Kore's Pick of the Litter Kennels

Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
97 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
90 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
92 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
96 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
87 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
92 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
85 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
91 Locked Dogs
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Sledding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
97 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
99 Locked Dogs
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudMT ExP KPLK A Golden CrownIrish Wolfhound4098
LockedNH JPnO KPLK Abby's Chocolate Moose BrownieBorder Collie817
LockedFor StudChFl KPLK AdorjanMudi4298
LockedAH NH ARO KPLK AidianAidi2998
LockedExHT ANHT ChW KPLK Angel's Little BuddyLabrador Retriever3698
LockedFor StudChA KPLK ArisztidMudi4398
LockedPnSh Skn's AshfallDachshund1223
LockedAFT NFT AO KPLK Bailey's Wise GirlGordon Setter2582
LockedExFl LHKs Balto's A HeroSiberian Husky3798
LockedFor StudNCE CCPKK BlackManchester Terrier3998
LockedMSh DOP Black-eyed SusanBrittany3098
LockedFor StudChSh DOP Blue PointChihuahua3798
LockedMH MRO PnH JP KPLK Brand New MoonlightMiniature Australian Shepherd3098
LockedMP AM KPLK Cricket's Bouncy JavaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2998
LockedFor StudMO APnO NO MT KPLK Dandelion SeedsEurasier2998
LockedAPnT Skn's DarkGalaxyDachshund1223
LockedGCW KPLK DragonNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3798
LockedFor StudAPnO PnM KPLK DreamworkSmooth Fox Terrier1439
LockedFor StudChFl KPLK FantaMudi4298
LockedFor StudExRO ExRO ExR KPLK Fire and BloodIrish Wolfhound3998
LockedMP NP MFl KPLK FreeGrabberGreenland Dog3498
LockedMS MPnS MP KPLK FreeLancerGreenland Dog3498
LockedMO JPnO MRO KPLK FreeLandGreenland Dog3498
LockedMS MO KPLK FreeLoaderGreenland Dog3198
LockedMM KPLK GingerPomeranian3498
LockedExFl BNDRY Give Me A ReasonBorder Collie3498
LockedAFl IJASh AN KPLK Houston's Lucky Blue Maple LeafMiniature Australian Shepherd2582
LockedMO MSc KPLK In The Tyger's ShadowAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2998
LockedME NE MFT KPLK Jack's Little JackJackDachshund2898
LockedMT MSc LFs JulietteGiant Schnauzer3798
LockedFor StudIJAH ARO KPLK Jumping the MoonAustralian Shepherd2798
LockedAE KPLK KatieJack Russell Terrier1547
LockedAM APnM ANM AT KPLK Kirk's Lovely CashmereChow-chow2476
LockedMW MHT PnHT ANH KPLK kollyLabrador Retriever3198
LockedMP NÄ!! Larja 24HHLapponian Herder2787
LockedAS WSBDs Little EarsAlaskan Husky2459
LockedExFT KPLK Little Extra CreditCurly Coated Retriever3298
LockedMA KPLK LuluPomeranian3398
LockedMP NÄ!! Lyxmaskin 24HHLapponian Herder2787
LockedAP MSh PnP JPnP KPLK Mooching that Sweet MoneyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2998
LockedMA Skn's NimbleDachshund2449
LockedFor StudNR NM KPLK OddballDalmatian111
LockedJAW RafiLeonberger1238
LockedJPnE RobocopSmooth Fox Terrier411
LockedMP NÄ!! Rättvist Näsvis 24HHLapponian Herder2889
LockedChW KPLK SamwiseGordon Setter3198
LockedMT KPLK SargentDoberman Pinscher3098
LockedExO KPLK SHASTAAmerican Pit Bull Terrier3598
LockedAPnA AFr KPLK Shikoba's GirlCardigan Welsh Corgi2576
LockedANH JPnFl Show Me The Light (12HH Lla 1.105)Pembroke Welsh Corgi620
LockedIPnFl Skn's SilverForestDachshund1017
LockedAO AR PnR ANR KPLK Skittle's Little ScoutIrish Wolfhound2174
LockedChRO USMC SpeedGolden Retriever4198
LockedJAT Skn's SundayDachshund1629
LockedPnFr NFr APnHT BNDRY Sweet MysteryAkita1435
LockedJME ANE AFr KPLK Take My ChancesManchester Terrier2998
LockedMFr KPLK Tempt with GloryChesapeake Bay Retriever3298
LockedAH JPnH NH AO KPLK The Devil's MadmanBorder Collie2898
LockedFor StudAFT ANFT AW KPLK The Flying GooseNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever2254
LockedJAW NW PnHT KPLK The Joking SargeantCurly Coated Retriever1434
LockedFor StudJAFr BNDRY ThersitesAkita1233
LockedExA KPLK ThunderSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier3798
LockedARO Skn's ToastDachshund2456
LockedExT KPLK ToreadorMudi4098
LockedFor StudExA KPLK TyphoonSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier3598
LockedExR Meska Ubiystvo shokoladomBorzoi3498
LockedMSh MRO Tassu White Cinnamon ToastPekingese3398
LockedFor StudAPnFT KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudAPnRO KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1350
LockedFor StudPnRO KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudAPnFT KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudPnFl KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1249
LockedFor StudPnFT KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudPnRO KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudAPnRO KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1249
LockedFor StudPnRO KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudPnFT KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudPnRO KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudAPnFT KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudAPnRO KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1249
LockedFor StudAPnFT KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudAPnRO KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1249
LockedFor StudPnFl KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudPnRO KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudPnRO KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1249
LockedFor StudPnRO KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudAPnFT KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudPnRO KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1249
LockedFor StudPnFT KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudJAFT KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1249
LockedFor StudPnFl KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedFor StudAPnRO KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1249
