Stardust Sanctum

Tosa Alliance
Elite Kennel
72 Dogs
6 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Caucasian Ovtcharka
Elite Kennel
100 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Brittany (Black)
Elite Kennel
10 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Bull Terrier (Color)
Elite Kennel
10 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Dalmatian (Color)
Elite Kennel
11 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
12 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Shetland Sheepdog
Elite Kennel
10 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
47 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Splashes of color parade along the path of this small, but cheerful garden.
Field of Red Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in red tulips in full bloom.
Portuguese Water Dog
Elite Kennel
3 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Small Pond
The surface of this pond reflects the grandeur of the lofty sky, though beneath the illusion of stillness teams an underwater world.
Field of Red Tulips
A lovely field perpetually covered in red tulips in full bloom.
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Critter Town
32 Critters
Order By:


AT StStm 2nd Night of DarknessTosa Inu1746
ExSc StStm 2nd Night of the LotTosa Inu3586
APnT StStm A Sweet Limbo FlavourTosa Inu1336
ARO StStm Aerial DriveTosa Inu1751
APnA StStm Amakusa ShirouTosa Inu1336
JAHT StStm An Afternoon at the FortressTosa Inu1336
MFT StStm Archetype EarthTosa Inu2976
AT StStm Archetype Station 23-24Tosa Inu1746
AO StStm Be a Graceful KillerTosa Inu1746
APnP StStm Bishamonten Appears!Tosa Inu1336
APnT StStm Blue Sky Vanilla CocktailTosa Inu1336
JAHT StStm Brand ChocolateTosa Inu1235
APnFl StStm Cerberus ChocoTosa Inu1230
ASc StStm Chaldea Be GracefulTosa Inu1746
JAHu StStm Clear DawnTosa Inu1236
APnT StStm Daily Life at the BeyondTosa Inu1336
MSc StStm Dark Magical CircleTosa Inu3177
APnHu StStm Dawn HaloTosa Inu1230
JARO StStm Destined to ClashTosa Inu1336
APnSc StStm Dragon DanceTosa Inu1336
APnA StStm Equestrian ShipTosa Inu1336
APnT StStm Everyone Eat Up!Tosa Inu1336
APnT StStm Faithful CompanionsTosa Inu1336
APnFl StStm First CurryTosa Inu1336
APnSc StStm Forgetful Summer Niten ChestTosa Inu1336
ASc StStm Goblet of a HeroTosa Inu1851
APnHu StStm Goddess FortuneTosa Inu1230
AA StStm Goddesses of the Glittering SnowTosa Inu1751
APnSc StStm Golden Round Table RouletteTosa Inu1330
JAT StStm Grudge MatchTosa Inu1336
APnSh StStm Haori of The OathTosa Inu1335
JAP StStm Hibki & ChikagiTosa Inu1230
AHu StStm Holy BlueTosa Inu1751
JAP StStm Holy Run of 2023Tosa Inu1336
JAHu StStm Imperial Capital Grail WarTosa Inu1236
APnFl StStm Jacques de MolayTosa Inu1336
APnSh StStm King Joker JackTosa Inu1336
APnO StStm Magnificent MangerTosa Inu1236
ASh StStm Miss CraneTosa Inu1751
JAT StStm Miyamoto IoriTosa Inu1436
JAHT StStm Modak PortableTosa Inu1230
PnA StStm Nagao KagetoraTosa Inu1336
APnT StStm New Year's MystiqueTosa Inu1336
PnSc StStm Oasis KnightsTosa Inu1336
APnT StStm Premonition of BeginningsTosa Inu1336
JAFT StStm President OceanTosa Inu1235
PnFl StStm Primeval FlameTosa Inu1235
AFl StStm Proof of GraduationTosa Inu1851
JAHT StStm Reality MarbleTosa Inu1336
APnSc StStm Sakura's Special BentoTosa Inu1336
ASc StStm Satellite Station's MainiiuTosa Inu1746
JAFT StStm Seaside LuxuryTosa Inu1336
APnM StStm Seeker of MiraclesTosa Inu1336
JAT StStm Seven-Headed Warhammer CitaTosa Inu1336
ExSc StStm Shadows of the Forbidden SpellTosa Inu3586
APnA StStm Space EreshkigalTosa Inu1230
APnRO StStm Spiky Chocolate BallsTosa Inu1230
APnP StStm Stuffed ToyTosa Inu1336
JARO StStm Sugar VacationTosa Inu1336
JARO StStm The Dantes Files A New ChapterTosa Inu1336
MP StStm The Dark HamletTosa Inu3080
ExSc StStm The Night of DimensionTosa Inu3586
ChT StStm The Power in a Night of DarknessTosa Inu3786
AT StStm The Power in the Night of the LotTosa Inu1746
AHu StStm The Sky's Station 23-24Tosa Inu1646
APnSc StStm The Vaunted OneTosa Inu1336
APnP StStm Trishula ChocoTosa Inu1336
JAFT StStm Waiting for Spring With YouTosa Inu1336
AFl StStm Welcome to the Travelling Circus!Tosa Inu1851
AT StStm Xiang YuTosa Inu1851
JAO StStm Yang GuifeiTosa Inu1336
APnRO StStm Yu Mei-renTosa Inu1236
Order By:


IPnP StStm A Perfect New YearCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnA StStm All Fades to DustCaucasian Ovtcharka926
PnO StStm An Encounter in the Dark NightCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnP StStm Angel HeartCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnSh StStm Astra GhoulsCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnO StStm Balloon ScimitarCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnSh StStm Bark of Dark RulerCaucasian Ovtcharka826
JPnH StStm Be ElegantCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnH StStm Bee ShelvedCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnP StStm Before PartyCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnFl StStm Birthday CakeCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnM StStm Blessed PlumageCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnM StStm Bouquet of Dazzling RosesCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnH StStm Box of RepentanceCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnSh StStm Brave RallyCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnFl StStm Buddy CopsCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnH StStm Bujingi CentipedeCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnFr StStm Byebye PartyCaucasian Ovtcharka826
ExH StStm Café CamelotCaucasian Ovtcharka3795
PnFl StStm Café DeeperCaucasian Ovtcharka1125
JPnA StStm Chain TrasherCaucasian Ovtcharka926
MSh StStm Chaldea LifesaversCaucasian Ovtcharka3287
IPnFr StStm Chaldea Satellite StationCaucasian Ovtcharka826
PnP StStm Chaldea the Gods LeftCaucasian Ovtcharka1025
IPnFl StStm Check ReadyCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnP StStm Chocolat Faerie KingdomCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnH StStm Chocolate Mini GolemsCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnO StStm City of DreamsCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnSh StStm Clock ResonatorCaucasian Ovtcharka826
IPnFl StStm Crucible of Bloody TearsCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnP StStm Cruising DateCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnH StStm Cutter SharkCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnP StStm Diamond-Dust CycloneCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnO StStm Divine BanquetCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnO StStm Eerie Treasure HuntCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnSh StStm Encounter under the MoonCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnO StStm Evolution End BurstCaucasian Ovtcharka826
IPnP StStm Exhibition MatchCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnT StStm Expurrely HappinessCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnP StStm First ValentineCaucasian Ovtcharka826
IPnM StStm Flame in Your HandsCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnA StStm Formal CraftCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnRO StStm Fortune Lady RewindCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnSh StStm Fruit of the EarthCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnH StStm Gem-Knight RubyCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnH StStm Gentle Rain in the Murky ForestCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnFr StStm Gof SpecialCaucasian Ovtcharka826
IPnH StStm Golden TrailsCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnP StStm Half-Moon Half-EarthCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnA StStm Handmade Ichthyo-ChocoCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnH StStm Heaven's FeelCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnM StStm Hold Me Tight for Each Rice that Comes ByCaucasian Ovtcharka1026
IPnP StStm Hollywood Hulk Hogan VictoryCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnP StStm Ich Mochte MitCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnO StStm Junk ShopCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnT StStm Key of the King's LawCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnH StStm Like a BirdCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnO StStm Like a Wild FlowerCaucasian Ovtcharka926
MO StStm Love the Gods LeftCaucasian Ovtcharka2973
IPnT StStm Love the Gods LifesavedCaucasian Ovtcharka1025
IPnFr StStm Magnus LupusCaucasian Ovtcharka826
IPnO StStm Maldoche MessengelatoCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnO StStm Maximum OverdriveCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnO StStm May The Stars AlignCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnO StStm My Aspiration With YouCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnA StStm Mystery TreasureCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnP StStm Oni Tank T-34Caucasian Ovtcharka826
JPnH StStm Orlean's SheepCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnFl StStm Over the Glace WallCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnH StStm Path of HeroesCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnH StStm Performapal FriendonkeyCaucasian Ovtcharka1026
IPnSh StStm Platinum ScrumptiousCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnT StStm Radian TokenCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnM StStm Rapid WarriorCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnP StStm Rin's PendantCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnFl StStm Robust Dragon HeartCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnT StStm Saffira Queen of DragonsCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnP StStm Saint Elmo's FireCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnP StStm Seedbed of YggdrasilCaucasian Ovtcharka926
PnH StStm Sinking CamelotCaucasian Ovtcharka1125
IPnO StStm Sleeping ElisaCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnH StStm Slightly Burnt CroissantsCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnO StStm So LongCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnO StStm Starry NightCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnFr StStm Sweat BloodCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnA StStm Talisman of Razing DisasterCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnSh StStm The Great Sea SerpentCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnA StStm The Journey HomeCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnFr StStm The Midnight WoodCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnO StStm The Sealed Best DelicacyCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnA StStm Timaeus the Knight of DestinyCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnH StStm Twin TailsCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnM StStm Ultimate HarmonyCaucasian Ovtcharka926
PnP StStm Water Manju of Eight VirtuesCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnH StStm White Dolphin DreamCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnRO StStm White GardenCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnT StStm White Rose DragonCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnFl StStm Wulf Lightsworn BeastCaucasian Ovtcharka926
JPnT StStm Xiang Yu's SwordCaucasian Ovtcharka926
IPnO StStm Yamatako OrochiCaucasian Ovtcharka926
Order By:


APnO StStm Altria CasterBull Terrier1129
PnO StStm An Extra Moment at the Foot-Washing MansionBull Terrier1129
PnM StStm Kyokutei BakinBull Terrier1229
APnRO StStm Nagakura ShinpachiBull Terrier1229
PnRO StStm Purple EyesBull Terrier1129
PnSh StStm Shaved IceBull Terrier1129
PnSh StStm Takeda ShingenBull Terrier922
APnO StStm The Merciless OneBull Terrier1129
PnRO StStm Things to Calm the HeartBull Terrier1129
PnO StStm White CruisingBull Terrier922
Order By:


APnHu StStm Advance DogGerman Shepherd Dog1126
AD ~COCO Advance DrawGerman Shepherd Dog1850
PnD StStm Cone CaperGerman Shepherd Dog1028
IPnA StStm Elven RetreatGerman Shepherd Dog1028
AW StStm Girl's LifeGerman Shepherd Dog727
PnSc StStm Headband of ResolveGerman Shepherd Dog1028
PnSc StStm Heretical YagaGerman Shepherd Dog1128
JAHu StStm LentoGerman Shepherd Dog1333
PnP StStm Milus RadiantGerman Shepherd Dog1028
PnP StStm Night Darlin'German Shepherd Dog1028
PnD StStm Radiance of the GoddessGerman Shepherd Dog721
IPnFl StStm Salute!German Shepherd Dog721
Order By:


JPnA StStm Chase Through The Royal ChambersShetland Sheepdog926
IPnO StStm Clear Rage GolemShetland Sheepdog926
IPnA StStm Garden Rose FloraShetland Sheepdog926
JPnT StStm Gem-Knight AmberShetland Sheepdog926
JPnT StStm Ice Cream SandwichShetland Sheepdog926
IPnA StStm Jurassic ChocolateShetland Sheepdog926
JPnH StStm Mask ChargeShetland Sheepdog926
IPnA SSJCC On Your SideShetland Sheepdog946
IPnFl StStm Rounds BeachShetland Sheepdog926
IPnHu StStm Singin' In The SpringShetland Sheepdog926
Order By:


APnP StStm AgneyastraLeonberger1335
MH StStm AlicePembroke Welsh Corgi2982
AW StStm AnedLabrador Retriever1235
ChO StStm AyaxAustralian Cattle Dog3477
JAFl StStm Bibliophilic BreakfastBorder Collie1433
APnSh StStm Cavalier IIJapanese Spitz1335
APnP StStm Chocolate VihanLabrador Retriever1127
AD StStm DaikakuGerman Shepherd Dog1235
APnT StStm Destruction DogGerman Shepherd Dog1126
JAP StStm DousetsuPembroke Welsh Corgi1335
APnP StStm GenpachiLabrador Retriever1335
StStm GracieAustralian Cattle Dog112
APnHT StStm Home of VihanLabrador Retriever1126
ANE StStm HorropediaWest Highland White Terrier113
JAD StStm Insurrection of VihanLabrador Retriever1126
APnM StStm KenoJapanese Spitz1435
JARO StStm KobungoChow-chow1335
MFr StStm KoromaruShiba Inu2566
JAFr StStm Koromaru EisbahnShiba Inu1226
MSh StStm Medicine PocketBeagle3185
APnM StStm Medicine TechniqueBeagle1126
IPnA StStm Mephistopheles' RosieAmerican Bully1022
MT StStm NelsonBernese Mountain Dog3182
MFl StStm PicklesBorder Collie3185
MFl StStm Pickles' BreakfastBorder Collie2562
APnFl StStm Pickles' Breakfast BibiliographyBorder Collie1227
MRO StStm Police DogGerman Shepherd Dog3082
NH StStm ReillyGerman Shepherd Dog114
APnSc StStm RheinfeldtDoberman Pinscher1331
JARO StStm Romulus WendyBulldog1227
ASh StStm RosieAmerican Bully2363
APnFr StStm Saqlifice SonettoPharaoh Hound1126
JAFr StStm ShinbeiEurasier1335
AP StStm ShinoShiba Inu2466
MFl StStm SonettoPharaoh Hound3285
JAD StStm Sonetto's SaqlificePharaoh Hound1126
MD StStm SousukeBernese Mountain Dog2566
APnP StStm SpielsdorfDoberman Pinscher1231
APnFl StStm Versus PicklesBorder Collie1227
MFr StStm VihanLabrador Retriever2559
APnP StStm Vihan BedivereLabrador Retriever1126
PnM StStm Vihan's ChocolateLabrador Retriever1126
APnFT StStm Vihan's HomeLabrador Retriever1226
JAD StStm Vihan's InsurrectionLabrador Retriever1126
ExRO StStm WendyBulldog3282
APnT StStm Wendy RomulusBulldog1227
JAD StStm Wonderland VihanLabrador Retriever1127
Order By:


NFl StStm Imported PuppyPortuguese Water Dog114
NA StStm Imported PuppyPortuguese Water Dog112
MO StStm StellaPortuguese Water Dog2673


  • Chibi Nobbu the Black Hamster Chibi Nobbu the Black Hamster
  • D'yavol Tron the Black Snake D'yavol Tron the Black Snake
  • Basmu the Blue Baby Dragon Basmu the Blue Baby Dragon
  • Xanthos the Bold Spotted Pony Xanthos the Bold Spotted Pony
  • Bakeneko the Calico Persian Bakeneko the Calico Persian
  • Haniwa Nobbu the Champagne Hamster Haniwa Nobbu the Champagne Hamster
  • Chib Nobbu-Sensha the Chocolate Hamster Chib Nobbu-Sensha the Chocolate Hamster
  • Haniwa Nobu the Cinnamon Hamster Haniwa Nobu the Cinnamon Hamster
  • Orochi the Eastern Kingsnake Orochi the Eastern Kingsnake
  • Leviathan the Emperor Penguin Leviathan the Emperor Penguin
  • Kabuki Nobbu the Golden Hamster Kabuki Nobbu the Golden Hamster
  • Vorpal Chicken the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen Vorpal Chicken the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • White Bull the Holstein Calf White Bull the Holstein Calf
  • Rainbow Wyvern the Iridescent Dragon Rainbow Wyvern the Iridescent Dragon
  • Nandi the Jersey Calf Nandi the Jersey Calf
  • Red Hare the Lazy Red Pony Red Hare the Lazy Red Pony
  • Apollo the Little Lamb Apollo the Little Lamb
  • Lonely T-Rex Lonely T-Rex
  • Mahanaga the Molten Chinese Dragon Mahanaga the Molten Chinese Dragon
  • Shiro the Polar Bear Shiro the Polar Bear
  • Great Dragon the Red Baby Dragon Great Dragon the Red Baby Dragon
  • Shinkou the Sparrow Shinkou the Sparrow
  • Shokou the Sparrow Shokou the Sparrow
  • Soutei the Sparrow Soutei the Sparrow
  • Gokan the Sparrow Gokan the Sparrow
  • Henjou the Sparrow Henjou the Sparrow
  • Taizan the Sparrow Taizan the Sparrow
  • Byoudou the Sparrow Byoudou the Sparrow
  • Toshi the Sparrow Toshi the Sparrow
  • Godou-Tenrin the Sparrow Godou-Tenrin the Sparrow
  • Beni-Enma the Sparrow Beni-Enma the Sparrow
  • White Reindeer White Reindeer

Game Time

02:47pm on Feb 27

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