MapleWood Kennel’s

Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Male Aussies
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
17 Locked Dogs
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Female Aussies
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
18 Locked Dogs
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Male Mini Aussies
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
4 Locked Dogs
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Female Mini Aussies
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
5 Locked Dogs
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNA ~M•W~ MapleWood's Fading Echos LALA AGISTR INTAGIAustralian Shepherd154
LockedNA ~M•W~ MapleWood's Gates To Heaven LALA CHASPD AGISTMAustralian Shepherd154
LockedNA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Better Then You LALA SPDATM STMSTMAustralian Shepherd154
LockedPnA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Blue Skies Ahead LALA CHASTR AGIAGIAustralian Shepherd1067
LockedAA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Chimes In The Wind LALA CHAAGI INTAGIAustralian Shepherd2291
LockedJAA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Crumbs LALA INTAGI AGISTMAustralian Shepherd1679
LockedJAA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Cookies'n'Cream LALA STRSTM STMAGIAustralian Shepherd1579
LockedPnA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Midday's Summer Fields LALA CHASPD INTAGIAustralian Shepherd1067
LockedIPnA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s New Sun LALA AGISTR SPDSTRAustralian Shepherd967
LockedAA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Queen Of The Hill LALA CHACHA AGIAGIAustralian Shepherd1779
LockedAA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Rose Between Two Thorns LALA STMINT AGISTRAustralian Shepherd2291
LockedPnA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Spring's Break Threw LALA CHAAGI INTSTMAustralian Shepherd1067
LockedAA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Sugar’s Sweats LALA SPDAGI STMSTMAustralian Shepherd1679
LockedPnA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Sweet As Candy LALA INTSTM STRAGIAustralian Shepherd1067
LockedNA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Taken By The Stars LALA CHASPD AGISPDAustralian Shepherd154
LockedAA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s The Sparkle In Her Eye LALA STMSTR AGIAGIAustralian Shepherd2391
LockedPnA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Whispers In The Wind LALA STRINT INTSTRAustralian Shepherd1067
LockedNA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Wilderness Call LALA AGISTM STMSTMAustralian Shepherd154
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Fast As Lightning LALA AGICHA AGISTRMiniature Australian Shepherd154
LockedFor StudIPnT ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Outnight Fizzy Pop LLA INTINT STMAGIMiniature Australian Shepherd967
LockedNA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Over And Under LALA AGIINT STRAGIMiniature Australian Shepherd154
LockedFor StudJAA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Turn Of A Domino LALA CHAAGI STRAGIMiniature Australian Shepherd1679
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNA GWA MapleWood's Freshly Baked LLA INTSPD SPDAGIMiniature Australian Shepherd154
LockedNA KLSK MapleWood's Thinking I Was Born In The Wrong Time LLA STRSTM STMAGIMiniature Australian Shepherd154
LockedIPnA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Call Of The Blue Jay LALA AGIAGI AGISTRMiniature Australian Shepherd867
LockedJAA ~M•W~ MapleWood’s Dawns Morning Light LALA SPDAGI AGIAGIMiniature Australian Shepherd1479
LockedNA KLSK Shocking Moonlight LALA SPDSTM STMAGIMiniature Australian Shepherd154

Game Time

08:45pm on Dec 28

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