LockedFor StudJPnSc KPLK YisoAkita Inu924
LockedNFr BNDRY You Can't Take My Mind EEEE bb uuAkita18
LockedNFr BNDRY You're So Judgemental EEEE bb uuAkita17
LockedFor StudChS KPLK ZeusSiberian Husky3398
LockedMA ~NL~ ~NL~ Skip GGEE 11HH 4hh (fawn and white *irish* w/blk sable mask and light undersides)Norwegian Lundehund2857
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMA MP KPLK 4E 10HH lla aispJamthund3198
LockedMH MRO KPLK Adele of HairBorder Collie3198
LockedFor StudARO PnRO AFl KPLK Agam JocelynToy Fox Terrier2798
LockedMT JPnT MSh KPLK AlecShetland Sheepdog3298
LockedAFl MR KPLK And Now His Watch Is EndedBorzoi3898
LockedPnH IPnRO KPLK AndreaShetland Sheepdog1237
LockedAFl ASh ANS KPLK AngelAlaskan Klee Kai2398
LockedChSh BBCK Arctic StarPomeranian4298
LockedFor StudNHT JPnP KPLK At the Water's EdgeAmerican Indian Dog924
LockedAM KPLK AuroraDalmatian1850
LockedANFr JPnH BamFs Bentley's PressCardigan Welsh Corgi820
LockedJAM Chery Big BabyDalmatian1533
LockedIPnR ANR IPnFl II.R Black SheepAfghan Hound1220
LockedNO NT KPLK BlueKerry Blue Terrier16
LockedIPnFr JPnR II.R Blue CHocolateAfghan Hound1120
LockedFor StudMT RofS BlueBeardDoberman Pinscher2753
LockedAP IJAHT ANHT KPLK Bobbing for MariaAinu Dog2072
LockedNFr NA KPLK BoBo ToyShetland Sheepdog19
LockedFor StudJASh MGF BubbaBulldog1629
LockedAFT NFT AA KPLK Buffy the Vampire SlayerKooikerhondje2072
LockedMH KPLK CarlosShetland Sheepdog2650
LockedAPnT KPLK CarolShetland Sheepdog1220
LockedNSh KPLK CaviarPomeranian110
LockedJPnS NM IcePP ChiyoSiberian Husky612
LockedMSc RofS CHOCODoberman Pinscher2650
LockedNA NT BamFs Cool CrispBorder Collie17
LockedNR KPLK Dakota AyatDalmatian524
LockedNA NP KPLK Dakota's MagnificentDalmatian312
LockedFor StudAH KPLK Dingo *ADOPTED*Catahoula Leopard Dog1848
LockedAPnM JAHT BSAK DogDalmatian1742
LockedNFr NFl BamFs Double TroubleBorder Collie17
LockedAPnH KPLK EricaShetland Sheepdog1220
LockedFor StudMA RofS Evelyn DilshadDalmatian2898
LockedNA KPLK FlyDalmatian424
LockedJARO JAFr KPLK Garden of BonesIrish Wolfhound2041
LockedFor StudIPnM KPLK GusChinese Shar-Pei1023
LockedNM NHT BNDRY Heaven On EarthAkita110
LockedNSh NT BamFs Icy TreatDoberman Pinscher17
LockedAPnRO PnA KPLK It Just Comes Back In FlashesToy Fox Terrier1457
LockedNT NM KPLK Jumping Crispy Cookie GoodnessSaarloos Wolfdog111
LockedNFr NSc BamFs KelpieDoberman Pinscher17
LockedJAT KPLK LaurencePomeranian1338
LockedAPnRO KPLK LexiAfghan Hound1342
LockedFor StudAPnO NO APnP KPLK Little Dark SunBernese Mountain Dog1634
LockedNA NFl BamFs Little MissBorder Collie17
LockedNR KPLK Maggie KKbr & AyatDalmatian424
LockedFor StudAM ANM ARO KPLK Majestic LoyaltyChinese Shar-Pei2198
LockedFOXXE Male GEGG Red and White (Irish) with Light UndersidesSilken Windhound111
LockedFOXXE Male GGEE Red with Black Sable and MaskSilken Windhound111
LockedANHT NS DSR Mandric LilyAmerican Indian Dog310
LockedFor StudNH NFr KPLK Melody's Electric Shock GuitarBorder Collie111
LockedFor StudIPnFT NFT PnW KPLK Missy's Little MiloGolden Retriever1124
LockedFor StudPnO NO PnP KPLK Monsoon at MoonlightSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier1429
LockedNH NRO WSBDs Mr. CharismaShetland Sheepdog16
LockedJPnFl NFl IPnR II.R My Black CoffeeAfghan Hound1220
LockedAS Ves' NeelSiberian Husky1636
LockedFor StudAPnT APnSc JAPn KPLK OliverDutch Shepherd1544
LockedFor StudJAR ~FTK~ Perfect Little RunnerIrish Wolfhound1429
LockedNA KPLK PongoDalmatian311
LockedJPnSh JPnFl KPLK Pumpkin PieBull Terrier819
LockedNFr NT WSBDs Puppy 1Shetland Sheepdog16
LockedNM NT WSBDs Puppy 2Shetland Sheepdog16
LockedNSh NFl WSBDs Puppy 2Alaskan Husky16
LockedNH NRO WSBDs Puppy 4Shetland Sheepdog16
LockedNS NM WSBDs Puppy 4Alaskan Husky16
LockedAO JARO IPnRO N KPLK Questionable MusicChinese Shar-Pei2172
LockedFor StudJAFr KPLK Rosewood's EarlNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1431
LockedAR RofS SALE BLUE [EEEE 15/0 SPD3 lala]Whippet1624
LockedMRO BBCK Sashay CloudPomeranian2553
LockedAHT ARO KPLK Secret Agent ManAmerican Cocker Spaniel2698
LockedAPnT Seven ElevenWhippet1644
LockedASh KPLK SheliaBulldog2142
LockedAPnA KPLK SpottyDalmatian1327
LockedNRO RIK's Summer Wheel BarrowPomeranian110
LockedIPnR NR IPnRO II.R Take My Chino CoffeeAfghan Hound1220
LockedMFr KPLK Tempt with ReflectionsChesapeake Bay Retriever3098
LockedNM NH KPLK The Great Cache'Aidi111
LockedFor StudPnR NR JAM KPLK The KingsroadIrish Wolfhound1841
LockedFor StudAT KPLK The Lion and the Rose*ADOPTED*Dachshund2141
LockedJASc APnR KPLK The Night LandsIrish Wolfhound1941
LockedFor StudAR PnR JAT KPLK The North RemembersIrish Wolfhound2041
LockedIAPnT JAE KPLK The Old Gods and the NewDachshund1841
LockedFor StudAH ANH ARO KPLK The Precision CannonCanaan Dog2698
LockedNT NO KPLK The Sassiest AussieAustralian Shepherd16
LockedFor StudIAP JAFr KPLK The Wolf and the LionIrish Wolfhound2041
LockedFor StudARO KPLK TonyBulldog2042
LockedNFl NSh KPLK Truth or Dare in 15 MinutesAustralian Shepherd16
LockedFor StudMSh KPLK Tundra BlazeBulldog3198
LockedAR JAFl KPLK What Is Dead May Never DieIrish Wolfhound2041
LockedIPnA KPLK XenaDalmatian823
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudExP KPLK 20Greater Swiss Mountain Dog3698
LockedFor StudExP KPLK 3Greater Swiss Mountain Dog3798
LockedChSc KPLK Akayla MaeBelgian Malinois4098
LockedAHT NHT AO KPLK Alpha OmegaDalmatian2685
LockedASh AT IPnT ANT KPLK Benji's Little FlowersBrussels Griffon2278
LockedPnM JPnM PnA KPLK Black with Red Points and Light UndersidesFinnish Lapphund1440
LockedMP MS KPLK Brogan WilAlaskan Husky2998
LockedFor StudMS KPLK But My Gravity's CenteredGreenland Dog2868
LockedExS KPLK CaseySiberian Husky3198
LockedAFT NFT AA KPLK Celebrating One More TimeOtterhound2172
LockedAT AFT KPLK ChanceEnglish Foxhound2698
LockedNP NS KPLK Chinook FemaleChinook415
LockedFor StudNP NSh KPLK Chinook MaleChinook415
LockedFor StudNS NP KPLK Chinook MaleChinook210
LockedFor StudANT KPLK Chinook MaleChinook620
LockedJPnT JPnFr KPLK ChloeBouvier des Flandres1038
LockedJAT KPLK CocoBlack and Tan Coonhound1647
