alyssa's Kennel

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of alyssa's Kennel

NHT Angels LandingFinnish Spitz4314
NP Beauty in the beastGerman Shepherd Dog1682
IPnRO JMC’s Field FlowersMiniature Dachshund9332
JPnO Flawless VictoryDoberman Pinscher6317
NFl HarlequinnDalmatian1686
NSc Heid N SeekMastiff3314
NRO Hunter GreenEnglish Toy Spaniel3314
PnFr Jack of All TradesBorder Collie11334
ANSc King of The HillBeauceron4315
IPnT Laffy TaffyPuli8321

Dogs Bred By alyssa's Kennel

None found.

Game Time

03:28pm on Feb 2

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