Josiah's Kennel

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Josiah's Kennel

IPnD Ahsoka TanoGreater Swiss Mountain Dog111762
ANSc LvTA Beyond The MaskGerman Shepherd Dog61754
NFl JamelleGreater Swiss Mountain Dog41751
NH JimmyGreater Swiss Mountain Dog41752
NA KatherineCatahoula Leopard Dog51753
NA SIE LennyCatahoula Leopard Dog31747
ANT NH NalaAppenzeller Mountain Dog61745
APnFl PoeCatahoula Leopard Dog141770
NP Princess LeiaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog41751
JPnA Proud willowCatahoula Leopard Dog81757

Dogs Bred By Josiah's Kennel

None found.

Game Time

03:10pm on Feb 19

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