LockedFor StudJAW Q's Cookies 'N CremeGerman Shepherd Dog1298
LockedFor StudIPnT IPnFT KPLK CooperPetit Basset Griffon Vendeen1139
LockedJPnH JPnO NH KPLK Cracking the StyleBelgian Malinois818
LockedANS ANM KPLK Dagon's DragonAlaskan Husky613
LockedAS ANS AM KPLK Dancing Like It's Your Last DanceAkita2272
LockedChT KPLK Discover the SolutionEnglish Foxhound3798
LockedJPnT NT JPnFT KPLK DixiePetit Basset Griffon Vendeen834
LockedFOXXE Female GGEE Red with Black Sable and Light UndersidesSilken Windhound111
LockedAP ANP AO KPLK Finch Answered QuestionChinese Shar-Pei2378
LockedNSc NO KPLK FionaDoberman Pinscher313
LockedARO AH IPnH A KPLK Focus The PortrailLapponian Herder2172
LockedNH JPnRO KPLK GaleBouvier des Flandres924
LockedFor StudJPnT JPnFr KPLK GhostBouvier des Flandres834
LockedANSc JPnFr KPLK GingerHovawart834
LockedChP KPLK GizmoGreater Swiss Mountain Dog3798
LockedFor StudAO KPLK GrizzleyGreenland Dog1598
LockedAT ANT AM KPLK Halifax FakeBelgian Malinois2198
LockedNFT KPLK Heather's Chocolate BagelBasset Hound16
LockedNT JPnFT KPLK HeidiEnglish Foxhound834
LockedGCS KPLK HenrietteAlaskan Husky3498
LockedPnP PnH BEL Huffin and a PuffinBernese Mountain Dog1332
LockedAFr AO KPLK In Protective Custody Under JusticeBorder Collie2272
LockedMSc Regal IshildGiant Schnauzer2998
LockedAS AP KPLK JessieCanadian Eskimo Dog2498
LockedJAS JAM KPLK JimboCanadian Eskimo Dog1660
LockedFor StudJASc APnP KPLK Johnie MunasheGiant Schnauzer1553
LockedExS ExP KPLK lala intcha stmagiAlaskan Malamute3298
LockedAS Learned To Hide So WellGreenland Dog1933
LockedPnSh PnFT KPLK Liron CameronHarrier1245
LockedMSc MT KPLK Lou AbiodunBriard2998
LockedJPnS JPnP NS KPLK Malli's AgonyAlaskan Malamute831
LockedNS NM KPLK Maria's Agnar MediumAlaskan Husky18
LockedIPnT ANT PnFT KPLK Meade CarsonHarrier1245
LockedPnS IPnO KPLK Midnight's Blue GhostAlaskan Husky1226
LockedAM NM AP KPLK Moonshine TwisterSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier2272
LockedIJAA ANA ASh KPLK No Regret At the 19th WardShetland Sheepdog2272
LockedAH IAPnH ARO KPLK Overzealous Little LokiSwedish Vallhund2172
LockedANSc JPnA KPLK PepperBouvier des Flandres934
LockedJPnT KPLK Picture PerfectBasset Hound724
LockedNS NM KPLK Predator in TrinityAlaskan Husky18
LockedIPnP ANP APnSh KPLK Pulling the Devil's AdvocateGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1640
LockedNP KPLK Puppy 2Basset Hound16
LockedNO KPLK Puppy 4American Pit Bull Terrier16
LockedMSh ~NL~ RubyHarrier3098
LockedFor StudJPnO NO AT KPLK Sir HalBeauceron2798
LockedJPnT NT JPnFT KPLK SkyeAiredale Terrier834
LockedFor StudJPnT NT PnE KPLK SlyMiniature Dachshund1142
LockedJAS Sometimes The Silence GuidesGreenland Dog1324
LockedNO KPLK SongBorder Collie356
LockedAFT NFT AA KPLK Sophie's Golden GirlGolden Retriever2172
LockedNSc NO KPLK StellaDoberman Pinscher313
LockedNT StellaBasset Hound427
LockedFor StudIAT MP NT KPLK SunsetGreenland Dog2498
LockedFor StudAH ANH ARO KPLK The Chocolate Commet is ComingFinnish Lapphund2898
LockedJPnFT JPnA KPLK The Dusty Arabian PrinceTaiwan Dog917
LockedFor StudMFT NFT AA KPLK The Gigli HusbandChesapeake Bay Retriever2898
LockedFor StudJASc NSc AM KPLK The Masked Attacker At The Watering HoleGerman Shepherd Dog2998
LockedPnS NS IPnP KPLK The Northern Lights At SunsetGreenland Dog1226
LockedFor StudJPnS NS JPnP KPLK The Steel StormAlaskan Husky615
LockedJPnT PnFr BSAK TianaTaiwan Dog1448
LockedANT JPnO KPLK TobyAiredale Terrier934
LockedAPnT APnFT BSAK TooberTaiwan Dog1448
LockedANA KPLK TroubleSaluki413
LockedJPnRO JPnH KPLK TuckerHovawart834
LockedJPnH ANRO KPLK Tweeting until CrackingBelgian Malinois818
LockedMFT IAPnFT AA KPLK Twinkle ToesBasset Hound2798
LockedAE ANE AFr KPLK Valencia's Hunting RollScottish Terrier2178
LockedAS We Talked About Making ItGreenland Dog1424
LockedPnE JPnE JPnM KPLK WispMiniature Dachshund1042
LockedKPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEnglish Shepherd16
LockedKPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEnglish Shepherd16
LockedKPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEnglish Shepherd16
LockedFor StudAH ARO JAPn KPLK YingYangAustralian Koolie2798
LockedJPnH JPnSc NH KPLK Zachary the CrackerBelgian Malinois818
LockedPnSc DVCK ZachtBelgian Malinois1198
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudChT KPLK 21HH GEGG FSVizsla3998
LockedMO MFl JPnO KPLK AdmiralAidi3198
LockedFor StudCCA WakK African DawnRhodesian Ridgeback5998
LockedAT AH NT KPLK AryaAnatolian Shepherd2461
LockedFor StudAPnFl JASh KPLK BaxterAidi1752
LockedAO NO AA KPLK Beautiful MabellineAnatolian Shepherd2154
LockedAR APnR ANR AA KPLK Bengy's Baby is at the 23rd WardAfricanis2152
LockedASh AFl KPLK Boomi's Loving HeartChinese Crested2798
LockedAR AO Deans BurntSilken Windhound2698
LockedFor StudIPnH IPnRO KPLK BusterAidi1137
LockedFor StudJARO WCK. ButternutsGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1540
LockedAR KPLK CaseySloughi2257
LockedFor StudIPnH NH PnT KPLK Cash 'N' MoneyAidi1233
LockedAT JASh JAPn Omani Cash N CarryChinese Crested2398
LockedNA ANT KPLK CesarBorder Collie611
LockedIPnR JPnO KPLK Cezar Salad with BeckemSaluki1135
LockedFor StudAR KPLK ChampSloughi1736
LockedFor StudNFl ANH KPLK Champion MajestyAidi715
LockedJASc APnFr KPLK Chioma MadhurDogue de Bordeaux1656
LockedAR JAR AO KPLK Chizoba JohnnieAfricanis2598
LockedFor StudMH GolA Cream with Black Sable and Mask 10|2Tibetan Mastiff2843
LockedNFT NHT KPLK Custard Cotton WoolAmerican Cocker Spaniel16
LockedPnR AFr ANR KPLK DecafWhippet2798
LockedExH *SK Desideria KatriAnatolian Shepherd3198
LockedNH NRO KPLK FalkinAnatolian Shepherd412
LockedFor StudNT KPLK FletchWelsh Springer Spaniel531
LockedJAS PnS JAM KPLK Freeway ExchangeGreenland Dog1972
LockedAFT Prof. GEEE 14HH lla x1American Cocker Spaniel2131
LockedAPnFT KPLK GGGG 10HH Lla x4American Cocker Spaniel1118
LockedAHT Prof. GGGG 11HH lla x1American Cocker Spaniel2536
LockedIPnSh 14 kt Gold StaciaAmerican Cocker Spaniel914
LockedMA KPLK Golden Hill's BorisChinese Crested2698
LockedKPLK GusAidi16
LockedKPLK GusAidi16
LockedKPLK GusAidi16
