Worchester Woofs

Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
35 Locked Dogs
For Sale
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Diversifier Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
24 Locked Dogs
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Small Critter Pasture
3 Critters
Splashes of color parade along the path of this small, but cheerful garden.
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Scent Hurdles 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Racing 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedExSh Achelous 2HH Worchester Deianeira SerpentSilken Windhound3596
LockedIPnRO WrW~ Ahti 15HH Worchester Seafaring WarriorSilken Windhound818
LockedFor StudAR WrW~ Akheilos 15HH Worchester Shark FinSilken Windhound2248
LockedFor StudExR Anapos 11HH Southern Cypress Defiant RiverSilken Windhound3483
LockedNR WrW~ Aphrodite 12HH Worchester Venus BeautySilken Windhound19
LockedNHu WrW~ Apollo 10HH Worchester Gilded ChariotSilken Windhound19
LockedNFr WrW~ Aries 16HH Worchester Destructive RenegadeSilken Windhound19
LockedNR WrW~ Artemis 13HH Worchester Wildlands MistressSilken Windhound19
LockedChR Brizo 4HH Worchester Hungry DreamerSilken Windhound3799
LockedExM Charybdis 3HH Worchester Manic WhirlpoolSilken Windhound3593
LockedIPnFl WrW~ Coventina 23HH Worchester Hadrian's WallSilken Windhound917
LockedChFr Doris 12HH Foxxy Gift of Pure WaterSilken Windhound3484
LockedGCR WrW~ Eidothea 19HH Worchester Prophets DaughterSilken Windhound4089
LockedAFl WrW~ Euryale 11HH Worchester Piercing WatersSilken Windhound2249
LockedMFl WrW~ Galene 22HH Worchester Fairy LightsSilken Windhound2654
LockedFor StudExFl LQK Glaucus 13HH Lunar Queen Prophetic MajestySilken Windhound3284
LockedNFr WrW~ Hera 23HH Worchester Queen of GodsSilken Windhound18
LockedNFl WrW~ Hestia 16HH Worchester Eternal FlameSilken Windhound18
LockedJAFr WrW~ Juturna 22HH Worchester Mother of SpringsSilken Windhound1326
LockedChRO Kymopoleia 7HH Worchester Amazonian QueenSilken Windhound3496
LockedFor StudASh WrW~ Leucothea 13HH Worchester Ghostly GoddessSilken Windhound2149
LockedExFl WrW~ Medusa 7HH Worchester Stone GazeSilken Windhound3381
LockedAPnT WrW~ Morrigan 20HH Worchester Harbinger of FateSilken Windhound1121
LockedChHu -XO- Nereid 8HH Worchester Sirens GriefSilken Windhound3592
LockedFor StudAFr WrW~ Oceanus 19HH Worchester Archaic WorldSilken Windhound2049
LockedFor StudChSh WrW~ Palaemon 11HH Worchester Water PineSilken Windhound3586
LockedExHu WrW~ Psamathe 8HH Worchester Sand of the SeashoreSilken Windhound3076
LockedIPnFl DraW Rain 24HH Dragon's Wing DreamtimeSilken Windhound1018
LockedJPnA WrW~ Saga 10HH Worchester Northern SeeressSilken Windhound615
LockedIPnFr WrW~ Salacia 23HH Worchester Salt Water SeaSilken Windhound717
LockedAFr WrW~ Scylla 20HH Worchester Jealous NymphSilken Windhound2349
LockedExHu WrW~ Stheno 10HH Worchester Crimson FurySilken Windhound3277
LockedMFl WrW~ Thalassa 23HH Worchester Primeval SpiritSilken Windhound2966
LockedMR WrW~ Triteia 10HH Worchester Matron of FoamSilken Windhound2865
LockedAFl WrW~ Vellamo 24HH Worchester Seafoam MaidenSilken Windhound1635
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnFl Angus 6HH/4hhIrish Terrier1431
LockedPnRO RUST Beauty 16HH/0hhAzores Cattle Dog920
LockedJPnO Bosco 6HH/1hhRough Collie719
LockedFor StudJAT Chuck 9HH/2hhChinook1433
LockedAO BlndX Coco 14HH/0hhNorfolk Terrier1534
LockedJPnHu draco Cthulu 6HH/5hhXoloitzcuintle513
LockedAFT Gracie 10HH/1hhSpinone Italiano1535
LockedFor StudMFr Henry 14HHMiniature Dachshund2761
LockedJAHu Izzy 7HH/6hhBoykin Spaniel1432
LockedIPnM Owl's Jenna 7HH/3hhStandard Poodle819
LockedMR Kennedy 17HHBasenji2861
LockedIPnH ANFr Kora 5HH/6hhKomondor1021
LockedJPnFl -BLD- Krissy 18HHWhippet112
LockedFor StudMM Marco 11HH/2hhMiniature Pinscher2861
LockedIPnO PearlAkbash Dog718
LockedIPnH PepperAidi717
LockedFor StudARO SpLd Piper 15HH/0hhLarge Munsterlander1536
LockedJAHu MTrC Reality 9HH/0hhMaltese1532
LockedAD Rebel 15HH/0hhTaiwan Dog1532
LockedFor StudJAP Rocco 10HH/1hhStaffordshire Bull Terrier1536
LockedIPnA RosieAmerican Bulldog818
LockedAHu AGDK Snorts 15HH/1hhBrussels Griffon1731
LockedJASh Trapper 8HH/7hhDogue de Bordeaux1435
LockedJPnS Zuzu 4HH/9hhSiberian Husky414


  • Phillip the Green Baby Dragon Phillip the Green Baby Dragon
  • Crookshanks the Orange Persian Crookshanks the Orange Persian
    pet Complete
  • Greg the Purple Baby Dragon Greg the Purple Baby Dragon

Game Time

12:52pm on Mar 3

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