Jumpers and Jam

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Jumpers and Jam

Ambers that GlowDoberman Pinscher14272
Brightness of the SunIcelandic Sheepdog14273
AP J&J Chocolate LavendarGreenland Dog173389
ExFl Drippings of IceIcelandic Sheepdog274345
ASc Drips of HoneyDoberman Pinscher124303
AP J&J Dustings of StarsGreenland Dog173389
MSh Lapping CreekBulldog204324
AO Little MartinDutch Smoushond144309
AH Mountain RidgesAustralian Shepherd134310
AP J&J Mountaintop MistGreenland Dog183389
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Jumpers and Jam

LockedNA Clear Forest ViewAustralian Shepherd18
LockedAP SokerikuorruteGreenland Dog2338
Ambers that GlowDoberman Pinscher14272
Brightness of the SunIcelandic Sheepdog14273
AP DRB Desert FlowerGreenland Dog243913
NCP Fiery KnightGreenland Dog482920
IPnFl DOP GoldenflowerGreenland Dog83928
JPnM Peppered PlatesDalmatian43357
JPnA Splattered RainDalmatian53941
JPnH Storm of the East [agi/stm]Australian Shepherd44218

Game Time

06:31pm on Feb 22

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