Pack of Life

Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
31 Locked Dogs
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
11 Locked Dogs
Finnies and Klee Kais
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
33 Locked Dogs
Basic Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Medium Critter Pasture
6 Critters
Westies and Canadians
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
13 Locked Dogs
Seppala Breeding Project
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
18 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCS PoLi AuburnwingAlaskan Husky5267
LockedCCP PoLi BerrytailAlaskan Husky5366
LockedNS PoLi DapplefeatherAlaskan Husky112
LockedWCS PoLi DoveclawAlaskan Husky4155
LockedMRO CrCdm GingerpetalSiberian Husky2434
LockedWCP PoLi GrassfrostAlaskan Husky7793
LockedUCS PoLi HollowheartAlaskan Husky81106
LockedUCP PoLi HollylightAlaskan Husky81107
LockedWCS PoLi LakebirdSiberian Husky5697
LockedMP PoLi LarksongSiberian Husky2935
LockedMP PoLi LeafbreezeSiberian Husky2835
LockedWCS PoLi MistfeatherSiberian Husky4153
LockedWCP PoLi MoonshadeAlaskan Husky6781
LockedUCA PoLi NightwaterAlaskan Husky78101
LockedExFl PoLi PeachheartSiberian Husky3341
LockedNRO PoLi PepperstormSiberian Husky18
LockedAA PoLi PetalshineSiberian Husky1723
LockedUCO PoLi QuakefootSiberian Husky83106
LockedNP PoLi RunningstepAlaskan Husky16
LockedUCP PoLi RustclawSiberian Husky83102
LockedAA PoLi ScorchfurSiberian Husky1823
LockedUCS PoLi SeaflightAlaskan Husky6379
LockedNS PoLi SesamespotAlaskan Husky112
LockedJAS PoLi SpiritflightAlaskan Husky1321
LockedExS PoLi SteelflowerAlaskan Husky2433
LockedAP PoLi StonesageSiberian Husky1723
LockedWCRO PoLi SugarstepAlaskan Husky6279
LockedWCP PoLi SunstreamAlaskan Husky7495
LockedJAA PoLi UbestormSiberian Husky1420
LockedGCRO PoLi WeedwhiskerAlaskan Husky4154
LockedChS PoLi WindchaserSiberian Husky2735
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCT PoLi AdderscaleAustralian Shepherd74100
LockedMT PoLi BluecloudAustralian Shepherd2737
LockedIPnH PoLi CinnamonstripeAustralian Shepherd815
LockedWCO PoLi FrecklepeltAustralian Shepherd5367
LockedWCO PoLi LilacpetalAustralian Shepherd6179
LockedJAH PoLi LumberstripeAustralian Shepherd1524
LockedPnFr PoLi PineheartAustralian Shepherd715
LockedWCT PoLi RootsnakeAustralian Shepherd6991
LockedMFl PoLi SkywingsAustralian Shepherd2837
LockedAH PoLi WalnutseedAustralian Shepherd1827
LockedWCT PoLi WildfireAustralian Shepherd76103
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCT PoLi AcornseedFinnish Lapphund6576
LockedWCH HaaKe ArbormistFinnish Lapphund75101
LockedWCA PoLi AshcloudFinnish Lapphund7190
LockedWCA PoLi BirchstoneFinnish Lapphund6176
LockedCCFr PoLi BrightwindAlaskan Klee Kai5067
LockedWCH HaaKe CopperheartFinnish Lapphund6889
LockedNCT PoLi DarkstoneFinnish Lapphund5060
LockedJAH PoLi EmberstormFinnish Lapphund1422
LockedGCRO PoLi GlassfangAlaskan Klee Kai3953
LockedWCA PoLi GraycloudFinnish Lapphund5972
LockedNCT PoLi HaythornFinnish Lapphund5264
LockedICRO PoLi LemongrassAlaskan Klee Kai76102
LockedMFl PoLi MetalclawFinnish Lapphund2532
LockedWCM PoLi MidnightsongFinnish Lapphund6580
LockedWCA PoLi MochafurFinnish Lapphund5972
LockedWCH PoLi OttertailFinnish Lapphund5972
LockedChFl PoLi PondlilyFinnish Lapphund3646
LockedMRO PuddlesplashAlaskan Klee Kai2433
LockedCCFl PoLi RustedpetalAlaskan Klee Kai5679
LockedUCO PoLi SharpscaleAlaskan Klee Kai7095
LockedWCH PoLi SilkstreamFinnish Lapphund5672
LockedHaaKe SleepingsongFinnish Lapphund17
LockedChRO SleepycloudAlaskan Klee Kai2838
LockedWCH PoLi SparrowflightFinnish Lapphund5164
LockedNCA PoLi SpiceheartFinnish Lapphund5160
LockedGCFl PoLi SpiderfangAlaskan Klee Kai5067
LockedUCSh PoLi StarchflowerAlaskan Klee Kai73102
LockedWCM PiiB StormsurgeFinnish Lapphund74101
LockedExT SunnyheartAlaskan Klee Kai3245
LockedWCH PoLi SweetkernelFinnish Lapphund7592
LockedWCH MMK~ WyvernfireFinnish Lapphund73102
LockedChRO YarrowstemAlaskan Klee Kai2938
LockedGCRO PoLi YellowtailAlaskan Klee Kai3955


