The North Star Kennel

Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
23 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
42 Locked Dogs
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Basic Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
12 Locked Dogs
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Frisbee 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Sledding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Racing 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChP TNS A Wish Every MileMaremma Sheepdog3568
LockedMR A.Afghan Hound2560
LockedGCR AnnieIrish Wolfhound3891
LockedGCFr Aelin ArcherAfghan Hound3993
LockedMO Blue/Isabella CarrierDoberman Pinscher2763
LockedMO Boost PupEnglish Toy Spaniel2454
LockedNS Chaos Keeps You Waiting (lala str) RBSiberian Husky16
LockedNFl Chaotic Final Offer (lala str) RBSiberian Husky16
LockedGCW Coal ( 4HH, 3hh)Brittany2676
LockedNP EFGG Lla 3str RBSiberian Husky16
LockedMHu F lla stmx1Large Munsterlander2554
LockedNP FGGE lla stmSiberian Husky16
LockedMP For the Greater GoodGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2560
LockedNT GFGE Lla stm RBSiberian Husky16
LockedWCS TNS Golden DaysSiberian Husky4498
LockedExFl LeonGerman Shepherd Dog3271
LockedMP MALE lla intx2Appenzeller Mountain Dog2554
LockedMFl Marshall LeeSchipperke2562
LockedCCO TNS Miles of StarsMaremma Sheepdog4689
LockedNCW NessaGerman Shepherd Dog3071
LockedNP Reality VS Chaos (Lla stm) RBSiberian Husky16
LockedMFl Shelby (3HH, 6hh)Kelpie2555
LockedGCP The Party MileMaremma Sheepdog4175
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCA TNS Chaotic Tidings (stm)(RB)Siberian Husky4893
LockedNCFr TNS Dramatic SolutionSiberian Husky4498
LockedJAT F Blessings of the Storyteller lala strCroatian Sheepdog1425
LockedAA TNS F Blessings Upon the Knight (lala 2agi)Croatian Sheepdog2037
LockedAFl TNS F Dreamer (lala str)Croatian Sheepdog2042
LockedAH TNS F Fortune Teller (str)Croatian Sheepdog2142
LockedAA TNS F Lady Knight of the White Sands (Lla 2spd)Croatian Sheepdog2037
LockedJAT F Mystical Learnings of the Storyteller lala 3spdCroatian Sheepdog1325
LockedAT TNS F Once Upon A Folk TailCroatian Sheepdog1936
LockedAFl TNS F The Folk Tails of Magical Dillemas (EEGG Lla 3stm)Croatian Sheepdog2036
LockedAA TNS F The Happiest Knight Ever (lala 2int)Croatian Sheepdog2037
LockedAT TNS F The Mystical Knight of White (lala 2int)Croatian Sheepdog2137
LockedAA TNS F Through the Woods (lla stm)Croatian Sheepdog2142
LockedJAT F Time to Tell a Story Lla agiCroatian Sheepdog1325
LockedAT TNS F Uncharted Waters (lala spd stm)Croatian Sheepdog2042
LockedGCFl TNS Final OfferSiberian Husky4498
LockedChP TNS Got Some Sirius DoubtsSiberian Husky3976
LockedCCRO TNS In the Business of ChaosSiberian Husky4693
LockedNCFr TNS Keep You WaitingSiberian Husky4498
LockedAT TNS M Fantastic Folk FantasyCroatian Sheepdog2036
LockedAT TNS M One True Love (lala)Croatian Sheepdog2042
LockedAH TNS M Royal TreatmentCroatian Sheepdog2042
LockedAM TNS M Tails of the Fairie Folk (lala 2spd)Croatian Sheepdog1936
LockedAH TNS M The Folk's Parasol Tail (lala 2stm)Croatian Sheepdog1936
LockedAT TNS M The White Fairy Knight (lala 2int)Croatian Sheepdog2037
LockedAFl TNS M Victorian TailsCroatian Sheepdog2036
LockedGCFl TNS Money to BurnSiberian Husky4498
LockedCCRO TNS Ready to GoSiberian Husky4498
LockedNCFr TNS Reality CheckSiberian Husky4498
LockedWCS TNS Say It Ain't SoSiberian Husky4598
LockedCCS TNS Shadow of NightvaleSiberian Husky3770
LockedChP TNS Shadow of Winter(lala) (RB)Siberian Husky3976
LockedChP TNS Stand OutSiberian Husky3779
LockedAPnT Storyteller's Happily Ever After lala 3intCroatian Sheepdog1325
LockedCCS TNS Sudden FortuneSiberian Husky3579
LockedASh Techno (lala 3 str)Chinese Crested2245
LockedJAFl Tell Me A Story About FairiesCroatian Sheepdog1425
LockedCCRO TNS Thinking of Chaos (lala, str) (RB)Siberian Husky4693
LockedNCFl TNS Welcome to ChaosSiberian Husky4792
LockedChFr TNS What a LifeSiberian Husky3579
LockedGCO TNS Wishful Doubts (lala Str) (RB)Siberian Husky3976
LockedNCS TNS Wonderful DaySiberian Husky3579
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCSh BelleBasset Hound44118
LockedCCRO Boost PupEnglish Toy Spaniel45106
LockedCCRO Boost PupEnglish Toy Spaniel44106
LockedCCFr ChloeStandard Poodle44113
LockedNCFr GFEELLSilken Windhound45118
LockedNCA JPnFr Ghislaine BlackbeakRottweiler45114
LockedUCW KEEPGerman Wirehaired Pointer45112
LockedGCA MarleneDalmatian44102
LockedCCP TNS Party on the Go (str)Maremma Sheepdog5097
LockedGCT PepperCzechoslovakian Wolfdog4091
LockedGCT SophieSaarloos Wolfdog4091
LockedChA TiaCarolina Dog4091

Game Time

08:30am on Feb 5

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