Kati's Kennel

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Kati's Kennel

JPnM AngelAmerican Bulldog81566
IPnFT BanditBeagle91570
JPnHT BearAinu Dog81566
IPnRO BellaFrench Bulldog101571
NP BoomerDalmatian31549
ANSh BrandyCentral Asian Shepherd61564
ANP BusterCentral Asian Shepherd61564
NHu CamoAmerican Bulldog31538
JPnA ChampFrench Bulldog71559
ANH ChanceSaarloos Wolfdog61558
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Kati's Kennel

PnRO HMPB $Pom PomPekingese11551
NHu CamoAmerican Bulldog31538
JPnA ChampFrench Bulldog71559
ANH ChanceSaarloos Wolfdog61558
PnHT CocoAinu Dog111539
NRO golden sunBriard51552
AND KnightGerman Shepherd Dog41546
LightingSaarloos Wolfdog11559
NR LightingAfghan Hound11504
PnM HMPB PatchesPekingese111559

Game Time

10:14pm on Feb 12

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