Raina's Kennel

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Raina's Kennel

AFl WITTY AbraShetland Sheepdog19995
NA WITTY AhanuCzechoslovakian Wolfdog11019
AA CREWE AmarettaShetland Sheepdog251398
ExSh WITTY AngelicaChinese Crested371165
APnSh WITTY AsamiChinese Crested12985
ANFT ANFr WITTY AveryLagotto Romagnolo41106
MRO WITTY Azure MajestyShih Tzu26919
ANHu WITTY Beauty's In the Eye of The BeholderShih Tzu51110
ANP WITTY BlytheCentral Asian Shepherd11019
JASh WITTY BolinChinese Crested151123
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Raina's Kennel

LockedChA WITTY AchievementShetland Sheepdog4186
LockedJAA WITTY AlonaShetland Sheepdog1732
LockedPnRO WITTY AlonsoChinese Crested1226
LockedMSh WITTY AmethystChinese Crested2855
LockedAPnSh WITTY AndreaPomeranian1133
LockedASh WITTY BasetChinese Crested2344
LockedAFl WITTY BellaShetland Sheepdog2258
LockedJPnSh WITTY Born For WarAmerican Bully514
LockedNSh WITTY Brindle BeautyShih Tzu17
LockedIPnH NH JAFl WITTY CallaCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1535

Game Time

07:11am on Feb 27

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