KIMBA Kennel

Working Stock Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
10 Locked Dogs
Personal Protection K9's
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
29 Locked Dogs
Stud Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
9 Locked Dogs
The Black German Shepherd
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
8 Locked Dogs
My Pack
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
12 Locked Dogs
First Generation
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
24 Locked Dogs
Blue/Isabella/Silver GS
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
17 Locked Dogs
Blue Eyed Wolf Project
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
37 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
19 Locked Dogs
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNH JPnFl KIMBA Cassie 16HH 1hhBorder Collie816
LockedIPnHu NH KIMBA Cath 16HH 1hhBorder Collie716
LockedFor StudIPnT NH KIMBA Celt 18HH 1hhBorder Collie716
LockedFor StudIPnD JPnH KIMBA Chad 14HH 0hhBorder Collie716
LockedNH PnO KIMBA Charah 14HH 0hhBorder Collie714
LockedPnA NH KIMBA Charm 16HH 1hhBorder Collie716
LockedFor StudIPnT NH KIMBA Chase 16HH 0hhBorder Collie716
LockedNH JPnFl KIMBA Chelsea 16HH 1hhBorder Collie816
LockedNH IPnFl KIMBA Cher 15HH 1hhBorder Collie816
LockedNH IPnM KIMBA Cherie 15HH 0hhBorder Collie616
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedKIMBA 10HH 0hhGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedKIMBA 11HH 0hhGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedKIMBA 12HH 1hhGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedKIMBA 13HH 0hhGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedKIMBA 13HH 1hhGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedKIMBA 13HH 1hhGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedKIMBA 14HH 0hhGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedKIMBA 14HH 1hhGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedKIMBA 15HH 1hhGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedKIMBA 15HH 1hhGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedGCSc CCO KIMBA AegonDutch Shepherd4788
LockedExSc NCO KIMBA AelyriaDutch Shepherd4174
LockedChSc CCO KIMBA AenarDutch Shepherd4080
LockedChSc NCA KIMBA AenyaDutch Shepherd4991
LockedGCSc CCT KIMBA AerysDutch Shepherd5799
LockedExSc NCO KIMBA AlenaDutch Shepherd3464
LockedCCO GCSc KIMBA BabetteGerman Shepherd Dog4985
LockedWCO GCSc KIMBA BahatiGerman Shepherd Dog5288
LockedNCSc WCO KIMBA BahiraGerman Shepherd Dog5493
LockedNCSc WCO KIMBA BalbinaGerman Shepherd Dog57108
LockedWCO CCSc KIMBA BaliGerman Shepherd Dog58102
LockedPnSc AO KIMBA Cadi 10HH 0hh 3rd genBelgian Malinois1324
LockedPnSc ExO KIMBA Caileigh 15HH 1hh 3rd genBelgian Malinois1632
LockedPnSc ExO KIMBA Cailin 15HH 0hh 3rd genBelgian Malinois2134
LockedFor StudPnSc ExO KIMBA Cain 16HH 0hh 3rd genBelgian Malinois2136
LockedPnSc MO KIMBA Cait 14HH 0hh 3rd genBelgian Malinois1630
LockedFor StudASc ExO KIMBA Cal 15HH 0hh 3rd genBelgian Malinois2438
LockedPnSc AO KIMBA Candy 12HH 0hh 3rd genBelgian Malinois1426
LockedMO PnSc KIMBA Caprice 12HH 0hh 3rd genBelgian Malinois1528
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudNCSc WCO KIMBA BabakGerman Shepherd Dog58108
LockedFor StudNCSc WCO KIMBA BabuGerman Shepherd Dog62104
LockedFor StudCCSc WCO KIMBA BacchusGerman Shepherd Dog59102
LockedFor StudCCSc WCO KIMBA Bailey (2nd gen)Belgian Malinois64104
