Adora stud

Rottweilers & Norfolks
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
44 Locked Dogs
Pet Paradise!
Large Critter Pasture
15 Critters
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
14 Locked Dogs
Smelling of new grass and spring, a warm breeze dances along this rolling stretch of meadow.
Splashes of color parade along the path of this small, but cheerful garden.
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Tracking 2 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Schutzhund 2 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedIPnE 198Norfolk Terrier628
LockedJPnE 202Norfolk Terrier628
LockedJPnE 9Norfolk Terrier628
LockedFor StudExHT Adora's Cream CakeSussex Spaniel35102
LockedFor StudMFT Adora's Eccles CakeSussex Spaniel2883
LockedMT Jambo Adora's LegacyRottweiler30101
LockedPnSc Adora Baker 24Rottweiler1047
LockedIPnSc Adora BanditaRottweiler1047
LockedAFT BrandySussex Spaniel26101
LockedME Adora ChancerNorfolk Terrier2495
LockedJAHT Adora Chocky Donut 24Sussex Spaniel1466
LockedPnA Adora DakotaNorfolk Terrier1046
LockedGCHT MIDS Deep in Her Eyes 17Sussex Spaniel49105
LockedASc Fairy CakesRottweiler26103
LockedMSc Adora FennicRottweiler29101
LockedMSc Adora GloryRottweiler2887
LockedJASc Adora Glory Moon 24Rottweiler1566
LockedMHT Adora Jammy DoughnutSussex Spaniel29102
LockedExO HFDS JemRottweiler38101
LockedPnE Adora JuniperNorfolk Terrier946
LockedMSc Adora Lady JaneRottweiler31104
LockedPnHT Adora LolaSussex Spaniel1047
LockedExE Adora MacintoshNorfolk Terrier30101
LockedIPnHT Adora MaiseSussex Spaniel947
LockedAPnE Adora MckenzieNorfolk Terrier1146
LockedMFT Adora MoiraSussex Spaniel25102
LockedChE Pippi NoraNorfolk Terrier35101
LockedExE Adora PepperNorfolk Terrier28101
LockedMSh MIDS PonaticSussex Spaniel32101
LockedPnFT Adora poppySussex Spaniel1047
LockedJAHT Adora Poptart 16Sussex Spaniel1466
LockedAT Adora Preah 22Sussex Spaniel1990
LockedMHT Adora PrescillaSussex Spaniel28102
LockedMSc Adora PricillaRottweiler29104
LockedNSh Puppy 1Sussex Spaniel113
LockedJPnSc Adora Puppy 10Rottweiler631
LockedNE Puppy 12Norfolk Terrier114
LockedANHT Puppy 2Sussex Spaniel121
LockedJPnT Adora Puppy 3Sussex Spaniel631
LockedJPnSc Puppy 3Rottweiler731
LockedIPnE Puppy 3Norfolk Terrier628
LockedJPnSc Puppy 5Rottweiler631
LockedNSc Puppy 6Rottweiler118
LockedMSc Adora Riley MoonRottweiler31105


  • Caramac the A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny Caramac the A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny
  • Legolas the A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny Legolas the A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny
  • Twiggy the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny Twiggy the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny
  • Felix the Wolpertinger Felix the Wolpertinger
  • Betty the Black Hamster Betty the Black Hamster
  • Choco the Chocolate Hamster Choco the Chocolate Hamster
  • Champers the Champagne Hamster Champers the Champagne Hamster
  • Bobby the Brown Snake Bobby the Brown Snake
  • carl the Blackbird carl the Blackbird
  • Chris the Canary Chris the Canary
    sing Complete
  • Sylvia the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen Sylvia the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Jeremy the Jersey Calf Jeremy the Jersey Calf
  • Holly the Holstein Calf Holly the Holstein Calf
  • Lala the Little Black Lamb Lala the Little Black Lamb
  • Faye the Timid Fawn Faye the Timid Fawn
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAO Adora 12 FAidi1953
LockedAT Adora 17HH FPetit Basset Griffon Vendeen1956
LockedAHu Adora's SpinelliAmerican Bulldog2264
LockedASc Adora's LavaDoberman Pinscher2667
LockedAA Adoras EclipseXoloitzcuintle2667
LockedMM Adora AsboAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2568
LockedFor StudExRO BCHDN KEEP L19 DIVERSIFIEREnglish Setter3794
LockedMA ABA KellieghFinnish Lapphund2982
LockedMW Lotta LoveSaint Bernard2677
LockedAH BeBea MackinacCatahoula Leopard Dog2369
LockedAHu Owl's Puppy 3American Bully2465
LockedAFl C.T.K Puppy 7Borzoi2190
LockedJAFl Adora Puppy 7Borzoi1457
LockedAO Adora RelishCardigan Welsh Corgi1956

Game Time

04:44am on Feb 8

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