Sine Metu Kennels

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Sine Metu Kennels

APnE SM All in the SmileSmooth Fox Terrier84522
PnS SM Bambi's GoneAlaskan Malamute84516
AS SM Bark in WinterAlaskan Malamute134530
AS SM Doe in the ForestAlaskan Malamute134530
JPnS Don't Wanna Go HomeAlaskan Malamute44500
PnE SM Down and DirtySmooth Fox Terrier74522
AS SM Fair Snow WhiteAlaskan Malamute134530
AS SM False WolfAlaskan Malamute134530
JPnS SM GarnetAlaskan Malamute64512
JAS SM Good Girls Go BadAlaskan Malamute124530
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Sine Metu Kennels

PnS SM Bambi's GoneAlaskan Malamute84516
JPnS Don't Wanna Go HomeAlaskan Malamute44500
CCS SM Far away for Neverwinter NightsAlaskan Malamute404286
ANE Know Who I AmSmooth Fox Terrier34497
Puppy 1Alaskan Malamute14463
JPnS Reindeer MilkAlaskan Malamute44501
JPnS Salted LicoriceAlaskan Malamute44501
ANS Snowball CottonAlaskan Malamute44500
NS Tarnished SilverAlaskan Malamute14463
PnS SM The False FinnAlaskan Malamute84516

Game Time

06:48pm on Feb 18

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