  • Bungee Gum the Clever Red Wolf Bungee Gum the Clever Red Wolf
    admire Complete
  • Enchanting Music the Copper Pegasus Enchanting Music the Copper Pegasus
  • Piano Massage the French Lop Bunny Piano Massage the French Lop Bunny
  • Janken the Green Baby Dragon Janken the Green Baby Dragon
  • Phasing Bullets the Purple Baby Dragon Phasing Bullets the Purple Baby Dragon
  • Rising Sun the Red Baby Dragon Rising Sun the Red Baby Dragon
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCSc PoLi BrittlebranchWest Siberian Laika78101
LockedWCM PoLi DesertcloudWest Siberian Laika6789
LockedWCFr PoLi DustyfurWest Siberian Laika7194
LockedNCP PoLi ElmfallCanadian Eskimo Dog4861
LockedAS PoLi FangfireCanadian Eskimo Dog1927
LockedChSc PoLi FirconeWest Siberian Laika3346
LockedChFr PoLi HarbornightWest Siberian Laika3243
LockedChP PoLi MapleseedCanadian Eskimo Dog3749
LockedChFr PoLi OceanlightWest Siberian Laika3647
LockedNCT PoLi PatchpuffWest Siberian Laika5064
LockedChFr PoLi PebbleriverWest Siberian Laika4052
LockedNFr ShadowsneakWest Siberian Laika112
LockedGCA PoLi StrawtailWest Siberian Laika4259
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedUCS PoLi AirheartSiberian Husky6795
LockedUCS PoLi BoulderstormSiberian Husky72106
LockedGCS PoLi DustberrySiberian Husky3159
LockedAS FeathersnowSiberian Husky1220
LockedJAS DTTK HumphreySiberian Husky1021
LockedAS IceshardSiberian Husky1220
LockedUCS PoLi LemongrassSiberian Husky6284
LockedUCO PoLi LightfeatherSiberian Husky70110
LockedJPnS LittleflowerSiberian Husky112
LockedUCO PoLi OlivepoolSiberian Husky7095
LockedUCO PoLi PinestepSiberian Husky80104
LockedNS PoLi Duskbreeze x EmberSiberian Husky16
LockedChS -I=> QuietstepSiberian Husky2743
LockedFor StudUCS KRUK SleetfireSiberian Husky73106
LockedChS FSss StardustSiberian Husky2945
LockedAS /G/B/ SweetscentSiberian Husky1829
LockedGCS C§A's TrailblazerSiberian Husky3552
LockedExS VelvetshineSiberian Husky2533

Game Time

04:02am on Dec 22

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