LockedFor StudCCSc WCO KIMBA Baptiste (2nd gen)Belgian Malinois59104
LockedFor StudCCSc WCO KIMBA Barnabe (2nd gen)Belgian Malinois60103
LockedFor StudCCH CCFl KIMBA Baron (2nd gen)Border Collie64103
LockedFor StudNCH CCT KIMBA Barry (2nd gen)Border Collie62107
LockedFor StudNCH CCT KIMBA Bart (2nd gen)Border Collie62102
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedKIMBA 4xstmGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedKIMBA 4xstmGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedMP KIMBA Qeegee 24HH perfect genesGerman Shepherd Dog2138
LockedExP KIMBA Qew 24HH perfect genesGerman Shepherd Dog2236
LockedMA KIMBA Qim 24HH perfect genesGerman Shepherd Dog2036
LockedMSh KIMBA Qlaika 24HH Perfect genesGerman Shepherd Dog2034
LockedExSh KIMBA Quane 24HH perfect genesGerman Shepherd Dog2239
LockedMH KIMBA Quinn 24HH perfect genesGerman Shepherd Dog2339
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedExFr GCHu KIMBA Belle 14HH 2hh 2nd genChihuahua4368
LockedCCH WCFl QABK BenBorder Collie77103
LockedGCH CCFl KIMBA CassBorder Collie6080
LockedWCH WCT QCC DonBorder Collie77103
LockedExH NCFr KIMBA GlenBorder Collie4566
LockedFor StudExH GCT KIMBA JockBorder Collie4862
LockedMH ChT *MIA KeeleBorder Collie4364
LockedNFl NFr KIMBA Mickey 12HH 4hhChihuahua17
LockedChH NCT MLDK Nell (x Glen)Border Collie5672
LockedWCH WCFl CtS Nell (x Keele) WAITING FOR STUDBorder Collie7398
LockedCCSh WCHu KIMBA Nike 9HH 0hhChihuahua59104
LockedJPnHu PnO KIMBA Vixey 15HH 2hhChihuahua1019
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudGCSc WCO KIMBA AbbaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier52101
LockedFor StudWCO NCSc KIMBA AbbasAmerican Pit Bull Terrier54101
LockedFor StudGCSc WCO KIMBA Abd al AlimAmerican Pit Bull Terrier54102
LockedWCO NCSc KIMBA AbelBelgian Malinois54101
LockedFor StudWCO NCSc KIMBA AbelardRottweiler54102
LockedGCSc CCT KIMBA AbioyeGerman Shepherd Dog53101
LockedWCO NCSc KIMBA AcelBelgian Malinois55101
LockedFor StudNCSc WCO KIMBA AdalRottweiler54101
LockedFor StudNCSc WCO KIMBA AdalardRottweiler53101
LockedGCSc WCO KIMBA AdisaGerman Shepherd Dog54101
LockedNCSc WCO KIMBA AdrienBelgian Malinois54101
LockedNCSc WCO KIMBA AfolabiGerman Shepherd Dog53101
LockedFor StudGCRO NCSh KIMBA AinazAmerican White Shepherd49103
LockedFor StudChH WCT KIMBA AlanKelpie56102
LockedFor StudNCH CCO KIMBA AlbertAustralian Cattle Dog55101
LockedFor StudGCH CCFl KIMBA AlexAustralian Koolie56102
LockedNCH CCA KIMBA AlfBorder Collie55101
LockedFor StudWCFr NCH KIMBA AlfieKelpie54101
LockedFor StudGCH WCP KIMBA AliAustralian Cattle Dog55101
LockedFor StudGCH WCA KIMBA AllanAustralian Koolie55102
LockedGCH WCA KIMBA AmosBorder Collie55101
LockedExSc GCO KIMBA Art 1st genBelgian Malinois3363
LockedMSc GCO KIMBA Ashe 1st genGerman Shepherd Dog3056
LockedFor StudNCSc WCA KIMBA GoldAmerican Pit Bull Terrier59102
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedKIMBA bbBorder Collie116
LockedKIMBA bbBorder Collie116
LockedJAH KIMBA Blue Eyed Wolf Alice Blue // yy kk EmE BB DD slsl atat spsw mm rr tt cchcch gg uu LLBorder Collie1433
LockedAH KIMBA Blue Eyed Wolf Pip // Py Kk Ee BB DD slsl aa Ssi mm rr tt cchcw gg uu LlaBorder Collie1526
LockedAPnP KIMBA Blue Eyed Wolf True Blue // yy Kk EE BB DD slsl Aya SS mm rr tt cwcw gg uu lalaSiberian Husky1324
LockedNA KIMBA cwBorder Collie122
LockedKIMBA cwBorder Collie128
LockedKIMBA ddBorder Collie116
LockedNH KIMBA KbrBorder Collie122
