Lunar Astro

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Lunar Astro

NA BaxterRough Collie51372
NO BeautyCavalier King Charles Spaniel42547
NHT DakotaGreat Dane12531
NFT DillyBeagle12519
NHu FlashBeagle12531
AHT GDWD GeorgeGreat Dane181402
NHu HollyBeagle12533
NW JacobStandard Poodle12512
NO JakeGerman Shepherd Dog12533
NSc JingleGerman Shepherd Dog12533
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Lunar Astro

NFT DillyBeagle12519
AM EADBK Gentle JimboGreat Dane172246
NW JacobStandard Poodle12512
NSh OtashGerman Shepherd Dog12520
Puppy 3Catahoula Leopard Dog11357
NA ShakCavalier King Charles Spaniel12526
JPnS The Black ButlerAkita32508

Game Time

04:58pm on Feb 18

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