Origin of Species

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Origin of Species

ExFl Camelus bactrianusLeonberger38293
GCSh OrioS Camelus dromedariusLeonberger42302
ExSh Equus kiangTibetan Spaniel38308
ExSh Grus nigricollisTibetan Spaniel39308
ChO Hemitragus jemlahicusLeonberger37293
ExM Minyobates steyermarkiLeonberger38293
ExM MollyLeonberger39305
ChSh OrioS Naemorhedus goralTibetan Spaniel43292
ChP Somateria spectabilisStandard Poodle38306
ChHu Ursus arctosBluetick Coonhound38302
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Origin of Species

LockedChHu OrioS Ailurus fulgensBluetick Coonhound39112
LockedChSh OrioS Ammotragus lerviaTibetan Spaniel4098
LockedAPnA OrioS Arctictis binturongBluetick Coonhound1235
LockedJPnH PnT OrioS Capra hircusBearded Collie1135
LockedJPnFr PnRO OrioS Danaus plexippusStandard Poodle1135
LockedAA IPnH OrioS Herpailurus yagouaroundiLeonberger1853
LockedExW OrioS Lama pacosLeonberger2474
LockedASh OrioS Marmota himalayanaTibetan Spaniel1958
LockedGCFr OrioS Morpho menelausStandard Poodle42102
LockedAPnSh OrioS Opuntia galapageiaLeonberger1235

Game Time

07:51am on Feb 23

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