The Broken Stone Hill

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of The Broken Stone Hill

APnSc BreezeDutch Shepherd123487
JPnHT Casey SangsterKarelian Bear Dog63461
IPnRO Dusty SkyChihuahua83181
IPnT Fire's DevastationSaarloos Wolfdog83181
APnT Joyful PrinceSaarloos Wolfdog133193
NH Joyful StagSaarloos Wolfdog13171
PnRO Knight in Shining ArmourChihuahua93480
APnSh Lithe DeerChihuahua123196
PnSh Little PrinceChihuahua113493
JAH Maska PyreSaarloos Wolfdog163262
Order By:

Dogs Bred By The Broken Stone Hill

NA Arlis FarwyndSaarloos Wolfdog13354
IPnRO Dusty SkyChihuahua83181
IPnT Fire's DevastationSaarloos Wolfdog83181
NT Jojen ReedSaarloos Wolfdog23361
APnT Joyful PrinceSaarloos Wolfdog133193
NH Joyful StagSaarloos Wolfdog13171
PnRO Knight in Shining ArmourChihuahua93480
JAFl Mountain CragSaarloos Wolfdog133193
NHT Puppy 8Karelian Bear Dog13355
NSh River MysteryChihuahua13167

Game Time

01:37pm on Feb 17

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