The Triple Threat Kennel

Kennel History

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Retirees of The Triple Threat Kennel

JPnSh JAM Adele [GEGE] [Lla] [1.000X] [4HH - 2hh] [intstr stmstr]Staffordshire Bull Terrier141833
PnSh JPnO Blue [GGEE] [Ll] [1.000x] [1HH - 2hh] [chastm stmstm]Staffordshire Bull Terrier111824
IPnSh JPnFl Cat [GEGE] [Lla] [1.000X] [6HH - 4hh] [chaint spdstm]Staffordshire Bull Terrier101824
ANH DixieRottweiler41807
AA RofS GoldstoneDalmatian231849
JPnD APnHu Lacey [GEEG] [Ll] [1.000x] [4HH - 3hh] [intstm intstm]Staffordshire Bull Terrier131831
MSh LillyJapanese Spitz301869
JPnSc LillyRottweiler41807
JPnRO JAHu Lorelei [GEEE] [LL] [1.000x] [2HH - 2hh] [intspd chacha]Staffordshire Bull Terrier131833
JPnSh LunaRottweiler31808

Game Time

11:32am on Dec 22

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