Tarkku's Kennel

Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Older Kennel
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
44 Locked Dogs
Newer Kennel
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
81 Locked Dogs
Rally-O 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Frisbee 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Musical Freestyle 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Racing 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Akita Kennel
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
40 Locked Dogs
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Hunting Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Lapphund Kennel
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
10 Locked Dogs
My Little Friends
Large Critter Pasture
20 Critters
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedUCRO AkhilleusPapillon8298
LockedUCSh AlistairPapillon8598
LockedUCSh AndreaJapanese Spitz86100
LockedMA BennyShetland Sheepdog2640
LockedMH BerukaShetland Sheepdog3463
LockedExT CharlotteShetland Sheepdog3464
LockedMR HumausSilken Windhound3237
LockedGCSh Leidi DagmarPapillon4851
LockedMFr LeyhähdysSilken Windhound3237
LockedGCRO LilliaPapillon4651
LockedMA LottieShetland Sheepdog2640
LockedGCSh MaricPapillon4751
LockedGCSh MiiMiiPapillon4851
LockedWCM MillazeAfghan Hound6882
LockedWCFr MilzeronAfghan Hound7182
LockedChSh MorriPapillon4551
LockedUCSh NinaJapanese Spitz88100
LockedUCSh OdysseusPapillon8097
LockedExFl PeriShetland Sheepdog3464
LockedUCM PörriJapanese Spitz8598
LockedNCE RafeliaSilky Terrier4150
LockedCCE RafonSilky Terrier4350
LockedNCE RaheanaSilky Terrier4150
LockedUCSh RavenJapanese Spitz87100
LockedUCM RhetaJapanese Spitz86100
LockedICSh RoanJapanese Spitz90101
LockedUCSh RomulusPapillon8398
LockedCCE RosymariaSilky Terrier4250
LockedWCFl SandzeraAfghan Hound6882
LockedMT SheraShetland Sheepdog2640
LockedMT ShiguraShetland Sheepdog2540
LockedMT SiegbertShetland Sheepdog2740
LockedMO SoleilShetland Sheepdog2540
LockedUCSh SylvainJapanese Spitz87100
LockedMH SylviaShetland Sheepdog3464
LockedWCR The Ash TigerAfghan Hound7082
LockedWCFr The Grey TigerAfghan Hound7182
LockedWCR The Snow LeopardAfghan Hound6882
LockedGCSh TipsaPapillon4751
LockedUCSh TurriJapanese Spitz90101
LockedMR TuulenpuuskaSilken Windhound3237
LockedMFr TuulenviimaSilken Windhound3037
LockedUCSh TwilightPapillon8298
LockedExHu XanderShetland Sheepdog3264
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMS AaveCanadian Eskimo Dog2853
LockedWCFr AcerKooikerhondje7298
LockedWCFr AnthonyAfghan Hound66100
LockedCCH AntonieIcelandic Sheepdog5662
LockedWCP ArulaSaluki7191
LockedWCFl CaligoSaluki6998
LockedMFl CandySaluki3033
LockedMA CaroCarolina Dog3053
LockedMT DimuMudi2953
LockedUCT ÉclairSilken Windhound85100
LockedNCH EdneIcelandic Sheepdog5362
LockedUCT ElieIcelandic Sheepdog7796
LockedNCH EliseIcelandic Sheepdog5262
LockedNCT EvanaIcelandic Sheepdog5262
LockedNCH EveraIcelandic Sheepdog5462
LockedWCP FagusKooikerhondje6998
LockedMA GhostCanaan Dog2953
LockedUCP GordonAfghan Hound8299
LockedChP HeinäKooikerhondje3944
LockedExR HeroineSaluki3337
LockedMHT HiliKorean Jindo2953
LockedMSc HowieHovawart3053
LockedMM HundosJamthund2753
LockedUCFr HöyhenSilken Windhound88101
LockedMFl IgnaSaluki3134
LockedExR IltaSaluki3338
LockedMHu IpaChinese Crested2853
LockedAR IreSaluki2022
LockedWCRO IronaSaluki6074
LockedUCFl IronsandAfghan Hound8599
LockedNCFl JehanaIcelandic Sheepdog5362
LockedExFT KaarnaKooikerhondje3046
LockedChFT KastikkaKooikerhondje3844
LockedUCR KeksiSilken Windhound88101
LockedMRO KentAlaskan Klee Kai2953
LockedUCR KermataskuSilken Windhound8798
LockedMSh KinoEurasier3053
LockedMA KoratCroatian Sheepdog3053
LockedUCA KoristeSilken Windhound8798
LockedChHT LauhaKooikerhondje3844
LockedUCR LazeronAfghan Hound87101
LockedUCR LeivosSilken Windhound87100
LockedNCT LeonardIcelandic Sheepdog5462
LockedExFl LumililjaSaluki3336
LockedUCR MacaronSilken Windhound87101
LockedNCT MichelIcelandic Sheepdog5562
LockedUCP MilironAfghan Hound87100
LockedUCR MilonAfghan Hound8199
LockedWCM MilronAfghan Hound83100
LockedMM MustiKarelian Bear Dog2853
LockedMFl OunasLapponian Herder2853
LockedICR PalaSilken Windhound92102
LockedMS RaskiGreenland Dog2853
LockedICE RockySilky Terrier88100
LockedICE RodrigoSilky Terrier8498
LockedICE RofanSilky Terrier89100
LockedICE RohanSilky Terrier86100
LockedICE RomanoSilky Terrier8799
LockedICE RomulusSilky Terrier8999
LockedICE RomusSilky Terrier90100
LockedICE RorySilky Terrier87100
LockedChFT RölliKooikerhondje3844
LockedWCP SandhazeAfghan Hound82100
LockedUCR SandsnowAfghan Hound86101
LockedICR SiivuSilken Windhound88100
LockedMFT SpinyEnglish Springer Spaniel2953
LockedUCR SuurimoSilken Windhound89100
LockedMT TepsuAustralian Shepherd2953
LockedWCFr The Black IronAfghan Hound8099
LockedWCFl The Dread WolfAfghan Hound6999
LockedWCFl The Iron TigerAfghan Hound7999
LockedUCFr The Milk TigerAfghan Hound85100
LockedUCFr The SandAfghan Hound88100
LockedUCR The Sand TigerAfghan Hound90101
LockedUCR The Winter TigerAfghan Hound87100
LockedWCM ThomAfghan Hound68101
LockedUCA TiikerikakkuSilken Windhound8498
LockedMA ToraCardigan Welsh Corgi3053
LockedMP TuiskupoikaSamoyed2853
LockedExFr VaporSaluki3537
LockedMH WolfieCzechoslovakian Wolfdog2953
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedGCS AamuAlaskan Malamute4148
LockedUCFl BaneAlaskan Malamute8598
LockedMFr CaronWest Siberian Laika2728
LockedAFr ChimaWest Siberian Laika2628
LockedMFT ChiriaWest Siberian Laika2628
LockedWCP ChirusWest Siberian Laika8198
LockedAFr ChoriaWest Siberian Laika2528
LockedChFl FleurAlaskan Malamute4448
LockedChM FrainAkita Inu4350
LockedNCS FrostAlaskan Malamute4348
LockedExFr HakkiAkita3540
LockedGCFr HeatrowAkita4450
LockedMFr HenelleWest Siberian Laika2628
LockedUCFr HeronWest Siberian Laika7998
LockedMFr ImronWest Siberian Laika2728
LockedNCHT JemShiba Inu4753
LockedGCHT KalliopeShiba Inu4653
LockedChP LoskaAlaskan Malamute4448
LockedWCFr MariusWest Siberian Laika6598
LockedWCFr MelAkita7284
LockedMFT MiriseWest Siberian Laika2528
LockedUCFT MironWest Siberian Laika8298
LockedGCHT MizzleAkita Inu4450
LockedWCHT MurreShiba Inu6198
LockedGCM MuusaShiba Inu4653
LockedWCHT NohoShiba Inu8098
LockedUCHT OrlosAkita Inu8198
LockedExFr ShiraAkita3540
LockedGCHT SolmioShiba Inu4653
LockedWCHT SolmuShiba Inu8498
LockedCCFr SparciahAkita5566
LockedChFr SuretaAkita3641
LockedWCFr SurosAkita6797
LockedGCO ThaleiaShiba Inu4753
LockedNCFr ThiretaAkita4956
LockedUCO TurreShiba Inu8698
LockedWCHT VarpunenAkita7486
LockedGCHT VorliahAkita Inu4650
LockedUCHT VorlugAkita Inu8598
LockedGCHT VortexAkita Inu4550
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedExH EnchantmentFinnish Lapphund3641
LockedExA HyrräFinnish Lapphund3541
LockedExH KarosFinnish Lapphund3541
LockedExFl KrysanteemiFinnish Lapphund3541
LockedExT LepusFinnish Lapphund3541
LockedWCH NarellusFinnish Lapphund6798
LockedExT NarniFinnish Lapphund3541
LockedWCH NarusFinnish Lapphund7198
LockedExP PuhviFinnish Lapphund3541
LockedExH SpellFinnish Lapphund3641


