSh 1Great Dane123735
PnFl 1Great Dane123735
APnSh 1Great Dane123735
PnM 1Great Dane123735
APnHT 1Great Dane123735
APnM 1Great Dane123735
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Pemalite Kennels

LockedNT SITH <1.413> Golden Daisy (EEEE)*[18HH]Bloodhound110
LockedJPnFT SITH <1.413> Red With Black Saddle (EEEE)*[17HH]Bloodhound611
Locked0/13/11 FFGFKomondor113
Locked1/12/11 FGFFKomondor113
Locked1/12/11 PGFGKomondor113
Locked1/13/10 LucilleKomondor125
Locked1/14/9 FGGFKomondor113
Locked1/14/9 PEGGKomondor113
Locked1/15/8 GGFGKomondor113
Locked1/15/8 PoKomondor125

Game Time

08:11am on Mar 10

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