Murphy's Mutts

Basic Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Border collies
Elite Kennel
1 Dog
0 Pups
88 Locked Dogs
Also Border Collies
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Silky Terriers and
Premium Kennel
1 Dog
0 Pups
4 Locked Dogs
Toy Poodles and Shetland Sheep
Elite Kennel
2 Dogs
1 Pup
59 Locked Dogs
Pekingese and APBT
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
61 Locked Dogs
German Shepherds
Premium Kennel
28 Dogs
8 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Project 3B
Premium Kennel
16 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Order By:


MFl SASKI Incandescence of a SupernovaBorder Collie2553
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCH 24HH 4stm lala 1.595 5:2Border Collie5964
LockedNH SMHM A Dashing of Dark MatterBorder Collie513
LockedMH Sophs A Symphony of a Geomagnetic StormBorder Collie3546
LockedPnH SMHM Across Jupiter's RingsBorder Collie1328
LockedFor StudJAA SMHM Ad AstraBorder Collie17107
LockedAPnT SMHM Andromeda’s StarBorder Collie1433
LockedANA SMHM Atmospheric DustBorder Collie513
LockedNT SMHM Atmospheric PressureBorder Collie111
LockedMH |HRK| Bippity Boppity Boo |EEEE 24HH|Border Collie3496
LockedMT |HRK| Brown Sugar |EEEE 24HH|Border Collie2782
LockedMM |HRK| Butter Beer |EEEE 24HH|Border Collie2783
LockedIPnH SMHM Celestial DuskBorder Collie920
LockedNH SMHM Centuari's LegacyBorder Collie613
LockedFor StudAPnA BSK Chasing CometsBorder Collie1548
LockedFor StudNCFr NTFox Chi Ursae MajorisBorder Collie48108
LockedAH BSK Cosmic DustBorder Collie2563
LockedJPnH SMHM Dancing Through the StarsBorder Collie818
LockedMH ~H Flying Through the Solar SystemBorder Collie3274
LockedANH SMHM Follow Polaris All the Way HomeBorder Collie512
LockedIPnA Galactic SuperclusterBorder Collie817
LockedAT BSK Galaxy Cosmos RedshiftBorder Collie2475
LockedAPnH ANT SMHM Galaxy’s EdgeBorder Collie1526
LockedIPnT SMHM Galelio's SuperclusterBorder Collie818
LockedNFl SMHM Ghost MoonBorder Collie19
LockedJPnH SMHM Going SupernovaBorder Collie818
LockedJPnH SMHM Golden SunlightBorder Collie920
LockedAFl DK » Gravity’s PullBorder Collie19106
LockedExM Sophs Ground Control to Major TomBorder Collie4158
LockedNCH IkaradaBorder Collie4983
LockedJPnH SMHM Indigo StardustBorder Collie817
LockedAH RgWd Into the stratosphereBorder Collie2446
LockedAT CIN Into the VoidBorder Collie1931
LockedJPnH SMHM Like a Diamond in the SkyBorder Collie817
LockedAH SMHM Little DipperBorder Collie1998
LockedFor StudJAH Little GalaxyBorder Collie18100
LockedAH NSK~* Look for Me in the StarsBorder Collie2462
LockedPnO SMHM Murphy's MoonBorder Collie819
LockedChH RgWd Olbers's paradoxBorder Collie4798
LockedPnH SMHM Omega CentauriBorder Collie1225
LockedMFl BSK Omega NebulaBorder Collie2873
LockedNH SMHM On a Rocketship to MarsBorder Collie17
LockedIPnH SMHM On Jupiters MoonBorder Collie1021
LockedNH SMHM One Small StepBorder Collie512
LockedANH SMHM One Step onto the MilkywayBorder Collie512
LockedIPnH SMHM Over the MoonBorder Collie919
LockedANH SMHM Over the Moon and StarsBorder Collie713
LockedPnH Partial Solar EclipseBorder Collie1227
LockedJPnFl SMHM Past the StarsBorder Collie717
LockedJPnH SMHM Pluto's DemandBorder Collie1019
LockedNH SMHM Pocket Full of StardustBorder Collie512
LockedJPnH SMHM Poseidon 24HHBorder Collie818
LockedANH SMHM Saturn's StarBorder Collie817
LockedMH BlndX Soaring Through the GalaxyBorder Collie3056
LockedIPnH SMHM Soaring Through the MesosphereBorder Collie1020
LockedANH SMHM Soaring Through the SkiesBorder Collie512
LockedIPnH SMHM Solar FlareBorder Collie920
LockedExH RgWd Space Baby, you got no planetBorder Collie3877
LockedAH Speed of LightBorder Collie1734
LockedNP SMHM Sprinkling of Cosmic DustBorder Collie110
LockedAPnH SMHM Sprinkling of Dark MatterBorder Collie1225
LockedAA DFC Star Light, Star BrightBorder Collie2056
LockedAH BSK Starlight ExpressBorder Collie2062
LockedJAFl NM Stars Will AlignBorder Collie1729
LockedJPnH SMHM Starstruck WonderBorder Collie916
LockedGCT IBLM Steelin'Border Collie4684
LockedExM Sophs Sunfire EclipseBorder Collie4259
LockedAH BSK Symphony of a Colliding GalaxyBorder Collie2675
LockedAPnA BSK Take Me to The MoonBorder Collie1436
LockedMFr Sophs The Dark Side of the MoonBorder Collie3648
LockedNFl SMHM The Light Side of the MoonBorder Collie19
LockedAH Sophs The Orchestral Sonata of a Fading StarBorder Collie2231
LockedNH SMHM Toby's AsteroidBorder Collie16
LockedNT SMHM Toby's Little Star in the SkyBorder Collie16
LockedNT SMHM Toby's Lunar SunsetBorder Collie17
LockedNFl Toby's Sunset on VenusBorder Collie16
LockedMM Sophs Total Lunar Eclipse of the HeartBorder Collie3548
LockedMH Sophs Under a Crescent MoonBorder Collie3647
LockedNA SMHM Under a Star Light GroveBorder Collie17
LockedNH SMHM Under a Super MoonBorder Collie512
LockedANT SMHM Up Up and AwayBorder Collie612
LockedIPnFl SMHM Ursae StormBorder Collie919
LockedJPnH SMHM Venus RisingBorder Collie920
LockedJAH BSK When The Earth Had Two MoonsBorder Collie1960
LockedFor StudExT Sophs Wish upon a shooting starBorder Collie4155
LockedWCH EM Wolf-RayetBorder Collie63113
LockedIPnT SMHM Zenith StarBorder Collie1020
LockedIPnH SMHM Ziggy StardustBorder Collie1021
LockedMH Zippy StardustBorder Collie2885
Order By:


