Name | Breed | Level | Age |
IPnH T.D 15HH EEEE | Evolution Fives | Border Collie | 11 | 1300 |
PnFl DAWGS 17 HH Leonardo Dedogio | Border Collie | 11 | 1383 |
HoHa 3E lala | Boerboel | 1 | 1432 |
NO H.H. Able | Belgian Malinois | 1 | 3666 |
JAM «VDL» Afternoon Delight | Tibetan Mastiff | 16 | 1500 |
ANS DDOGG Alaska of the snowland | Alaskan Malamute | 1 | 1273 |
ChH PDdog Alex of the degradation | German Shepherd Dog | 42 | 294 |
NA alice | Miniature Australian Shepherd | 3 | 3798 |
ANRO amber | Dogo Argentino | 5 | 3726 |
amber | Labrador Retriever | 1 | 3661 |
Name | Breed | Level | Age |
MP PDdog (P) 1.073 || 19.5.0 - lala | German Shepherd Dog | 22 | 53 |
AW PDdog 22HH Show Me The Money | Labrador Retriever | 12 | 29 |
NHu PDdog Abraham | German Shepherd Dog | 1 | 10 |
PnSc PDdog Bandit | German Shepherd Dog | 12 | 56 |
APnP PDdog Boo | German Shepherd Dog | 11 | 57 |
MD HVOND Burnt marshmallow (EEEE lala 24HH) | Labrador Retriever | 28 | 76 |
APnSc PDdog Butterscotch | German Shepherd Dog | 12 | 57 |
AW Buttons | German Shepherd Dog | 8 | 53 |
AH PDdog Chaos coycotee | German Shepherd Dog | 24 | 43 |
ASh PDdog Chocolate Buttercream | German Shepherd Dog | 21 | 45 |