Ryse's Son Legion

Mushers, IPO, and Hunting Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
37 Locked Dogs
Sight Hounds
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
55 Locked Dogs
Retrievers and Companions
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
33 Locked Dogs
Dock Diving 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Hunting Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Racing 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Sledding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnSc Beneath the Waving Standard A Cold Winter MorningBeauceron1359
LockedASc Beneath the Waving Standard CloverBeauceron2082
LockedASc Beneath the Waving Standard Cold Misty MorningBeauceron1878
LockedASc Beneath the Waving Standard He Charges into the SkirmishBeauceron1978
LockedASc Beneath the Waving Standard Rainstorm at DuskBeauceron1978
LockedAPnH Beneath the Waving Standard StandingBeauceron1358
LockedASc Beneath the Waving Standard Standing Champing ChompingBeauceron1878
LockedAS Cloaked from the Storm Clawing for GloryWest Siberian Laika1878
LockedJAFr Cloaked from the Storm For Morning's LightWest Siberian Laika1356
LockedAS Cloaked from the Storm Starless MidnightWest Siberian Laika1878
LockedAS Cloaked from the Storm the Phoenix RisesWest Siberian Laika1878
LockedAS Cloaked from the Storm White Out WinterWest Siberian Laika1878
LockedJPnT From Mount Olympus AphroditeDoberman Pinscher318
LockedASc From Mount Olympus AthenaDoberman Pinscher1878
LockedASc From Mount Olympus HeraDoberman Pinscher1878
LockedASc From Mount Olympus PosidonDoberman Pinscher1878
LockedASc From Mount Olympus ZeusDoberman Pinscher1878
LockedIPnSc Puppy 1Dogue de Bordeaux950
LockedAPnO Puppy 2Dogue de Bordeaux1050
LockedAS The Justice League AquamanAlaskan Husky1878
LockedJAFl The Justice League Green ArrowAlaskan Husky1458
LockedAS The Justice League SupermanAlaskan Husky1878
LockedAS The Justice League The Black CanaryAlaskan Husky1978
LockedAS The Justice League WonderwomanAlaskan Husky1978
LockedAHT Trotting Along with a Toothy GrinAmerican Indian Dog1876
LockedAHT Trotting Along with a Toothy GrinAmerican Indian Dog1877
LockedJAHT Trotting Along with a Toothy GrinAmerican Indian Dog1358
LockedAHT Trotting Along with a Toothy Grin Ground Peaking through the SnowAmerican Indian Dog1874
LockedAHT Trotting Along with a Toothy Grin PenelopeAmerican Indian Dog1877
LockedJPnSc Under the War Banner Artillery DisplayBelgian Malinois843
LockedASc Under the War Banner Battalion ParadeBelgian Malinois1878
LockedAT BKnl Under the War Banner Cavalry CanterBelgian Malinois1879
LockedASc Under the War Banner Danger Danger RangerBelgian Malinois1878
LockedJPnSc Under the War Banner Infantry ChargeBelgian Malinois743
LockedJPnSc Under the War Banner Legion on the RiseBelgian Malinois843
LockedASc Under the War Banner Regiment's Charge ForwardBelgian Malinois1878
LockedASc Under the War Banner the Colonel's StrideBelgian Malinois1978
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNR Emperors of the AgePharaoh Hound313
LockedNFl Emperors of the AgePharaoh Hound313
LockedJAR Emperors of the Age Born to Fly HighPharaoh Hound1671
LockedMD Emperors of the Age Golden Dancing FlowersPharaoh Hound2395
LockedMD Emperors of the Age on Diamond Tipped ToesPharaoh Hound2295
LockedJAR Emperors of the Age Ranger's ShadowPharaoh Hound1671
LockedMD Emperors of the Age Tugging of the HeartPharaoh Hound2295
LockedAR Emperors of the Age with Slippers for the SnowPharaoh Hound2195
LockedNR Paladins of Exiled PathsGreyhound313
LockedNR Paladins of Exiled PathsGreyhound213
LockedAR Paladins of Exiled Paths Banshee ScreamingGreyhound2392
LockedAR Paladins of Exiled Paths Blizzard on the PlainsGreyhound1980
LockedJAR Paladins of Exiled Paths Darkest Night RaidGreyhound1774
LockedAR Paladins of Exiled Paths Mia FamiliaGreyhound2498
LockedAR Paladins of Exiled Paths Mick-MackGreyhound2398
LockedAR Paladins of Exiled Paths Sly Rogue HandsGreyhound2292
