Graveyard Sightings

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Graveyard Sightings

NH SKYE -GS- Cremate the DreamsBorder Collie13296
NA *DBK* -GS- DeathbedBorder Collie43321
NH *DBK* -GS- Fire for the CrematedBorder Collie13295
JPnP -GS- Frozen PathwaysAidi73305
AT -GS- JoanAustralian Cattle Dog194153
ANA *DBK* -GS- Once A Zombie, Always A ZombieBorder Collie53311
ExR -GS- A Murder of RavensBorzoi333355
IPnT -GS- Ashes of the FallenCzechoslovakian Wolfdog93308
ANH -GS- Ashes to AshesBorder Collie53302
JAS -GS- At Gravesight WakingsChinook143319
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Graveyard Sightings

Locked-GS- CrowspeedDutch Shepherd16
Locked-GS- Hail to the KingHovawart16
Locked-GS- Playing With SandMaremma Sheepdog16
LockedFor StudMA -GS- Atsay's Final WordsBorder Collie2669
LockedIPnSc -GS- Hopes and DreamsHovawart732
LockedIPnFl -GS- KaplanAustralian Shepherd732
LockedAFl Rescue 4Australian Shepherd2059
LockedAH Rescue 5Mudi2058
JPnP -GS- Frozen PathwaysAidi73305
NA -GS- AgilityBrittany13263

Game Time

01:43am on Mar 11

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