Newfoundland and Kookerhondje Kennle

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Newfoundland and Kookerhondje Kennle

NA AmeliaGerman Shepherd Dog24105
IPnHT AwsomeKooikerhondje74121
PnW ChampionNewfoundland74126
NFT CoolKooikerhondje44108
JPnSc WSCK LuluGerman Shepherd Dog54100
NT One spotGerman Shepherd Dog44104
JPnSh PrizeKooikerhondje64126
JPnRO WinnerNewfoundland74121
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Dogs Bred By Newfoundland and Kookerhondje Kennle

NFT CoolKooikerhondje44108

Game Time

05:31pm on Feb 14

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