Self Titled

Owner of Self Titled

Pink (#956234)
Rank: #773
Overall: #2,363
Status: Exhausted
Last Active: 08/18/24 07:05pm
Player Since: 12/04/10
About Me: Please don't send me friend requests unless we have spoken regularly.
Currently Offline
User Shop

FP Beta Star Breeder

FPaw Tester

Furry Paws Citizen


Purple Progenitor Ribbon

Critter Servant

Purple Diversifier Ribbon

Bronze Performer Medal

Money Maker

The Worried


Think this player is awesome? Tell them so by giving them a cookie!

Recent Cookies

"Merry Christmas!" -Aled on Dec 22
"Nice job!" -Lilike on Dec 19
"Congratulations on your accomplishments." -Marie {4/40 FPP} on Mar 23
":)" -atlas on Mar 19
"Nice job!" -Selvaggia on Mar 17
"I love your art!" -Kody on Mar 13
"Nice tag!" -four on Mar 2
"Happy Valentine's Day!" -Evelyn on Feb 14
"Your kennel is really nice." -Shadecoy on Feb 15
"I love your dogs!" -Luana on Nov 21
"Have a great day!" -RavenMaven on Oct 26
"Have a great day!" - on Oct 23
"I love your dogs!" -Kitten-rescues for adoption! on Oct 19
"Nice job!" -hailee on Oct 9
"Nice tag!" -Gracie~Check Out my Rescue! on Oct 8
"You are awesome." -Oaklee on Oct 6
"Nice job!" -Lyca on Oct 6
":)" -körnflake on Sep 12
"Nice tag!" -Gracie~Check Out my Rescue! on Sep 9
"Have a great day!" -Adamantine on Aug 27
"I love your dogs!" -grace- black lives matter! on Aug 15
"Nice job!" -alpine~ I know what oatmeal is on Aug 7
"Nice job!" -Celia on Apr 29
"Thanks for being you!" -Proud on May 9
"Have a great day!" -MiSo on Apr 22
"You are awesome." -Ariax - In/Out on Oct 22
"This cookie just for you and no one else." -Melting Sky on Oct 22
"Have a great day!" -Name Me on Jan 17
"Have a great day!" -Mer on Dec 19
"Have a great day!" -Naomie (Side account!) on Nov 16
"This cookie just for you and no one else." -Sky on Nov 15

User Guild

Member since 08/21/18


Level 20
Total Fame Earned
This Week's Fame
Profession (0 Points Remaining)
Profession Information
Salary: $4,875/day
Competition Score +25
Dog Breeding +8
Sport Training +2

Game Time

06:55pm on Sep 20

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