LockedKPLK GusAidi16
LockedKPLK GusAidi16
LockedKPLK GusAidi16
LockedKPLK GusAidi16
LockedKPLK GusAidi16
LockedKPLK GusAidi16
LockedIPnS WCK. Happy Go Lucky!Chinook615
LockedJAH JARO KPLK Hustle 'N' Bustle Of The HybridsAustralian Shepherd1972
LockedJAFl WCK. Just a Lucky BuckGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1435
LockedIPnH IPnRO KPLK Kiyoshi's IslandAnatolian Shepherd1126
LockedMFT *LwK* Laurel's Joy of springAmerican Cocker Spaniel2747
LockedFor StudChR KPLK LeviWhippet3898
LockedJPnO JPnR NO KPLK Lightening Racing ThunderSilken Windhound920
LockedANO NFr KPLK Lily Pad BeautyAnatolian Shepherd512
LockedExO *SK Lily VirginiaAnatolian Shepherd3198
LockedExO *SK Lindsie NeithAnatolian Shepherd3298
LockedJAFl WCK. LyonellaChinook1331
LockedFor StudAFl KPLK MacSloughi2457
LockedNO ANP KPLK Magnificent RabiAnatolian Shepherd512
LockedFOXXE Male GEEG Red and White (Irish) with Black Sable and MaskSilken Windhound111
LockedNSc Mike NessAmerican Pit Bull Terrier514
LockedKPLK MillieBeagle16
LockedNA NP -:X:- MistyMiniature Australian Shepherd113
LockedPnA SHADR NovaDalmatian1225
LockedMO AT 17th Nuka FungaiAnatolian Shepherd2898
LockedPnH Lycao PythonAustralian Cattle Dog1145
LockedPnH PythonAustralian Cattle Dog1033
LockedFor StudJAO APnRO KPLK Qing KonaniDogue de Bordeaux1549
LockedJAR KPLK Rain "ADOPTED"Sloughi1224
LockedIPnH JPnRO KPLK Raining At BeccaAnatolian Shepherd1226
LockedsaleCatahoula Leopard Dog16
LockedAR ANR AO KPLK ScoutIrish Wolfhound2098
LockedNFT NA KPLK Secret Agent SugarAmerican Cocker Spaniel16
LockedNHT NFl KPLK Secret Agent's Joy of SpringAmerican Cocker Spaniel16
LockedNH NO KPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedKPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedNH NRO KPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedKPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedNH NRO KPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedNO NP KPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedNA NFr KPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedANP ANH KPLK Shotgun AndrewAnatolian Shepherd512
LockedExH *SK Shreya EydísAnatolian Shepherd3398
LockedJPnFT KPLK SophieAmerican Cocker Spaniel615
LockedExFT KPLK SugarAmerican Cocker Spaniel3198
LockedKPLK TeddyAidi16
LockedNSh IPnA KPLK The Best Day in SpaceDoberman Pinscher1138
LockedJPnR NR JPnO KPLK The Dark Flyer At SubZeroAzawakh Hound715
LockedFor StudAH APnH NH AP KPLK The Wisdom Of the StrawberryCardigan Welsh Corgi2898
LockedNP NFl KPLK TobyAidi16
LockedFor StudAFl ASh PnFl KPLK Under The Midnight LightFinnish Lapphund2598
LockedARO ValeforIrish Wolfhound1952
LockedAR PnR AO -XO- Whip ItWhippet2598
LockedNO ANP KPLK Winoc's Sweet KarolinaAnatolian Shepherd512
LockedFor StudAPnFT KPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxSpinone Italiano1149
LockedKPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEnglish Shepherd16
LockedKPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEnglish Shepherd16
LockedKPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEnglish Shepherd16
LockedFor StudAM NM AFl KPLK Zanzibar's Ugly BoyXoloitzcuintle2698
LockedNT KPLK Åsne "ADOPTED"Mudi313
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedASh JAFl APnSh KPLK #1 Attacker Under the MoonlightAmerican Staffordshire Terrier2178
LockedNHT KPLK 4E 5HH lala cistmJamthund110
LockedJPnH JPnP KPLK AnnabellAustralian Shepherd822
LockedMT MFr WinB Anne Marie HoagCardigan Welsh Corgi2998
LockedFor StudMSh PnSh MFl KPLK At The Spike of DawnBorder Collie3098
LockedMH NH MFr KPLK Baby Blue at the Point of Merlin MountainShetland Sheepdog3698
LockedFor StudExH CRK BenBorder Collie3498
LockedFor StudChO KPLK BubbaShetland Sheepdog3298
LockedFor StudChO FIK CacophonyShetland Sheepdog3298
LockedAT AM LHKs Candy Lane KidChow-chow2694
LockedFor StudIPnRO PnA NRO KPLK Cassanova Sahara DesertPembroke Welsh Corgi1347
LockedFor StudANT ANRO KPLK ChampCatahoula Leopard Dog720
LockedFor StudNHT NO KPLK ChanceCatahoula Leopard Dog16
LockedIPnH ARO Úlfr ChaosbringerSwedish Vallhund2398
LockedFor StudMT MH JMT FIK CherryShetland Sheepdog2898
LockedFor StudChH FIK ChinookShetland Sheepdog3698
LockedMFl DOP ChocolateBorder Collie3098
LockedNH KPLK Chocolate MerleMiniature Australian Shepherd415
LockedNH KPLK Chocolate Merle and White (Irish)Miniature Australian Shepherd415
LockedNH KPLK Chocolate Merle and White (Irish)Miniature Australian Shepherd415
LockedFor StudJPnH KPLK CodyLapponian Herder928
LockedNH KPLK Cookies 'N' CremeMiniature Australian Shepherd415
LockedNFr CoyoteAkita16
LockedNH ANFl KPLK cutCardigan Welsh Corgi614
LockedNA NO KPLK cutCardigan Welsh Corgi513
LockedNA ANFr KPLK cutCardigan Welsh Corgi513
LockedNA NSh KPLK cutCardigan Welsh Corgi513
LockedFor StudNA JPnSh KPLK DakotaCatahoula Leopard Dog934
LockedFor StudMFl MSh KPLK DopplerSmooth Collie2798
LockedNH NRO KPLK Edgar Allen Poe's Little DebbiePembroke Welsh Corgi18
LockedNH NT KPLK f4Border Collie18
LockedPnFl Santi Fallina SaladBorder Collie1123
LockedFor StudAO AR JAR KPLK Feeling The African SunRhodesian Ridgeback2898
LockedNH NT KPLK four youBorder Collie18
LockedFor StudIAS ANS AM KPLK Freeing Earth's Gravitational PullGreenland Dog2598
LockedMA MFr [RSK] Garnett NickyFinnish Lapphund2998
LockedANH ANRO KPLK Gigli Wire PrinceFinnish Lapphund725
LockedFor StudAP AM KPLK Gizmo's Perfect BoyAmerican Indian Dog2698
LockedMSh KPLK Golden Hill's DixieChinese Crested2698
LockedFor StudASh AFl JAP KPLK Houston's MapleMiniature Australian Shepherd2598
LockedFor StudAA AFT APnFT AN KPLK I Just Wanna Be With My DudeGerman Wirehaired Pointer2598
LockedARO AH JAH KPLK Incredible HulkEnglish Shepherd2198
LockedGCA SUND KalynIcelandic Sheepdog4298
LockedFor StudMRO JMH JAPn FIK KoreyShetland Sheepdog2698
LockedExA Simo Lala asis 20Border Collie3398
LockedAPnA PnFr KPLK LeopardBorder Collie1555
LockedFor StudExA KPLK Lla xixx 15HHBorder Collie3198
LockedFor StudMFl KPLK Lucky Number Six's CharmBorder Collie2998
LockedJPnT KPLK LucyOtterhound629
LockedFor StudExA -:X:- MagicalShetland Sheepdog3298