  • Alec the Little Black Lamb Alec the Little Black Lamb
  • Magnus the Mean Siamese Cat Magnus the Mean Siamese Cat
  • William the Mean Black and White Cat William the Mean Black and White Cat
  • Fenny the Mean Brown Tabby Cat Fenny the Mean Brown Tabby Cat
  • Joshua the Mean Orange Tabby Cat Joshua the Mean Orange Tabby Cat
  • Silvior the Gentle White Wolf Silvior the Gentle White Wolf
  • Gladeos the Confident Black Wolf Gladeos the Confident Black Wolf
  • Erec the Clever Red Wolf Erec the Clever Red Wolf
  • Solas the Timid Gray Wolf Solas the Timid Gray Wolf
  • Milka the Champagne Hamster Milka the Champagne Hamster
  • Adeios the Copper Pegasus Adeios the Copper Pegasus
    love Complete
  • Vielna the Proud Pony Vielna the Proud Pony
  • Zevra the Blackbird Zevra the Blackbird
  • Cullen the Golden Hamster Cullen the Golden Hamster
  • Milah the Timid Fawn Milah the Timid Fawn
  • Alli the Little Lamb Alli the Little Lamb
  • Blackwall the Black Bunny Blackwall the Black Bunny
  • Milana the Bold Spotted Pony Milana the Bold Spotted Pony
  • Dorian the Black Baby Dragon Dorian the Black Baby Dragon
  • Milo the Brown Snake Milo the Brown Snake

Game Time

05:40am on Mar 22

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