Cardb0ard Kennel

Owner of Cardb0ard Kennel

Cardb0ard Human (#1209856)
Rank: #1,281
Overall: #2,450
Status: Okay
Last Active: 11/24/17 01:23pm
Player Since: 06/28/14
About Me: Woof.
Currently Offline
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Furry Paws Citizen

Critter Servant

Money Maker

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Think this player is awesome? Tell them so by giving them a cookie!

Recent Cookies

"Happy Holidays!" -Marissa ~PUPS FOR SALE~ on Dec 24
"You're exceptional!" - on Mar 1
"Have a great day!" -Tiffyz on Dec 25
"Have a great day!" -Tiffyz on Dec 22
"Nice job!" -Celina on Sep 24
"You are awesome." -Mewbot on Aug 1
"Have a great day!" -MustangTali- Trump 2020 on Jun 10
"Your kennel is really nice." -Turtle Starling on Jun 9
"Nice job!" -Jasmin on Jun 8
"Your kennel is really nice." -Riamu on Jun 7
"I love your dogs!" -Ashe on Jun 7
"You are awesome." -Mewbot on Jun 7
"Have a great day!" -Tiffyz on Jun 6
"You are loved." -Jessica on Jun 3
"You're exceptional!" -celestialsunsets on Jun 3
"Thanks for being you!" -Jessica on Jun 2
"You are awesome." -Celina on Jun 2
"You are awesome." -Kila- mixups please!!! on Jun 2
"Nice job!" -Celina on Jun 1
"I love your dogs!" -Stormy~ Sigh on May 31
"I love your dogs!" -Kila- mixups please!!! on May 31
"Congratulations on your accomplishments." -Destiny Dogs- Team Europe! CBB on May 29
":)" -Serendipity on May 28
"Nice job!" -Hun canes projects on May 28
"I love your dogs!" -Misha Collins on May 27
"Have a great day!" -Wolfeve on May 27
"Nice job!" -Lavinia on May 27
"This cookie just for you and no one else." -splashnose on May 27
"Nice job!" -1_1 on May 27
"Nice job!" -Madison on May 27
"Have a great day!" -Miss Scarlett // Soon™ on May 26
"You are awesome." -Eanda on May 26
":)" -Madison on May 26
"Have a great day!" -Mary on May 25
"Your kennel is really nice." -Valkyrie04 VACATION 9DY on May 25
"I love your dogs!" -Mea on May 25
"Your kennel is really nice." -Meloris on May 24
"Nice job!" -Trauvon Johnson on May 24
"Your kennel is really nice." -Valkyrie04 VACATION 9DY on May 24
"You are so talented!" -Trey on May 24
"Have a great day!" -splashnose on May 23
"You are awesome." -Alison on May 23
"I love your dogs!" -Chicken Pancake on May 23
"Have a great day!" -JGL2216 on May 23
":)" -Unknown Figure on May 23
"I love your dogs!" -Misha Collins on May 22
"You are loved." -Allie~Looking for Love! on May 22
"You are awesome." -Laughing Rail on May 21
":)" -~Setra~ on May 21
"Have a great day!" -JGL2216 on May 21
"Have a great day!" -Night Howl on May 20
"Nice job!" -celestialsunsets on May 20
"This cookie just for you and no one else." -Turtle Starling on May 20
"Your kennel is really nice." -Florentinchen on May 19
"Have a great day!" -Amber on May 18
"Nice job!" -Silv on May 18
"Nice job!" -Celina on May 18
"Have a great day!" -Cait on May 18
"Nice job!" -Celina on May 18
"Have a great day!" -Joy4JESUS on May 17
"Have a great day!" -JJHunter on May 16
"I admire you!" -CandyFox on May 15
"Your kennel is really nice." -Cait on May 15
"You are awesome." -james on May 15
":)" -They call me Trouble on May 14
"Have a great day!" -kestrel on May 12
"Nice job!" -Mewbot on May 11
"Have a great day!" -Kitty Kitten Kat on May 11
"Thanks for being you!" -Kayla on May 11
"Have a great day!" -Piney - No levitate please!:( on May 10
"You are awesome." -Alison on May 10
"Have a great day!" -Meloris on May 9
"Your kennel is really nice." -Florentinchen on May 8
":)" -ACE on May 8
"I love your dogs!" -crownofthorns7 on May 5
"Nice job!" -crownofthorns5 on May 4
"Nice job!" -Carter on May 3
":)" -delete account on Sep 17
"You are awesome." -ladykieshara on Mar 7
"Nice job!" -Windy II on Mar 6
"You are awesome." -Boh on Feb 26
"Have a great day!" -Casey on Feb 23
"Thanks for being you!" -Danielle on Feb 22
"Have a great day!" -Sky Wolf on Feb 20
"Nice job!" -Casey on Feb 20
"You are awesome." -Silver on Feb 19
"You are awesome." -Kathryn on Feb 17
":)" -gerodean on Feb 17
"This cookie just for you and no one else." -Haddie on Feb 17
"This cookie just for you and no one else." -Lucy on Feb 11
"Nice job!" -IFG on Feb 8
"Nice job!" -Jackie Frost (AKA Ruth) on Feb 3
"Thanks for being you!" -FPRFC on Feb 3
"You are awesome." -gerodean on Feb 2
"Your kennel is really nice." -HorridHelen on Feb 1
"Have a great day!" -Windy II on Feb 1
"You're exceptional!" -Kala on Jan 29
"Have a great day!" -Windy II on Jan 28

User Guild



Level 20
Total Fame Earned
This Week's Fame
Profession (0 Points Remaining)
Profession Information
Salary: $4,375/day
Competition Score +45
Dog Breeding +4
Sport Training +2

Game Time

10:32pm on Dec 21

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