LockedFor StudChO FIK ManacleShetland Sheepdog3498
LockedFor StudAS AM KPLK Maximum RancherGreenland Dog2498
LockedFor StudChT KPLK Mortal SymphonyShetland Sheepdog3798
LockedNO KPLK Naboorah DollyKelpie17
LockedANS KPLK NanukCanadian Eskimo Dog529
LockedFor StudPnO PnFr KPLK New Perspective Points in the WorldSwedish Vallhund1347
LockedJAT NT AFr KPLK NightlockChihuahua2295
LockedIPnRO PnH NRO KPLK noMiniature Australian Shepherd1250
LockedFor StudAP NP ASh KPLK Nookie's Little ChinookChinook2698
LockedFor StudNP NFT Hauta PiskBorzoi111
LockedJAPnR JAFT KPLK Rannyaya ptashkaBorzoi1775
LockedFor StudMH RooCt Red Velvet LoveSmooth Collie2998
LockedFor StudNO ANS KPLK RuckusCanadian Eskimo Dog516
LockedJAP NP ASc KPLK Rude Little DaisyBernese Mountain Dog2172
LockedFor StudAA AM NA TRACR Running DemonShetland Sheepdog2798
LockedFor StudAPnH KPLK RustyBeauceron1340
LockedNSh »Alit SALECurly Coated Retriever19
LockedFor StudPnA PnFr JPnFr KPLK Selling DaisiesBorder Collie1347
LockedMSc KPLK ShadowBeauceron2798
LockedFor StudMA NA MSh KPLK Shadow's Merle FighterShetland Sheepdog3198
LockedFor StudJAH ARO KPLK Shiny Dark ChocolateMiniature Australian Shepherd2498
LockedAPnH JAPnH PnA KPLK Spooky ShipmateCardigan Welsh Corgi1456
LockedFor StudExA KPLK Spsp Lla iisa 18Border Collie3298
LockedFor StudPnH NH PnRO KPLK Sunrise HerderBorder Collie1347
LockedFor StudAH MSh KPLK Sweetgrass CrixusShetland Sheepdog2798
LockedNFl NSh KPLK test1Finnish Lapphund110
LockedNH NRO KPLK test1Finnish Lapphund110
LockedFor StudChA «» The Dark OneShetland Sheepdog3498
LockedAS JAM KPLK The Dark UndergroundAlaskan Husky1972
LockedFor StudMSh IAPnSh MFl KPLK The Flying SpartanBorder Collie2698
LockedFor StudASc JPnSc AO KPLK The Hunting CloudAmerican Staffordshire Terrier2698
LockedNT ANSh KPLK The Megastar PrincessMiniature Australian Shepherd615
LockedFor StudNRO ANT KPLK The Red VikingSwedish Vallhund615
LockedFor StudPnH NH PnRO KPLK Tiger KillerBorder Collie1347
LockedAA IPnA AO SLGH Torn HunterKerry Blue Terrier2798
LockedFor StudASh AFr ANF KPLK Turning PagesBorder Collie2798
LockedFor StudChFl -:X:- What ForShetland Sheepdog3198
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChA KWCh 22Manchester Terrier4098
LockedFor StudMP KPLK AdmiralGiant Schnauzer2698
LockedExFr KPLK AidenKorean Jindo3598
LockedAO AP DCoA Ajax's Booty CallAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2798
LockedChFr JUST Akemi LuneAinu Dog3898
LockedFor StudMFr WSBDs AlphaAlaskan Malamute2663
LockedME ANE AFr KPLK AnnieManchester Terrier2698
LockedAM ASc KPLK Aretha SellsShikoku2798
LockedJAO KPLK ArsheeshaBull Terrier1442
LockedExA RofS Baily - Confident EGEE // NOT FOR REPRODUCTIONXoloitzcuintle3898
LockedFor StudARO AH JAH A KPLK Banshee ManGiant Schnauzer2198
LockedFor StudASc AFl ANFl KPLK BaxterGiant Schnauzer2298
LockedANA ANFr KPLK Bearing the MaskBorder Collie617
LockedJPnRO KPLK BerriesCarolina Dog829
LockedFor StudJPnE NE ANFr KPLK Black Diamonds on the EdgeMiniature Dachshund617
LockedFor StudAPnS KPLK BlizzardAlaskan Malamute1130
LockedANT NO Chery BLUEDoberman Pinscher513
LockedPnW BEER Blue BellStandard Poodle726
LockedNM KPLK BlueberryCarolina Dog523
LockedNM SaMe BonnieLapponian Herder16
LockedNFr KPLK BubblesLabrador Retriever311
LockedFor StudANA KPLK CamoCarolina Dog523
LockedMM jenSK Carousel 22 chax4Dalmatian2348
LockedNSc ANSh Casper's Little BeastAmerican Pit Bull Terrier513
LockedNS NM KPLK CharcoalAlaskan Husky16
LockedFor StudNSh KPLK Chocolate Peanut Buttery Swirl*ADOPTED*Carolina Dog523
LockedFor StudNM KPLK Cinnamon Buns*ADOPTED*Carolina Dog523
LockedNA NM KPLK CleoBorder Collie16
LockedPnH SniK CoriariaAustralian Shepherd1348
LockedNA KPLK Dark Queen's LoverAustralian Shepherd220
LockedFor StudJAFl CC's Devil's SoulSmooth Collie1429
LockedNT KPLK EEEEXoloitzcuintle16
LockedKPLK EEEELapponian Herder16
LockedFor StudNT KPLK Egg nogCarolina Dog523
LockedIPnH Kip's Eggo's [lala 4agi 10HH] Brindle Red and White (Irish) with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesFinnish Lapphund815
LockedAPnFr KPLK Fly CatcherBorzoi1329
LockedFor StudNFl NSh KPLK Flying UceBorder Collie16
LockedFREEKorean Jindo16
LockedFREEKorean Jindo16
LockedANM KPLK GrapeCarolina Dog523
LockedPnFr KPLK HunterMiniature Dachshund1019
LockedAPnE KPLK JakeMiniature Dachshund1130
LockedFor StudGCH ~HoK* Jonas MelodyPembroke Welsh Corgi4898
LockedNT KPLK JonnieBelgian Tervuren16
LockedFor StudIPnS KPLK KillianAlaskan Malamute718
LockedNA NP KPLK LaylaCatahoula Leopard Dog412
LockedPnS KPLK Lightening SkySiberian Husky1026
LockedPnFr KPLK LilacShiba Inu1128
LockedFor StudAPnSc KPLK ListenBull Terrier1239
LockedNO NSh KPLK LoveSong From NowhereChihuahua16
LockedFor StudPnM ANM IPnSc KPLK Loyce SteenShikoku1149
LockedANHT KPLK MableEnglish Springer Spaniel630
LockedMale 15 AgiSpd AgiStm lala 2HH EGGGPapillon112
LockedMale 16 StrStr AgiStm ll 3HH EGGGPapillon112
LockedMale 6 ChaCha StmStr Ll 2HH EGGGPapillon112
LockedMale 8 ChaStr SpdStr Lla 1HH GGGEPapillon112
LockedANT BK´s MasaSwedish Vallhund49
LockedFor StudJPnE JPnFr KPLK MickManchester Terrier834
LockedNE NFr KPLK Minnie's CoalManchester Terrier312
LockedFor StudNRO NFl KPLK Moonshine at MoonlightPapillon112
LockedJPnP Chery Naturally BlondeStandard Poodle620
LockedIPnE KPLK NinjaMiniature Dachshund613
LockedJPnS NP KPLK NoraAlaskan Malamute515
LockedNFT JPnHT KPLK NäsinLabrador Retriever718
LockedNSh NSc KPLK OctaviaBull Terrier514
LockedGCR CuBK OikeaIrish Wolfhound3570
LockedNM KPLK PieCarolina Dog523
LockedASh MO BEAN POTTibetan Spaniel3098
LockedNE NFr KPLK Puppy 15Manchester Terrier16
LockedNR NO KPLK Puppy 2Sloughi16
LockedNA NO KPLK Puppy 3Border Collie16
LockedNA KPLK Puppy 7 17/0Border Collie16
LockedPuppy 8Labrador Retriever17
LockedNFr KPLK RaspberryCarolina Dog523
LockedNSh NFl BEER Rising of the Dark Horse in the Night Light SeasAustralian Shepherd16
LockedPnM RoxyKorean Jindo1019
LockedPnP PnM KPLK SallyShikoku1357
LockedNH NT KPLK SashaCardigan Welsh Corgi111
LockedPnO KPLK SeptemberBull Terrier927
LockedFor StudPnH KPLK SlideKelpie1037
LockedNSh KPLK SlushCarolina Dog523
