The Wonderful Fuzzies

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of The Wonderful Fuzzies

ANP AaronNorwegian Elkhound53238
AaronBasset Hound12868
AedanAlaskan Husky13222
ANO AlexanderBasset Hound62893
NHu CLodg AngelicaBasset Hound62886
NP AstridNorwegian Elkhound13226
NRO BaileyBasset Hound42880
NA BarbaraBasset Hound12879
NT })i({ BellaBasset Hound12806
CatharineBasset Hound12868
Order By:

Dogs Bred By The Wonderful Fuzzies

AedanAlaskan Husky13222
NP AstridNorwegian Elkhound13226
CatharineBasset Hound12868
DarraghIrish Setter13225
FlorenceBasset Hound12867
GenevieveBasset Hound12867
MargitNorwegian Elkhound13225
NFT TadhgIrish Setter13229

Game Time

09:43am on Feb 7

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