For Public SaleUCE Spanish Moss' AmethystSilky Terrier7083
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor Public SaleWCO Spanish Moss' Cultured PearlSilky Terrier6280
LockedFor Public SaleWCO Spanish Moss' DiopsideSilky Terrier6279
LockedFor Public SaleWCA Spanish Moss' Fancy SapphireSilky Terrier6479
LockedFor Public SaleWCA Spanish Moss' Wine MakerSilky Terrier85105
Order By:


NCRO SgL~ Dusty TrailsToy Poodle5270
WCRO TCR* On a Warm Summers EveningToy Poodle6579
Order By:

Young Dogs

NT SMHM Toby's Whero OceanShetland Sheepdog16
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedIPnSh SMHM A Whisper of GloryToy Poodle916
LockedExH WRSK Countryside WindmillShetland Sheepdog3876
LockedFor StudWCHu TCR* Cowboy’s PrideToy Poodle7595
LockedAPnSh SMHM Desert OasisToy Poodle1321
LockedPnSh SMHM Desert RocksToy Poodle1119
LockedJASh SMHM Desert RustToy Poodle1222
LockedJPnSh SMHM Desert ThornsToy Poodle816
LockedAPnSh SMHM Diamond in the RoughToy Poodle1119
LockedIPnRO SMHM Dusted DiamondsToy Poodle917
LockedJASh SMHM Dusted SpiritsToy Poodle1625
LockedJPnSh SMHM Fine and DandyToy Poodle613
LockedIPnSh SMHM Glorious GritToy Poodle816
LockedIPnSh SMHM Glorious RangerToy Poodle916
LockedFor StudWCSh TCR* Grit and GloryToy Poodle81103
LockedJPnSh SMHM Hometown HomeToy Poodle615
LockedNH SMHM Just a Boat on the OceanShetland Sheepdog18
LockedPnSh SMHM Little Cowgirl DreamingToy Poodle1019
LockedNH SMHM Little RiverShetland Sheepdog18
LockedCCSh SMHM Lone RangerToy Poodle6094
LockedNHu SMHM LukeToy Poodle213
LockedNH SMHM Message in a BottleShetland Sheepdog18
LockedIPnH SMHM Midnight SeaShetland Sheepdog1020
LockedJAH SMHM Ocean SprayShetland Sheepdog1933
LockedIPnA SMHM Ocean's CurrentShetland Sheepdog1020
LockedIPnSh SMHM Over the Old Oak TreeToy Poodle1019
LockedWCSh VSTAR Pitter patterToy Poodle6892
LockedAFl /SCK/ Poseidon’s WrathShetland Sheepdog1940
LockedFor StudChSh FSsK Prairie ThunderToy Poodle4375
LockedMFl MiMi Ragweed's Cry Me A River | EEEE 24HH lala x4agi 1.490x *red w/ black sable*Shetland Sheepdog3390
LockedNHu SMHM RainToy Poodle213
LockedNHu SMHM RosieToy Poodle213
LockedAHu HCEK Sadie in the DarkToy Poodle1743
LockedIPnSh SMHM Sagebrush GritToy Poodle816
LockedChRO SMHM Sagebrush StarlightToy Poodle4274
LockedJASh SMHM Sagebrush SymphonyToy Poodle1424
LockedAPnRO SMHM Sand and GloryToy Poodle1219
LockedNT SMHM Sandy BeachesShetland Sheepdog18
LockedPnA SMHM Sea Salt on the AirShetland Sheepdog1021
LockedAH SMHM Seaside SunriseShetland Sheepdog1938
LockedJPnH SMHM Seaside SunsetShetland Sheepdog918
LockedPnFl SMHM Serpents JewellShetland Sheepdog1021
LockedJASh SMHM Silver SpiritToy Poodle1324
LockedAT PCKC Silver StarletToy Poodle2646
LockedJASh NAP Silver StreakToy Poodle1526
LockedJPnSh SMHM Simmer DownToy Poodle613
LockedAPnRO PCKC Snow on the MountainToy Poodle1224
LockedASh JPnRO LiLa Spanish Moss' ScarletToy Poodle1628
LockedIPnSh SMHM Starlight GritToy Poodle916
LockedPnSh SMHM Sunset Over the PlainsToy Poodle1122
LockedJPnSh SMHM Tennessee WhiskeyToy Poodle815
LockedExFl |HRK| Thunder N' Lighting |EEEE 24HH|Shetland Sheepdog4085
LockedJASh SMHM Thunderbolt TangoToy Poodle1324
LockedChA SMHM To the Moon and Back |EEEE 24HH|Shetland Sheepdog4285
LockedIPnA SMHM Toby's Caught in a RiptideShetland Sheepdog1019
LockedIPnH SMHM Toby's Here Come's the SunShetland Sheepdog1021
LockedNH SMHM Toby's Rocky WatersShetland Sheepdog18
LockedIPnFl MA FBR Triton’s FuryShetland Sheepdog2963
LockedIPnSh SMHM Western GritToy Poodle916