LockedPnT KPLK Squeeky SpookyAlaskan Husky934
LockedFor StudNFl KPLK SupermanCarolina Dog523
LockedNT NFl KPLK The Arctic WindBeauceron16
LockedJARO KPLK The Ultimate DancerBorzoi1329
LockedNM NP XIO The WrathChinese Crested16
LockedFor StudNFr APnP KPLK ThorShikoku1357
LockedMO JAA uhi Tonka TankChihuahua3198
LockedJPnT BK´s VedorSwedish Vallhund622
LockedJAM KPLK Wheres My Spots?Dalmatian1123
LockedChM AFr KPLK Wishful Wiles 1HH 4hh LlShikoku3998
LockedIPnO KPLK YviAkita Inu924
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudChFT KPLK A.J.Large Munsterlander3598
LockedChM KPLK Buster BrownKeeshond4198
LockedFor StudMM KPLK ChampChihuahua3398
LockedJAFr PnFr AW KPLK ChanceGiant Schnauzer1879
LockedAFT KPLK Chocolate and White (Piebald)Stabyhoun1850
LockedJAFT IPnFT ANFT KPLK Chocolate and White (Piebald) with TickingStabyhoun1551
LockedAFT KPLK Chocolate and White IceCreamStabyhoun1851
LockedFor StudJPnSh NSh PnO KPLK cowboyBulldog1346
LockedMS PUPDS CrowfeatherSiberian Husky2998
LockedJMHT MFr LGN DaenerysNorwegian Elkhound3098
LockedExS PUPDS Dapple Me DarlingSiberian Husky3198
LockedJARO PnRO AHT KPLK Dark MatterStabyhoun2698
LockedAFl KPLK Darkness Breaks Upon The SandAkita2153
LockedANFr NFl KPLK Devil's Prayer For SummerBorder Collie412
LockedExS Dedes Driving By DaySiberian Husky3398
LockedExP Dedes DukeSiberian Husky3498
LockedAM KPLK Fawn BabyCarolina Dog2598
LockedAPnSc NSc APnFl KPLK FlyGiant Schnauzer1673
LockedFor Sale $500Papillon16
LockedFor Sale $500Papillon16
LockedMRO RofS FrostbiteKerry Blue Terrier2998
LockedJPnM JPnS NM KPLK Get A Grip Or Let LooseJamthund920
LockedIPnO JAE KPLK Gina BellaScottish Terrier1355
LockedFor StudPnM ANM PnSh KPLK GrumpyShiba Inu1357
LockedFor StudPnHT PnRO ANR KPLK Guiomar OlufunkeGordon Setter1250
LockedKPLK GusAidi16
LockedKPLK GusAidi16
LockedAM ANM AS KPLK Haneul HanneAkita2598
LockedAPnFT JAW KPLK HannaStabyhoun1357
LockedFor StudJPnSh NSh JPnFl KPLK HarleyBulldog834
LockedJARO ANRO JAM KPLK Harley QuinnGiant Schnauzer1773
LockedFor StudIPnFl PnHT ANHT ~NL~ Hayden EunNorwegian Elkhound1153
LockedJAP NP AW KPLK HenriettaGiant Schnauzer1773
LockedFor StudAO ANO ME KPLK Hunter RollScottish Terrier2198
LockedJPnSh KPLK Itty BittyChihuahua719
LockedNFT JebediahGordon Setter110
LockedJAW NW APnM KPLK JosephineGiant Schnauzer1673
LockedNHT KanoGordon Setter110
LockedMSh KPLK KirkChow-chow2698
LockedMSc KPLK KnightBeauceron2798
LockedAPnHT PnFl KPLK KorraKai Ken1357
LockedNA LexusBearded Collie110
LockedPnHT PnRO ANR KPLK Li DustyGordon Setter1150
LockedASh KPLK Lilly PlantLarge Munsterlander2343
LockedJPnRO JPnT KPLK LolaBulldog834
LockedNFT LucyGordon Setter110
LockedARO AA APnRO KPLK Lulu LadyCarolina Dog2598
LockedANSh S<3K Maddy GGGG *500*Tibetan Mastiff512
LockedPnSh NSh PnM KPLK MaeChinese Crested1357
LockedJPnA JAE KPLK MaggieSmooth Fox Terrier1355
LockedFor StudAPnHT NHT PnFl KPLK MakoKai Ken1357
LockedKPLK MaxAfricanis110
LockedFor StudJAE IPnFr KPLK MoccaSmooth Fox Terrier1255
LockedANP NA KPLK Moonlight Water Underneath The CanopyCatahoula Leopard Dog412
LockedPnP JPnP IPnA KPLK NataliaWest Siberian Laika1226
LockedAH NH AP KPLK Over Zealous Sand At The BeachSwedish Vallhund2586
LockedFor StudANRO NO KPLK PacoChihuahua619
LockedMM KPLK PiPR Glory at the Edge of TomorrowChow-chow2755
LockedAPnHT PnT KPLK PoutyShiba Inu1457
LockedFor StudAPnT PnM Mady PuppyChinese Crested1456
LockedNFr KPLK puppy 1Akita16
LockedPuppy 1Siberian Husky16
LockedPuppy 2Chow-chow16
LockedPuppy 3Greenland Dog16
LockedNHT KPLK puppy 4Akita16
LockedPuppy 4Alaskan Husky16
LockedDKWD Puppy 4Taiwan Dog16
LockedPuppy 8Border Collie16
LockedPuppy 8Chow-chow16
LockedKPLK RosieAkita115
LockedIPnO KPLK Roxy 1/5 llaScottish Terrier922
LockedJPnS JPnHT KPLK Run Wild and FreeJamthund820
LockedFor StudExA KPLK Running DawnKeeshond3798
LockedNO ruthoenOtterhound19
LockedFor StudAPnSh PnFl KPLK Saanen GoatChinese Crested1456
LockedFor StudAPnO IPnT KPLK San ClementeSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier1356
LockedNHT SandyGordon Setter110
LockedKPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedIAPnO PnFl KPLK Spanish GoatSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier1456
LockedANO ANT KPLK Sunset on the BeachXoloitzcuintle615
LockedAHT IAT KPLK The Element of MagicAkita2498
LockedFor StudPnM ANM IPnFl KPLK Willy OlufunmilayoCarolina Dog1251
LockedFor StudJAE PnFr KPLK Yolen ToniScottish Terrier1255
LockedNFT ZeusGordon Setter110
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudMR NR MO 17th 13HH [stmstm stmstm] [2cw] lalaScottish Deerhound3098
LockedFor StudMR MO 17th 17HH [stmint stmstm] LlaIrish Wolfhound2998
LockedFor StudMSc NSc MO KPLK Ajax's Boga BootyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier3198
LockedMA PnA MP KPLK BeauAidi3198
LockedJAS NS AHT KPLK Belle's RudolphAkita2161
LockedFor StudAT ASh NT KPLK Benji the Brown BearAlaskan Klee Kai2263
LockedMSc KPLK Black BerryBeauceron3098
LockedMO IPnO MM KPLK Black Macadamia Maple SyrupBorder Collie3598
LockedFor StudExRO Ds2CR BlueChihuahua3298
LockedFor StudARO JAH NRO KPLK Blue Ice SnowSmooth Collie2263
LockedGCH ASABC BM&WBorder Collie4498
LockedFor StudAH ANH ARO KPLK Brandon AlexanderGiant Schnauzer2298
LockedFor StudPnH PnT KPLK Caramel SunshineBorder Collie1433
LockedFor StudASh KPLK ChasmBulldog1937
LockedNT KkoA Chloe 6HHMiniature Dachshund414
LockedFor StudAPnH NH AAPnHT KPLK CLD male maleCatahoula Leopard Dog1539
LockedANA ANSh KPLK cutCardigan Welsh Corgi719
LockedNH NP KPLK cutCardigan Welsh Corgi514
LockedAT KPLK Dementor (17HH/0hh, LL)Doberman Pinscher1828
LockedAPnH .PD. Don't Give UpCardigan Welsh Corgi1017
LockedNFl .PD. Downton AbbeyCardigan Welsh Corgi16
LockedFor StudNHT KPLK ErnenekAkita Inu341
LockedNO NT BSR Frosty SpiritBorder Collie16
LockedMS LHKs Gizmo's Got HeartSiberian Husky2898
LockedNR NO KPLK Goose of a ChanceWhippet16
LockedKPLK GusAidi16
LockedKPLK GusAidi16
LockedJAFT KPLK I Need LoveGerman Wirehaired Pointer1129
LockedNA NSh KPLK I'm Waiting for My SoulAustralian Shepherd16
