Champion Chihuahua Condominiums

Chihuahua Chateau
Premium Kennel
5 Dogs
0 Pups
17 Locked Dogs
Chihuahua Chalet
Premium Kennel
46 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Chihuahua Condos
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
30 Locked Dogs
Rally-O 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Musical Freestyle 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Critter Crate
Small Critter Pasture
1 Critter
Order By:


APnSh Moana's Hei HeiChihuahua1319
JASh Moana's MauiChihuahua1319
JASh Moana's MoanaChihuahua1319
JASh Moana's SinaChihuahua1319
APnSh Moana's TalaChihuahua1319
APnSh Moana's TamatoaChihuahua1319
JASh Ratatouille's Alfredo LinguiniChihuahua1319
JARO Ratatouille's Ambrister MinionChihuahua1219
APnHu CChiC Ratatouille's Anton EgoChihuahua1219
APnSh Ratatouille's Auguste GusteauChihuahua1319
APnSh Ratatouille's Colette TatouChihuahua1319
JARO Ratatouille's DjangoChihuahua1219
APnSh Ratatouille's EmileChihuahua1319
JARO CChiC Ratatouille's FrançoisChihuahua1219
APnSh CChiC Ratatouille's HorstChihuahua1219
JAM Ratatouille's LaloChihuahua1219
JASh Ratatouille's LarousseChihuahua1319
JASh Ratatouille's MustafaChihuahua1319
PnSh CChiC Ratatouille's Nadar LessardChihuahua1319
JASh Ratatouille's Patrick PompidouChihuahua1319
JASh CChiC Ratatouille's RemyChihuahua1219
APnSh Ratatouille's SkinnerChihuahua1219
APnSh Ratatouille's Talon LabartheChihuahua1319
UCRO The Princess and the Frog's BufordChihuahua81101
UCRO The Princess and the Frog's Charlotte La BouffChihuahua82101
WCSh The Princess and the Frog's Cousin RandyChihuahua80101
WCSh The Princess and the Frog's DarnellChihuahua78101
WCSh The Princess and the Frog's Dr. FacilierChihuahua79101
WCM The Princess and the Frog's Eli "Big Daddy" La BouffChihuahua80101
WCRO The Princess and the Frog's EudoraChihuahua77101
WCM The Princess and the Frog's EvangelineChihuahua80101
WCM The Princess and the Frog's Friends on the Other SideChihuahua81101
WCO The Princess and the Frog's GeorgiaChihuahua79101
WCSh The Princess and the Frog's JamesChihuahua80101
WCM The Princess and the Frog's JujuChihuahua80101
WCO The Princess and the Frog's LawrenceChihuahua76101
WCM The Princess and the Frog's LouisChihuahua76101
UCO The Princess and the Frog's Mama OdieChihuahua80101
WCO The Princess and the Frog's MarcelChihuahua78101
WCM The Princess and the Frog's Prince NaveenChihuahua76101
WCO The Princess and the Frog's RayChihuahua78101
WCM The Princess and the Frog's ReggieChihuahua80101
WCO The Princess and the Frog's StellaChihuahua77101
WCM The Princess and the Frog's Swamp GatorsChihuahua80101
UCRO The Princess and the Frog's TianaChihuahua83101
WCSh The Princess and the Frog's Two FingersChihuahua79101
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPuppy 1Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 1Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 11Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 11Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 12Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 12Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 2Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 3Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 3Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 3Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 4Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 5Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 5Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 5Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 5Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 5Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 6Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 6Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 6Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 6Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 7Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 7Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 7Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 7Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 7Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 7Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 8Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 8Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 9Chihuahua16
LockedPuppy 9Chihuahua16


  • Gus the Black Hamster Gus the Black Hamster
    ball Complete

Game Time

06:25am on Dec 22

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