Super Spud Dogs

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Super Spud Dogs

NR IPnFl Anne’s dreamPharaoh Hound112686
JPnH BearCzechoslovakian Wolfdog82679
ExFr RaW's Beyond the River 15HHDalmatian342248
MM RofS Big Storm ComingDalmatian271728
JPnSh Call of the WilderAlaskan Klee Kai62675
PnFr ChilliLabrador Retriever122694
PnH CollinBorder Collie122689
IPnHT Courage GGEEGreat Dane102684
AM RofS DioShadowDalmatian231714
JPnD Dunking Oreo’sGreat Dane72679
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Super Spud Dogs

LockedAA 11HH 13Hh (EEEE) DivaBorder Collie1747
LockedNHT 21HHRAWDalmatian114
LockedMM SuS 24HH EEEE OllieDalmatian2690
LockedJPnFl SuS 9HHAfricanis722
LockedFor StudJAT SuS Blue ShadowBorder Collie1754
LockedMT SuS ButterscotchPorcelaine2964
LockedFor StudAM SuS Call of the Ghost {24 HH }}Dalmatian2189
LockedFor StudJAA SuS Cannonball StormDalmatian1462
LockedFor StudJAT SuS Clear RealityBasset Hound1547

Game Time

02:40pm on Feb 19

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