
Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Eclectic

MT TUXI Almost EasySwedish Vallhund273620
GCO Anchack GruelKelpie423340
ChO Anchorage PointKelpie393188
MFl AnubisPharaoh Hound273585
NT Bank of ArcadiaPembroke Welsh Corgi13087
ChR BSAK Blacksteel CiaraSaluki373188
NCR Blacksteel Sympatico ZorroSaluki453335
IPnFr Caffè MacchiatoStandard Poodle83096
MP Co-Optional PodcastNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever303298
AR Feminine Sleepy SorenSaluki163271
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Eclectic

GCO Anchack GruelKelpie423340
NT Bank of ArcadiaPembroke Welsh Corgi13087
NCR Blacksteel Sympatico ZorroSaluki453335
MP Co-Optional PodcastNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever303298
AR Feminine Sleepy SorenSaluki163271
MM Fjellet LokomotivNorwegian Lundehund313584
ANO Hammer-Point WednesdayKelpie13087
ExH Infinity SamBorder Collie343314
GCFl Mod-Cha BraidPembroke Welsh Corgi443188
Puppy 1Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever13205

Game Time

12:08pm on Feb 9

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