Dog and Pups Safe Haven

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Dog and Pups Safe Haven

AA |TH| *PPK* Milo GEEGAustralian Shepherd182548
ExFT VTVIZ 4HH lla GGGGGerman Shorthaired Pointer352548
NFl Ace EGGGBorder Collie12423
NA Ace GGGFBorder Collie12423
JPnO AJBernese Mountain Dog102440
JPnT NH DaPSH Alpha GEGECatahoula Leopard Dog92434
NO AmariSaarloos Wolfdog11432
NRO GECKO AnnaGerman Shorthaired Pointer12877
NA ApolloSaarloos Wolfdog11432
APnT NiSa Ariel GGEGAustralian Shepherd162450
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Dog and Pups Safe Haven

LockedNH DaPSH *RED Red with Blue SableBorder Collie617
LockedJPnHT DaPSH Alicia EEEEAmerican Cocker Spaniel722
LockedChSc DaPSH AppleAppenzeller Mountain Dog4265
LockedAH DaPSH Are You My MummyMiniature Australian Shepherd2039
LockedNH DaPSH Bark EEEEBorder Collie115
LockedJPnRO DaPSH Bella EEGEPomeranian518
LockedNT DaPSH Cindy EEEEBorder Collie115
LockedIPnA DaPSH DashGreat Dane1033
LockedAH DaPSH Dash of FlashBorder Collie2136
LockedJPnH DaPSH Full Of Air EEEEMiniature Australian Shepherd825

Game Time

11:56am on Mar 4

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