Wadi`s Run

Kennel History

Order By:

Retirees of Wadi`s Run

AP 10Hh 11Hh 16HHLagotto Romagnolo21613
DxK 14/lalaBerger Picard12137
ChR DDOGG 16HH/LlaAzawakh Hound47699
NH 17/1 LlaCanaan Dog11205
AH Pelto 17HH lala 1intBerger Picard222209
AH 2Australian Cattle Dog204559
IPnR 5HHAfghan Hound44517
PnR 6 HAfghan Hound84525
NH 7/1 lalaCanaan Dog11211
NH FPBB 7034388Canaan Dog11208
Order By:

Dogs Bred By Wadi`s Run

IPnR 5HHAfghan Hound44517
PnR 6 HAfghan Hound84525
PnR Bentley MaePharaoh Hound94532
CCT Dreams of YouRedbone Coonhound504098
PnR GabePharaoh Hound94532
keepBerger Picard12624
keepBerger Picard12624
Puppy 1Australian Cattle Dog14519
Puppy 1Australian Koolie11979
NP Puppy 1Lagotto Romagnolo11210

Game Time

11:21am on Feb 1

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