Vanilla Winters

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Vanilla Winters

NRO 10HH1hh GEEEPug34552
NSh 11HH2hh GEEGPug34552
NT 2HH4hh GFEE - Red w/ Choc SableNeapolitan Mastiff44560
NSc 2HH8hh FGGG - Fawn w/ Choc. Sable + MaskNeapolitan Mastiff34548
AT BBK* 3HH 2hh EGGE LLOtterhound174390
NT 4HH 4hh GGEGOtterhound34363
NT 4HH 5hh GGGG - Brin Red w/Black SabNeapolitan Mastiff14543
NT 4HH3hh GGGE - Brin. Fawn w/Choc SableNeapolitan Mastiff44560
NSc 6HH 5hh GEGGNeapolitan Mastiff44553
ANT 6HH3hh EGGENeapolitan Mastiff44552
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Vanilla Winters

LockedJASh ShE Prau NaaizhPug926
NRO 10HH1hh GEEEPug34552
NSh 11HH2hh GEEGPug34552
NSc 2HH8hh FGGG - Fawn w/ Choc. Sable + MaskNeapolitan Mastiff34548
ANT 6HH3hh EGGENeapolitan Mastiff44552
NT 6HH6hh FGEG - ChocolateNeapolitan Mastiff34548
9HH 6hh GGGGOtterhound14351
NSh 9HH2hh EGGEPug34552
EGGG 9HH 3hh [Brindle Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Mask, and Light Undersides]Silken Windhound14349
GEGG 10HH 4hh [Black and White (Irish)]Greyhound14349

Game Time

09:34am on Mar 17

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