LockedAR Paladins of Exiled Paths Tag You're ItGreyhound2498
LockedJAR Paladins of Exiled Paths Talking Out LoudGreyhound1571
LockedPnR Paladins of Exiled Paths Tundra Peaking ThroughGreyhound1360
LockedIPnFr Puppy 1Borzoi845
LockedNFl Puppy 3Borzoi214
LockedAPnR Spirit of the Mounains Sandy-BoyWhippet1259
LockedAA Spirit of the Mounains Throwing ShadeWhippet2397
LockedND Spirit of the MountainsWhippet113
LockedNFr Spirit of the MountainsWhippet113
LockedAR Spirit of the Mountains Beau T FullWhippet2397
LockedAR Spirit of the Mountains Grace under PressureWhippet2397
LockedAR Spirit of the Mountains Running through the BarleyWhippet1877
LockedAA Spirit of the Mountains Small Chance of SuccessWhippet2191
LockedJAR Unleash the Hounds who Hunt Emir of the MountainsIbizan Hound1777
LockedAD Unleash the Hounds who Hunt King of the RunIbizan Hound1777
LockedJAR Unleash the Hounds who Hunt Noble SentimentsIbizan Hound1777
LockedJAR Unleash the Hounds who Hunt Queenie MeanieIbizan Hound1777
LockedPnR Unleash the Hounds who Hunt Regal StandingIbizan Hound1051
LockedPnFl Unleash the Hounds who Hunt Royal Blood, Royal PainIbizan Hound1051
LockedAPnFl White Wolf Howls AlecBorzoi1482
LockedNFl White Wolf Howls Among the StarsBorzoi314
LockedPnFl White Wolf Howls Bella Bella BellaBorzoi1256
LockedJAM White Wolf Howls Bettie SpryteBorzoi1377
LockedAA White Wolf Howls Caped in CourageBorzoi2386
LockedPnP White Wolf Howls Carten MartinBorzoi1269
LockedAPnP White Wolf Howls Golden String of FateBorzoi1273
LockedAPnFr White Wolf Howls Hannah Hammock Banana BamBorzoi1377
LockedAPnR White Wolf Howls I Mina Fix ThatBorzoi1381
LockedJPnR White Wolf Howls in the Morning SnowBorzoi743
LockedPnA White Wolf Howls Jack of DiamondsBorzoi1260
LockedAPnR White Wolf Howls Lazlo AroundBorzoi1271
LockedJAFr White Wolf Howls Matthew RaffleBorzoi1482
LockedJAA White Wolf Howls Penelope Been WaitingBorzoi1482
LockedAFl White Wolf Howls Pushing up DaisyBorzoi1899
LockedJAFr White Wolf Howls Ron, Ron, Ron, Ron WeasleyBorzoi1373
LockedAFr White Wolf Howls Sir BuddingtonBorzoi1799
LockedJPnFT White Wolf Howls to the Gray MistBorzoi743
LockedAPnFr White Wolf Howls Wham Bam Thank You PamBorzoi1256
LockedJAFr White Wolf Howls Will-o-the-WispsBorzoi1380
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJAT A Raiding Voyage FreyaRough Collie1570
LockedJAT A Raiding Voyage FrigRough Collie1570
LockedJAH A Raiding Voyage OdinRough Collie1670
LockedJAH A Raiding Voyage TyrRough Collie1570
LockedJARO Fly through the FieldsBrittany1670
LockedAFT Fly through the Fields StrykeBrittany2292
LockedNFl Flying through the FieldsBrittany314
LockedAFT Flying through the Fields CoillaBrittany2192
LockedAFT Flying through the Fields SanasaraBrittany2292
LockedAFT Flying through the Fields UrukBrittany2192
LockedNRO Hunt for the Perfect SwimStandard Poodle314
LockedAFr Hunt for the Perfect Swim A Leap of FaithStandard Poodle1673
LockedAD Hunt for the Perfect Swim Golden LuckStandard Poodle2192
LockedJAHT Hunt for the Perfect Swim Jump for JoyStandard Poodle1673
LockedAD Hunt for the Perfect Swim No Panic No ProblemStandard Poodle2092
LockedAD Hunt for the Perfect Swim SwansongStandard Poodle2192
LockedAD Hunt for the Perfect Swim Twenty BucksStandard Poodle2192
LockedJAT Puppy 1Black and Tan Coonhound1671
LockedJAM Puppy 1American Pit Bull Terrier1365
LockedJARO Puppy 1Toy Fox Terrier1364
LockedPnHT Puppy 1Welsh Springer Spaniel1057
LockedPnHu Puppy 1Miniature Pinscher1156
LockedNE Puppy 1Bedlington Terrier314
LockedJAT Puppy 2Black and Tan Coonhound1571
LockedJASh Puppy 2American Pit Bull Terrier1465
LockedAPnHu Puppy 2Toy Fox Terrier1264
LockedPnSh Puppy 2Welsh Springer Spaniel1057
LockedAPnRO Puppy 2Miniature Pinscher1156
LockedNE Puppy 2Bedlington Terrier214
LockedJAT Puppy 3Black and Tan Coonhound1571
LockedJAO Puppy 3American Pit Bull Terrier1465
LockedAHu Puppy 4Black and Tan Coonhound1671
LockedAD Puppy 4American Pit Bull Terrier1465

Game Time

07:10am on Mar 1

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