Osborne Kennels & co.

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Osborne Kennels & co.

NH OsK&c A Bolt From The BlueBorder Collie2267
NH OsK&c A Cold Day in JulyBorder Collie2279
NP OsK&c AlaskaWhippet4138
NP OsK&c AlphaAfghan Hound5144
NFr OsK&c AtlasGreyhound4138
NFl OsK&c AussieItalian Greyhound4138
JPnH OsK&c Bally BalouBorder Collie8305
MFl FHHK BcNightfall*Border Collie30394
IPnA SoCoK Before Bellow and AboveBorder Collie9308
ANR OsK&c BravoAfghan Hound6144
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Osborne Kennels & co.

LockedPnFl AsFreyaAustralian Shepherd1173
LockedJPnH AsJosphineAustralian Shepherd762
LockedAPnH AsKaiaAustralian Shepherd1468
LockedPnH AsLunaAustralian Shepherd1368
LockedNH AsNoraAustralian Shepherd557
LockedNH AsOpheliaAustralian Shepherd557
LockedNH AsPenelopeAustralian Shepherd457
LockedNH AsRosieAustralian Shepherd457
LockedPnH Audrey // 20HH // 0hh // 0.952xAustralian Shepherd1153
LockedAHu ESTD Charmed LifeDalmatian2345

Game Time

03:33am on Feb 17

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