House of The Dragons

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of House of The Dragons

AH lmgk AelorBorder Collie24729
AH lmgk AemonBorder Collie25732
MR AerysIrish Wolfhound30735
MR Alys RiversGreyhound29734
AFl DMUK AlysanneIrish Wolfhound19777
PnD apolloGerman Wirehaired Pointer101357
JPnRO ariesGerman Wirehaired Pointer61344
ChSh :3 <3 AryaPapillon41761
IPnSc AtillaBeauceron101356
MFl DMUK BaelaIrish Wolfhound33745
Order By:

Dogs Bred By House of The Dragons

LockedNFr DMUK 14HH/0hh LlaIrish Wolfhound111
LockedFor StudANFl APnSh DMUK AelyxBorder Collie1176
LockedANSc DMUK AemmaGerman Shepherd Dog564
LockedFor StudJAH DMUK AenarBorder Collie1277
LockedPnH DMUK AereaBorder Collie1074
LockedFor StudIPnH DMUK AerionBorder Collie769
LockedMT AlicentLapponian Herder2764
LockedMH ArraxMiniature Australian Shepherd2764
LockedMHu Ds2CR AryaIrish Wolfhound2456
LockedFor StudPnT DMUK BaelorBorder Collie1074

Game Time

03:53pm on Jan 25

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