Nost Elvellon Kennels

Owner of Nost Elvellon Kennels

Rank: #671
Overall: #3,665
Status: Happy
Last Active: 02/14/21 01:26pm
Player Since: 02/23/08
About Me: Hello! My name is Rachel. I am a young adult player. I am going to breed dachshunds and labs on this account. I am super friendly, so don't be afraid to talk to me. Thanks for stopping by!
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The Collector


Think this player is awesome? Tell them so by giving them a cookie!

Recent Cookies

"Nice job!" -linda on Sep 3
"You are awesome." -staph on Aug 14
"Your kennel is really nice." -Winnie on May 18
"I admire you!" -P a i g e on Jan 5
"Have a great day!" -Ryuuka on Dec 20
"Have a great day!" -F.Allen on Jan 21
"Have a great day!" -Indri ~ Happy Champy Kennel on Jan 10
"Have a great day!" -Ingrid ~ Little Kennel on Jan 10
":)" -Mah406 on Jan 9
"Have a great day!" -CookieMonster on Dec 26
"This cookie just for you and no one else." -Blacksteel Alchemist on Dec 22
"You're exceptional!" -Sajahane on Dec 22
":)" -Mah406 on Dec 21
"I love your dogs!" -Mglongest2013 on Aug 17
"You are awesome." -Caroline on Aug 14

User Guild

Member since 07/24/13


Level 20
Total Fame Earned
This Week's Fame
Profession (0 Points Remaining)
Profession Information
Salary: $5,000/day
Competition Score +20
Dog Breeding +2
Sport Training +9

Game Time

02:57am on Oct 2

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