Morgan Rhule's Kennel

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Morgan Rhule's Kennel

NT Beast of the ballEnglish Foxhound12229
NA Bella of the ballEnglish Foxhound42235
ExSh Roman Bluegrass CountryEnglish Foxhound362279
JAA JRD Carry YouEnglish Foxhound162254
JPnA -:X:- ChaCha ChingSchipperke62235
NT Important BallEnglish Foxhound12227
NFr Lady of the ballEnglish Foxhound12229
JPnSc -:X:- Tuckered outAppenzeller Mountain Dog62235

Dogs Bred By Morgan Rhule's Kennel

None found.

Game Time

04:21am on Feb 1

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