LockedFor StudJAFT KPLK It Makes Me IllGerman Wirehaired Pointer1229
LockedKPLK JacksonAidi16
LockedFor StudARO KPLK John SnowBulldog1936
LockedFor StudJAFT KPLK Kiss Me At MidnightGerman Wirehaired Pointer1229
LockedJPnS NS JPnHT KPLK Leader's Navigator in the RainAmerican Indian Dog714
LockedKPLK LexiCatahoula Leopard Dog16
LockedKPLK LilyAidi16
LockedNP NM KPLK Lucky AriesSaarloos Wolfdog16
LockedJPnFl NSh KPLK Maeglin NovaKelpie925
LockedIPnO IPnA NO KPLK Maeglin SianKelpie1025
LockedNS JPnP KPLK Malatuk's AbbeyAlaskan Malamute714
LockedNFl NO KPLK MaleCanaan Dog110
LockedNT NM KPLK MaleCanaan Dog110
LockedNP NM KPLK MaleCanaan Dog110
LockedKPLK MaleAustralian Cattle Dog16
LockedNH NO .apc. Maple Bobbing ApplesAustralian Shepherd17
LockedFor StudExT BSK MasonBorder Collie3498
LockedJAA SCILK MetalAustralian Shepherd1528
LockedJPnH ANRO KPLK Munny 'N' FreshnessIcelandic Sheepdog714
LockedJPnFl IPnFr NFl KPLK Naboorah SaphiraKelpie1023
LockedANS ANM KPLK Nanook's RampageAmerican Indian Dog614
LockedFor StudMFl KPLK Night ShadowBorder Collie2898
LockedNO NR KPLK OddballDalmatian16
LockedFor StudMH IPnH NH MRO KPLK Over Zealous G.I.N.A.S.F.S.Swedish Vallhund3598
LockedNSh GRS PassionChinese Crested16
LockedFor StudAT APnT AM KPLK PaulBorder Collie2498
LockedNFl NO KPLK PeeWee's Little PiperBorder Collie18
LockedFor StudASh KPLK PhillipBulldog2036
LockedChA KPLK PiPR Waters Beneath the CanopyCatahoula Leopard Dog4298
LockedNA NFr KPLK Poppy MedowWhippet18
LockedFor StudMFl PnFl MSh KPLK Prince of the StrongRough Collie3298
LockedAFT KPLK ProsperPointer1898
LockedAT KPLK RansgarPointer1798
LockedANH KPLK RappBorder Collie319
LockedIPnR 17th Ripper StreetScottish Deerhound814
LockedJPnRO NFl KPLK Rockin' the Blue EyesBorder Collie714
LockedKPLK RomeoAidi16
LockedNA KPLK RustyBorder Collie19
LockedKPLK RustyAidi16
LockedAFT KPLK SashaEnglish Setter1535
LockedKPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedKPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedKPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedKPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedKPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedKPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedKPLK ShadowAidi16
LockedPnT KkoA Shelton 23HHAlaskan Husky1135
LockedJPnHT JPnS NHT KPLK Slugging Thru The DesertAmerican Indian Dog714
LockedNH JPnA KPLK Smores Over the RainbowAnatolian Shepherd714
LockedJPnR ANO KPLK Snowman at the RidgeAfricanis714
LockedNA KPLK SoulBorder Collie513
LockedAFT KPLK StellaEnglish Setter1535
LockedMA WCK. Sunshone StarSaarloos Wolfdog2351
LockedNH NRO KPLK test1Finnish Lapphund110
LockedNP NM KPLK test2Finnish Lapphund110
LockedAH ANH MRO KPLK The Incredible InookaEnglish Shepherd2998
LockedNFl NH DOP Tuxedo DukeAustralian Shepherd19
LockedAH HTL XandyKelpie2142
LockedKPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEnglish Shepherd16
LockedKPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEnglish Shepherd16
LockedKPLK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEnglish Shepherd16
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudMRO WSB (EGGE)5HH LL Red with Steel Blue Sable and Mask ABouvier des Flandres2566
LockedFor StudJAO chuck 12Doberman Pinscher1465
LockedFor StudAP NP ASh PFP 21Bernese Mountain Dog2467
LockedChP #KK 3/17/4Chinook4098
LockedExFl #KK 3/18/3Chinook3998
LockedJAA KPLK AerisEnglish Shepherd1763
LockedFor StudAA KPLK AndyWhippet2257
LockedMFT MW PnW NW KPLK Bauer's ExpresswayChesapeake Bay Retriever3098
LockedFor StudMA KPLK BeauChow-chow3098
LockedFor StudNSc JPnM KPLK BeauBeauceron927
LockedJPnSc JPnRO KPLK BellaBeauceron927
LockedANFr ANFT KPLK BellaCurly Coated Retriever721
LockedBennettAustralian Shepherd110
LockedAT PnT AM KPLK BiscuitChow-chow2698
LockedNO KPLK box*ADOPTED*Rottweiler113
LockedFor StudGCS #KK Boy1 4/17/3Chinook4198
LockedMS #KK Boy2 4/18/2Chinook2755
LockedCamAustralian Shepherd110
LockedFor StudAPnSc JASh KPLK Casper's Little DreamAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1745
LockedJARO KPLK Chocolate Bar SweetnessPomeranian1335
LockedFor StudAPnFl ~NL~ ChristoffAlaskan Malamute1335
LockedChuckAustralian Shepherd110
LockedNT BSAK CookieFinnish Lapphund16
LockedDaisyAlaskan Klee Kai110
LockedNS LOTN DakotaAlaskan Malamute413
LockedNH JPnRO KPLK Dancing on the Moonlight SandAustralian Koolie825
LockedJJAO NO JASc KPLK Dancing Under The Moonlight UmaBull Terrier1845
LockedJPnT ANP TVH DawnBasset Hound720
LockedKPLK Dazzlestar's Pinto Panter*ADOPTED*Border Collie16
LockedNFT NSh KPLK DixieBasset Hound417
LockedFor StudNHT NM KPLK DukeFlat Coated Retriever212
LockedIPnP IPnT PFP Eliza's PizzaBernese Mountain Dog1227
LockedFor StudJPnT NT IPnFT KPLK Feel the African DawnRhodesian Ridgeback1025
LockedFor StudPnFl KPLK FinnSwedish Vallhund1241
LockedPnS KPLK FrostAlaskan Malamute927
LockedFor StudIPnP IPnSc PFP Gabriel's LybrinthBernese Mountain Dog1227
LockedMFT KPLK GertrudeGordon Setter2998
LockedNFl GidgetAlaskan Malamute314
LockedNFr NW KPLK GingerFlat Coated Retriever212
LockedFor StudNA ANT KPLK GlitchAustralian Shepherd720
LockedJAM KPLK HaloLabrador Retriever1541
LockedNFT NHT KPLK HarleyFlat Coated Retriever212
LockedANS HyunaAlaskan Malamute619
LockedJAM NM JAR KPLK I Won't Stop Until The End Of TimeDalmatian1744
LockedIAPnHT AW KPLK Imported PuppyChesapeake Bay Retriever1751
LockedFor StudNFl NSh KPLK JackChow-chow314
LockedAA jamesCatahoula Leopard Dog2054
LockedFor StudNHT NW KPLK JimmyPointer213
LockedFor StudAPnS TVH JonasAlaskan Malamute1134
LockedJPnA IPnP KPLK JoziePembroke Welsh Corgi1239
LockedNFT KPLK KatieGordon Setter416
LockedFor StudIAPnM APnA KPLK Leonardo's TranceKorean Jindo1745
LockedLillyAlaskan Klee Kai110
LockedNFT NRO KPLK LilyFlat Coated Retriever212
Lockedlla GGEGAlaskan Klee Kai110
Lockedlla GGGGAlaskan Klee Kai110
LockedANA KPLK LolaChesapeake Bay Retriever516
LockedFor StudNW NO KPLK LouieFlat Coated Retriever212
LockedFor StudAT KPLK LouieWhippet1844
LockedNW NA KPLK LucyFlat Coated Retriever212
LockedNO KPLK MadisonChow-chow314
LockedFor StudANRO IPnT PFP Making it to Gabriel'sBernese Mountain Dog1127
