Rolling Pastures Kennel

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Rolling Pastures Kennel

MSc YEM! AnubisDoberman Pinscher34153
ExFr RofS ArtemisBorzoi39146
ExR DPSK AthenaBorzoi38144
ExFl UGPK AurialisBorder Collie39154
ExSc BastetDoberman Pinscher37149
ExSc Minna Dawn of a New DayGerman Shepherd Dog40148
ExR WHSPR DemeterBorzoi39148
AFl EsosBorder Collie18849
MR DPSK Filly on The RunBorzoi29125
ExR KREE HeraBorzoi38149
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Rolling Pastures Kennel

PnSc Fool Me OnceDoberman Pinscher1079
PnR ProphetBorzoi1078
YEM! Puppy 1Borzoi178
Puppy 1Borzoi156
Puppy 5Doberman Pinscher156
JPnR Puppy 8Borzoi572
LockedNA YEM! Puppy 2Border Collie514
LockedMSc YEM! TCSK's Spin On A DimeDoberman Pinscher2959
PnSc Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog12826

Game Time

04:33am on Dec 22

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