Gordi's Kennel

Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
24 Locked Dogs
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Locked Dogs

LockedASc A Midsummer Night's DreamDoberman Pinscher2248
LockedJPnT Blue Chasing BlackMiniature Dachshund311
LockedAH FIEND Candy Scarecrow's LegacyRottweiler1439
LockedAPnA Chase Me AwayDoberman Pinscher1127
LockedAPnSc Come At MeNeapolitan Mastiff923
LockedPnT Cream On A BiscuitBouvier des Flandres931
LockedJPnR Fauno of PanWhippet516
LockedAPnSh Fia the FaintRottweiler1026
LockedAPnT FranceRottweiler1239
LockedPnP Kiara's Rosie 5HHRottweiler926
LockedANT Life of A Young OneMiniature Dachshund311
LockedNH Love The Way You LieGerman Shepherd Dog110
LockedANSc Mister MeniBoxer518
LockedJASc Never Back DownRottweiler1133
LockedPnT Ozzy the OgreNeapolitan Mastiff926
LockedANSh Princess On The PeaAmerican Cocker Spaniel516
LockedAPnO Riggs' KitschBull Terrier924
LockedJPnFl Riggs' NatashaBorder Collie513
LockedJASc Ronja the RottieRottweiler1229
LockedNT Shut Up And DriveGerman Shepherd Dog110
LockedIPnS Splatters On WhiteAlaskan Husky721
LockedANT Spotted CanvasMiniature Dachshund311
LockedNSc The Great ColossusMastiff16
LockedNSc Under My UmbrellaGerman Shepherd Dog110

Game Time

06:42pm on Mar 12

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