LockedNP markMudi314
LockedNSh NFr KPLK MiaFlat Coated Retriever212
LockedNT ANP KPLK MirandaJack Russell Terrier621
LockedANH ANFl OdinSwedish Vallhund715
LockedFor StudAPnP NP APnA KPLK Patching A Heart On Valentine's DayAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1645
LockedJPnA SDDK Patching HeartsSmooth Fox Terrier714
LockedFor StudNA NM KPLK PhillipPembroke Welsh Corgi314
LockedFor StudNFl NT KPLK PoseidonAustralian Shepherd621
LockedNHT Puppy 11Karelian Bear Dog19
LockedNR Puppy 3Irish Wolfhound16
LockedANE NSh KPLK Puppy 5Miniature Dachshund516
LockedFor StudNT NFT KPLK Puppy 5Pointer213
LockedFor StudNFT NFl KPLK RainFlat Coated Retriever212
LockedNFl NR KPLK SadieBasenji314
LockedANSh NRO KPLK SadieBasset Hound617
LockedsellAmerican Indian Dog110
LockedNO sellBasenji111
LockedMS LHKs SkylerSiberian Husky2898
LockedJAFl KPLK Southern BelleCatahoula Leopard Dog1548
LockedNFr ANFT KPLK StellaBasset Hound517
LockedNR NFr Szhech' menya zazhivoBorzoi110
LockedTeddyAlaskan Klee Kai110
LockedIAPnFl JAHT KPLK Terry's TerritoryKorean Jindo1645
LockedNFT NW SoJ Test LabbiLabrador Retriever16
LockedFor StudAPnS NS APnT KPLK The Bullet PrinceSiberian Husky1645
LockedFor StudAFT SUSU The Devil's TrapEnglish Setter2156
LockedFor StudIJAM NM JARO KPLK TobyChow-chow1861
LockedFor StudIAPnP ANP APnO KPLK Torro's TerranceKorean Jindo1645
LockedNR NP Tsvety pogibshimBorzoi110
LockedIPnR NR IPnSc KPLK Under the African SunRhodesian Ridgeback1125
LockedFor StudIPnRO JPnM KPLK Vanilla and Chocolate IceCreamPomeranian1035
LockedNH JPnO KPLK Walking on the SeashoreAustralian Koolie825
LockedFor StudNE ANO KPLK Walking with Isabella on the BeachManchester Terrier516
LockedFor StudJPnFT KPLK WilderBasset Hound624
LockedJPnO KPLK Zoey the ChancelorAustralian Shepherd823
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudANO JPnS KPLK 17 HHSiberian Husky721
LockedNS ANT KPLK 17 HHSiberian Husky414
LockedFor StudNM ANRO KPLK 18 HHSiberian Husky722
LockedNP NS KPLK 18 HHSiberian Husky314
LockedFor StudNO ANR KPLK 24 HHBorzoi720
LockedNSh NFr KPLK 24 HHAlaskan Klee Kai17
LockedNR NFT KPLK 24 HHBorzoi17
LockedFor StudNO NFr KPLK 24 HHBorzoi19
LockedNM NP KPLK 24 HHBorzoi19
LockedJPnS ANO KPLK 2HHAlaskan Husky725
LockedNHT 3HHAkita111
LockedNHT 3HHAkita111
LockedFor StudANS ANO KPLK 4HHAlaskan Husky725
LockedIPnO 5Bulldog921
LockedNFr 5HHAkita111
LockedNHT ANM KPLK 5HHAkita724
LockedNFl ANP KPLK 6HHAlaskan Husky725
LockedFor StudANFl JPnA KPLK 7HHAlaskan Husky725
LockedIPnM ABulldog921
LockedIPnO Akja 23 HHMiniature Dachshund717
LockedNH KnM BandaBorder Collie111
LockedFor StudANT NM KPLK BentleyCatahoula Leopard Dog618
LockedFor StudAA KPLK Billy BoySoft Coated Wheaten Terrier1739
LockedFor StudJPnA KPLK BoomerBearded Collie416
LockedAM BoyChinese Shar-Pei2056
LockedNRO NO KPLK BunnyEurasier314
LockedAO Capo 24 HHBorzoi1526
LockedNH ANFr KPLK Cardigan Welsh Corgi / Female / GGEGCardigan Welsh Corgi618
LockedPnT Castior 23 HHMiniature Dachshund917
LockedPnO Celta 23 HHMiniature Dachshund717
LockedNO Centri 21 HHWeimaraner16
LockedPnO Ceppo 23 HHMiniature Dachshund717
LockedFor StudNSh NFr KPLK CharlieToy Poodle214
LockedJPnO Chelsea EGGGAmerican Pit Bull Terrier718
LockedIPnSh GoKi Chloe 23 HHMiniature Dachshund918
LockedJAFl PnFl NFl A KnM ChulaChinook2045
LockedJASc S.O.T Coco 24 HHAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1425
LockedJPnH CookieCardigan Welsh Corgi715
LockedANO Cujo GEGGAmerican Pit Bull Terrier718
LockedIPnP Cuza 23 HHMiniature Dachshund817
LockedIPnO DBulldog921
LockedMSc KPLK DaisyRottweiler2998
LockedFor StudNA KnM DenonBorder Collie111
LockedPnO Diaz 24 HHBorzoi918
LockedJPnH DougCardigan Welsh Corgi715
LockedJPnFT DukeNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever213
LockedNT einPembroke Welsh Corgi414
LockedAPnSh Enzie 22 HHAlaskan Klee Kai1219
LockedNFr FloraLabrador Retriever512
LockedAA FlySiberian Husky2155
LockedAO Kalei GalileoTibetan Mastiff2198
LockedNM George 23 HHAlaskan Klee Kai16
LockedJAP NP APnS KnM GianaChinook1636
LockedNFl NP KPLK Golden Grace GGGECatahoula Leopard Dog111
LockedFor StudIPnSh KnM HarranKooikerhondje918
LockedNSh NA KPLK High(Inteligant)Belgian Tervuren114
LockedJAFl HoneyLapponian Herder1537
LockedJPnFr JPnA Irish Wolfhound - Female, New DogIrish Wolfhound1020
LockedANA ANRO KPLK JasmineCatahoula Leopard Dog618
LockedNS DDI JoeCanadian Eskimo Dog313
LockedJPnP KnM JoinaChinook714
LockedNT JordanBeagle513
LockedANO Kimble GGGGAmerican Pit Bull Terrier618
LockedNO Leia 22 HHWeimaraner16
LockedNSc Lilac GGEGRottweiler17
LockedAPnRO KPLK MadisonCatahoula Leopard Dog1240
LockedNM NSh KPLK MagwarLapponian Herder113
LockedANM L~K's MicahIcelandic Sheepdog728
LockedNH MistyAustralian Cattle Dog119
LockedNM NRO KPLK Morning SunGolden Retriever110
LockedFor StudNRO KPLK Nate saintTibetan Spaniel217
LockedNCR RofS Nude 24 HHBorzoi5098
LockedIPnA L~K's OdessaJamthund941
LockedAPnH LASB PumpkinPembroke Welsh Corgi1354
LockedFor StudNR NM KPLK Puppy 4Pharaoh Hound517
LockedFor StudNFl JPnP KnM RadonChinook614
LockedFor StudJPnH IPnRO KPLK RedBelgian Malinois1235
LockedFor StudANT *LCK* Rock Bottom GEEE / 4HHCatahoula Leopard Dog415
LockedNO KPLK RomeoTibetan Mastiff110
LockedJPnE ANFr KPLK RubyNorfolk Terrier726
LockedJPnSh SamKooikerhondje921
LockedASh ScoutAmerican Eskimo Dog2150
LockedIPnFT Serji 24 HHVizsla512
LockedFor StudGCR VIN Shiraz Summer-Wind [14HH Lla EEEE]Afghan Hound4398
LockedFor StudAT Sdgs SmileyBelgian Malinois2660
LockedAPnM Tesco 21 HHAlaskan Klee Kai1319
LockedAPnP Tilo 24 HHBorzoi1018
LockedFor StudJPnFl JPnE KPLK TobyNorfolk Terrier726
LockedJPnRO WMNKs Winks 20 HHWeimaraner612
LockedNM Xylos 16 HHSiberian Husky16
LockedPnO Yacco 24 HHBorzoi1018
LockedFor StudNO NFl KPLK YatagwarLapponian Herder113
LockedIPnT KPLK Yeah YeahBasset Hound824
LockedNHT NA KPLK Yot-zorSpinone Italiano114
LockedPnO Yuno 24 HHBorzoi1018
LockedPnP NP JAS KnM ZhangChinook1323
LockedNP Ziarra GEGE / 3HH / 19HhAmerican Pit Bull Terrier413

Game Time

05:44am on Jan 3

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