Primarina Poodles

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Primarina Poodles

ChW ~PAK~ CourageStandard Poodle282114
APnFr Prima Gussy UpStandard Poodle112083
JAFr Prima Hot Cross BunsStandard Poodle132089
IPnHT Prima Laurel Comes A CallinStandard Poodle82076
AHT Prima Ms. Cooper's Creme De La CremeStandard Poodle152101
AD Prima Ms. Cooper's Flurry of WinterStandard Poodle172113
IPnHT Prima Number OneStandard Poodle72075
PnFr Prima Run of BeauregardStandard Poodle112083
AFr Prima Soft And DeliciousStandard Poodle162095
JAP Prima Sunset SamsaraStandard Poodle152091
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Primarina Poodles

IPnHT Prima Laurel Comes A CallinStandard Poodle82076
IPnHT Prima Number OneStandard Poodle72075
NSh Prima VisageStandard Poodle12065

Game Time

04:33pm on Dec 28

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