LockedKIMBA KK SBorder Collie116
LockedKIMBA KK SBorder Collie116
LockedKIMBA PP KbrKbr EmE BB DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt CC gg uu LlaBorder Collie18
LockedKIMBA PP KbrKbr EmE BB DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt Cce gg uu LlaBorder Collie18
LockedMA KIMBA PP kk EE Bb dd slsl aa spsw mm Rr tt cchcw gg uu lalaBorder Collie2444
LockedKIMBA PP kk EmE bb Dd slsl atasa sisp mm rr Tt CC gg uu lalaBorder Collie17
LockedJPnA KIMBA Py 23HHBorder Collie512
LockedAA KIMBA Py 23HH 4agi (Black blue eyed carrier)level up and breed againBorder Collie2538
LockedKIMBA Py KK Ee BB DD slsl ata Ssp mm rr tt cchcw gg uu LlaBorder Collie17
LockedKIMBA py Kk EE BB DD slsl atat spsp mm rr tt Ccch gg uu LLBorder Collie18
LockedKIMBA Py Kk Eme BB DD slsl atat sisi mm rr tt CC gg uu llBorder Collie18
LockedKIMBA Py Kk EmE BB DD slsl atat Ssw mm rr tt Ccch gg uu LLBorder Collie18
LockedKIMBA yy Kk EE BB DD slsl aa SS mm rr tt cecw gg uu lalaSiberian Husky16
LockedKIMBA yy Kk EE BB DD slsl aa SS mm rr tt cwcw gg uu lalaSiberian Husky16
LockedKIMBA yy KK EE BB DD slsl aa Ssp mm rr tt cecw gg uu lalaAlaskan Husky18
LockedKIMBA yy KK Ee BB DD slsl aa Ssp mm rr tt cecw gg uu lalaAlaskan Husky18
LockedKIMBA yy KK Ee BB DD slsl aa Ssw mm rr tt cchcw gg uu lalaAlaskan Husky18
LockedKIMBA yy Kk EE BB DD slsl aa Ssw mm rr tt cwcw gg uu lalaSiberian Husky16
LockedKIMBA yy KK EE BB DD slsl atat SS mm rr tt cchcw gg uu LlaBorder Collie17
LockedKIMBA yy KK Ee BB DD slsl awa SS mm rr tt cchcw gg uu lalaAlaskan Husky18
LockedKIMBA yy KK Ee BB DD slsl awa Ssp mm rr tt cchcw gg uu lalaAlaskan Husky18
LockedKIMBA yy KK Ee BB DD slsl awa Ssp mm rr tt cecw gg uu lalaAlaskan Husky18
LockedKIMBA yy KK EE BB DD slsl Aya SS mm rr tt cwcw gg uu lalaSiberian Husky16
LockedKIMBA yy Kk EE BB DD slsl Aya SS mm rr tt cwcw gg uu lalaSiberian Husky16
LockedKIMBA yy Kk EE Bb Dd slsl Ayat Ssi mm rr tt cecw gg uu LLBorder Collie16
LockedKIMBA yy KK Eme BB DD slsl aa Ssi mm rr tt cchcw gg uu LLBorder Collie17
LockedKIMBA yy KK Eme BB DD slsl ata sisi mm rr tt cwcw gg uu LlaBorder Collie17
LockedKIMBA yy KK Eme BB DD slsl ata Ssi mm rr tt cchcw gg uu LLBorder Collie17
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedKIMBA 10HH 2hhKelpie16
LockedKIMBA 11HH 0hhKelpie16
LockedFor StudMA GCHu KIMBA Aad 11HH 0hh 1st genAustralian Shepherd4274
LockedFor StudGCH CCO KIMBA Aaron 8HH 0hh 1st genBearded Collie55102
LockedGCD ExO KIMBA Abba 6HH 0hh 1st genAustralian Shepherd3766
LockedGCH CCO KIMBA Abbey 9HH 0hh 1st genAustralian Cattle Dog4479
LockedFor StudNCH CCA KIMBA Ace 9HH 0hhAustralian Cattle Dog55101
LockedFor StudGCH CCFl KIMBA Adam 10HH 0hhAustralian Koolie55102
LockedFor StudGCO MHu KIMBA Aico 10HH 0hh 1st genCanaan Dog3052
LockedGCH WCFr KIMBA Aïda 8HH 0hh 1st genBearded Collie4880
LockedGCFl MH KIMBA Ailsa 5HH 0hh 1st genAustralian Koolie4578
LockedNH PnP KIMBA Aimee 8HH 0hh 1st genCardigan Welsh Corgi114
LockedChH NCFl KIMBA Al 10HH 0hhBorder Collie55101
LockedExP GCD KIMBA Alana 9HH 0hh 1st genCanaan Dog4168
LockedMO ChSh KIMBA Alba 8HH 0hh 1st genBerger Picard3968
LockedFor StudPnH APnM KIMBA Albert 8HH 0hh 1st genCardigan Welsh Corgi1222
LockedFor StudExP NCD KIMBA Alex 8HH 0hh 1st genBerger Picard4172
LockedFor StudGCH CCT KIMBA Andy 9HH 0hhKelpie56103
LockedGCH CCA KIMBA Ann 8HH 0hh 1st genBorder Collie5186

Game Time

05:06pm on Mar 9

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