Lenny Faces R'US

Owner of Lenny Faces R'US

J (#1383834)
Status: Sleepy
Last Active: 03/15/20 04:59pm
Player Since: 01/04/17
About Me: I like eating Chicken Pancake's Chicken Pancakes when I visit Marilyn Manson's Marilyn Mansion in Lennytown.
Currently Offline
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Furry Paws Citizen


Yellow Diversifier Ribbon

Critter Servant

Purple Performer Ribbon

Purple Progenitor Ribbon


Think this player is awesome? Tell them so by giving them a cookie!

Recent Cookies

"Happy Birthday!" -Sorento on Jul 9
"Happy St. Patrick's Day!" -Chicken Pancake on Mar 25
"I believe in you." -Chicken Pancake on Jul 27
"You are loved." -Chicken Pancake on Jun 8
"Have a great day!" -Sa on May 30
":)" -Rottweiler Spirit! on May 28
"I admire you!" -Candice on May 28
"Your kennel is really nice." -Rottweiler Spirit! on May 26
":)" -NecroWolf Pup on May 22
"Have a great day!" -Fox on May 19
"Congratulations on your accomplishments." -The BookWorm:: Worldbuilding on May 18
"Have a great day!" -NecroWolf Pup on May 15
"You are loved." -Chicken Pancake on May 15
"You've got this." -Chicken Pancake on May 12
"Have a great day!" -NecroWolf Pup on May 11
"I believe in you." -Chicken Pancake on May 10
"Happy Birthday!" -Chicken Pancake on May 9
"Happy Birthday!" -Chicken Pancake on May 8
"Happy Birthday!" -Chicken Pancake on May 4
":)" -Chicken Pancake on May 3
"Have a great day!" -Chicken Pancake on Apr 5
"You are awesome." -Chicken Pancake on Mar 28
"Congratulations on your accomplishments." -Chicken Pancake on Mar 22
"Congratulations on your accomplishments." -Chicken Pancake on Mar 15
"Nice job!" -Dante on Feb 27
"Thanks for being you!" -Chicken Pancake on Feb 2
"I love your dogs!" -Dante on Feb 1
"Nice job!" -Dante on Jan 27
":)" -Chicken Pancake on Jan 27
"I love your dogs!" -Dante on Jan 26
"Nice job!" -Kelly on Jan 25
"This cookie just for you and no one else." -(Insert Callname Here) on Jan 23
"Congratulations on your accomplishments." -Chicken Pancake on Jan 20
"This cookie just for you and no one else." -(Insert Callname Here) on Jan 12
"This cookie just for you and no one else." -Chicken Pancake on Jan 9
"Have a great day!" -Amberly~Less Active on Jan 5

User Guild

Member since 05/22/17


Level 19
Current UXP
UXP Needed for Level
Profession (0 Points Remaining)
Profession Information
Salary: $4,500/day
Competition Score +15
Dog Breeding +8
Sport Training +2

Game Time

01:08pm on Dec 21

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