Chain of Rocks 2

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Chain of Rocks 2

NHu 07 3HH 5hh Ll GGGGJapanese Chin21748
NHu 09 2HH 4hh LL GGGGJapanese Chin21748
NHu 12 2HH 3hh LL GGGEJapanese Chin21748
14HH 2hh EGEEJapanese Chin1239
17HH EEEEJapanese Chin1239
2Central Asian Shepherd11751
2:7 LlMudi11742
IPnHu ChoR2 5HH 4hh lala GEGGJapanese Chin7256
ANH Chaøs 6HH GGEG llCentral Asian Shepherd71758
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Chain of Rocks 2

LockedNRO 16HH LLJapanese Chin16
LockedNO CLodg Dream no More 9HH 2hh lalaKerry Blue Terrier19
LockedPnM Helmi LadogaKarelian Bear Dog922
LockedJPnFr CLodg JaciraKarelian Bear Dog515
14HH 2hh EGEEJapanese Chin1239
17HH EEEEJapanese Chin1239
IPnHu ChoR2 5HH 4hh lala GEGGJapanese Chin7256
APnSh HLGD AsairKarelian Bear Dog121461
JARO ChoR2 Kenji 12HH 2hh llaStabyhoun161637
IPnHu ChoR2 Nobutoshi 12HH llJapanese Chin7254

Game Time

12:21pm on Feb 1

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