Music of the Spheres

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Music of the Spheres

ASc DRAG 13 3 LlaBriard222334
NH Brownie EEEEBriard12306
JPnHu Chocolate EEEEHavanese62310
JPnSh Cronomono EEEEKooikerhondje62310
JPnR Flash EEEGAfricanis12307
IPnSh LilyBriard82342
JPnH NEVS Puppy 2Finnish Lapphund62310
ANSh Puppy 4Thai Ridgeback Dog12308
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Music of the Spheres

LockedPnRO JPnSh PYRS 18HHHavanese717
LockedExHu WHMK AbigailHavanese3284
LockedANSh PWKS Bane Of DragonsHavanese465
LockedExRO BlancaDeBlancoHavanese3377
LockedFor StudMRO Blue EEEEHavanese2562
LockedASh Blue Ribbon EEEGHavanese2154
LockedMYSK BritHavanese16
LockedChicken EGEGHavanese17
LockedMSh Chrono EGEEHavanese2874
LockedIPnSh Dillon EEEEHavanese928

Game Time

12:51am on Mar 4

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