LockedCCSh SMHM Western WhisperToy Poodle5894
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJAO Park 100, 102American Pit Bull Terrier1524
LockedWCSh 24HH/lala/3agi 1.015American Pit Bull Terrier66104
LockedJPnRO Bippity BapPekingese415
LockedJPnSh SMHM BoopPekingese315
LockedMSh Carpenter PounderAmerican Pit Bull Terrier3063
LockedJAHu chor Chirsty 24HHAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1627
LockedJAM Park Cookies n CremeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1624
LockedJPnSh Down By the RiverPekingese415
LockedAPnO ANO IPnM Park Frosted FlakesAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1424
LockedJPnHu Head in the CloudsPekingese415
LockedPnSh SMHM Just a Cloud Floating Through the SkyPekingese1120
LockedGCP *LwK* Laurel's Birds Fly FarAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5171
LockedAPnSh SMHM Little KiwiPekingese1220
LockedNHu SMHM Little Lion ManPekingese19
LockedJPnHu Little Miss MuffetPekingese315
LockedJPnSh SMHM Not Four Squirrel's Under a MopPekingese112
LockedPnA SMHM Not Sure if I'm a DustcloudPekingese1220
LockedJAHu SMHM Oh No I Left The Stove OnPekingese1320
LockedJPnSh K9GP Plectranthus BarbatusAmerican Pit Bull Terrier720
LockedJAO Park Puppy 6American Pit Bull Terrier1624
LockedJAM Park Puppy 6American Pit Bull Terrier1624
LockedWCD Silver and White (Irish) 24American Pit Bull Terrier6386
LockedMM Spanish Moss' AddiePekingese3348
LockedExA SMHM Spanish Moss' AddyPekingese4252
LockedChO Spanish Moss' AdemPekingese4157
LockedWCM Spanish Moss' Alerter PekePekingese80104
LockedWCM Spanish Moss' Auto PekePekingese82105
LockedCCM Spanish Moss' Blue CheesePekingese6478
LockedNCA Spanish Moss' Blue DanubePekingese5769
LockedCCO SMHM Spanish Moss' Blue MoonPekingese6076
LockedNCA SMHM Spanish Moss' Bo DiddleyPekingese6382
LockedWCRO SMHM Spanish Moss' Bo-PeepPekingese6991
LockedWCO Spanish Moss' Boston PowersPekingese80104
LockedWCM SMHM Spanish Moss' CaputoPekingese72104
LockedWCO SMHM Spanish Moss' CarpenterPekingese7497
LockedCCM AFr Spanish Moss' ChampionAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5692
LockedFor StudCCA Spanish Moss' Christopher 23Pekingese6584
LockedMA SMHM Spanish Moss' JosiePekingese3043
LockedASh SMHM Spanish Moss' MaxinePekingese2537
LockedWCO SMHM Spanish Moss' No EscapePekingese78103
LockedGCO SMHM Spanish Moss' Number One PerformancePekingese4763
LockedChA SMHM Spanish Moss' Numerical OrderPekingese4563
LockedGCO SMHM Spanish Moss' Nurturing Young ArtistPekingese4763
LockedGCO SMHM Spanish Moss' Object of My AffectionPekingese4563
LockedChM SMHM Spanish Moss' Objectionable BehaviorPekingese4663
LockedJPnHu SMHM Sunset Over the WaterPekingese315
LockedJPnHu SMHM SupercalifragilisticexpialidociousPekingese315
LockedWCO MariK Tammy 24American Pit Bull Terrier59102
LockedAO SMHM There's a Joke Here SomewherePekingese1825
LockedIPnSh SMHM Tip TapPekingese515
LockedJPnRO SMHM Toby's Here I GoPekingese415
LockedNSh SMHM Toby's Iced Coffee Hold the IcePekingese16
LockedNO SMHM Toby's Lindt DelightPekingese16
LockedJPnSh SMHM Toby's Little DancerPekingese112
LockedNHu SMHM Toby's Small but MightyPekingese17
LockedNSh SMHM Toby's Spot of BotherPekingese16
LockedNSh SMHM Toby's Tiny Ball of FluffPekingese17
LockedJPnSh SMHM Toby's Tiny DancerPekingese112
LockedNHu SMHM Toby's Wish upon a CloudPekingese16
LockedJPnSh SMHM Toby's WrathPekingese112
LockedJAA Ziggy 20HH 0hh lala [stmspd chaint] 1.262xAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1526
Order By:


JAT SMHM A grey ducks featherGerman Shepherd Dog1632
NT SMHM A little Splash of PaintGerman Shepherd Dog112
NSc SMHM A Slice of Apple PieGerman Shepherd Dog112
ANSc SMHM Ain't That a real BummerGerman Shepherd Dog613
GCO USS Almost FamousGerman Shepherd Dog3484
MA SMHM Ashen InkwellGerman Shepherd Dog2679
MFl SARU Autumn SkyGerman Shepherd Dog3362
NT SMHM Chocolate dipGerman Shepherd Dog112
NSc SMHM Dip Dip Potato ChipGerman Shepherd Dog112
NSc SMHM Fire's on The MountainGerman Shepherd Dog112
JPnH SMHM Have a SnickersGerman Shepherd Dog715
NT SMHM Juniper's BugGerman Shepherd Dog112
JPnSc SMHM Latte No SugarGerman Shepherd Dog816
WCSc BK´s Legacy's Dark DivineGerman Shepherd Dog7191
MSc Lilac Tree 24/0 lala 1.540x IntGerman Shepherd Dog3343
JPnSc *MYST Little Bit of SunGerman Shepherd Dog817
NH SMHM Little RaindropGerman Shepherd Dog112
PnSc SMHM Murphy's TemptationGerman Shepherd Dog1120
JAT SMHM Northern AttractionGerman Shepherd Dog1632
NSc SMHM Over the Hills and Far AwayGerman Shepherd Dog112
IPnT SMHM Pocket Full of Daisy'sGerman Shepherd Dog816
IPnT SMHM Pocket Full of LintGerman Shepherd Dog816
PnH SMHM Soaring above the cloudsGerman Shepherd Dog1426
IPnT SMHM Sunflower's in JuneGerman Shepherd Dog715
IPnSc SMHM Tempest's RainGerman Shepherd Dog1121
PnSc SMHM Three Little BirdsGerman Shepherd Dog1122
ASc *PAC* Vienna WaltzGerman Shepherd Dog1730
JPnSc SMHM Wandering GhostGerman Shepherd Dog816
Order By:

Young Dogs

NT SMHM Running Down to the BeachGerman Shepherd Dog18
NSc SMHM Toby's Darkest SecretsGerman Shepherd Dog16
NSc SMHM Toby's Help is on the way, DearGerman Shepherd Dog16
NSc Toby's Kiwi BirdGerman Shepherd Dog16
NSc SMHM Toby's Packet of SniftersGerman Shepherd Dog16
NSc SMHM Toby's Pocket full of SunshineGerman Shepherd Dog16
NSc SMHM Toby's Silver FernGerman Shepherd Dog16
NSc SMHM Toby's Summer SweetheartGerman Shepherd Dog16
Order By:


NO SMHM A Little bit of RainCentral Asian Shepherd112
NH SMHM Smurphy's A Morning DewdropCentral Asian Shepherd112
NH SMHM Smurphy's A Rose Amongst SilkCentral Asian Shepherd112
NO SMHM Smurphy's A Splash in the OceanCentral Asian Shepherd112
NH SMHM Smurphy's A Stormy RiverCentral Asian Shepherd112
NH SMHM Smurphy's Cooper in the RainCentral Asian Shepherd112
NP SMHM Smurphy's First Line of DefenseCentral Asian Shepherd112
NO SMHM Smurphy's Here I ComeCentral Asian Shepherd112
NH SMHM Smurphy's Hide and SeekCentral Asian Shepherd112
NH SMHM Smurphy's Indigo SkyCentral Asian Shepherd112
NO SMHM Smurphy's Late Summer BreezeCentral Asian Shepherd112
NO SMHM Smurphy's Oh No I Left The Oven OnCentral Asian Shepherd112
NH SMHM Smurphy's Ready Or NotCentral Asian Shepherd112
NO SMHM Smurphy's Summer BreezeCentral Asian Shepherd112
NP SMHM Smurphy's Twilight MeadowCentral Asian Shepherd112
NH SMHM Smurphy's Willow BreezeCentral Asian Shepherd112


AA BRDWY Ocean’s Echo x AH /SCK/ Sea Biscuit
(Shetland Sheepdog)
AA BRDWY Ocean’s Echo x JAH SMHM Ocean Spray
(Shetland Sheepdog)
AH Fhd Saltwater Taffy x ExH 307 Ocean’s Legacy
(Shetland Sheepdog)
AH Fhd Saltwater Taffy x IPnA SMHM Oceanic Adventure
(Shetland Sheepdog)
AH Fhd Saltwater Taffy x IPnA SMHM Toby's Caught in a Riptide
(Shetland Sheepdog)
AM SMHM Toby's Shining Star x AFl Black 24HH lala 4spd
AM SMHM Toby's Shining Star x ARO SMHM Toby's Tiny Void
ANSc SMHM Ain't That a real Bummer x NSc SMHM Fire's on The Mountain
(German Shepherd Dog)
ANSc SMHM Ain't That a real Bummer x NT SMHM A little Splash of Paint
(German Shepherd Dog)
APnT A Summers Dream x NT SMHM Chocolate dip
(German Shepherd Dog)
ASc *PAC* Vienna Waltz x ANSc SMHM Ashen Dove
(German Shepherd Dog)
ASc *PAC* Vienna Waltz x ANSc SMHM Ashen Lute
(German Shepherd Dog)
ASc *PAC* Vienna Waltz x MSc B•S Best Shot 19/0 lala 1.602x Int
(German Shepherd Dog)
ASc *PAC* Vienna Waltz x MSc Lilac Tree 24/0 lala 1.540x Int
(German Shepherd Dog)
ASc *PAC* Vienna Waltz x NSc SMHM A Slice of Apple Pie
(German Shepherd Dog)
ASc *PAC* Vienna Waltz x NT SMHM Juniper's Bug
(German Shepherd Dog)
CCA Spanish Moss' Christopher 23 x JPnHu SMHM Sunset Over the Water
CCA Spanish Moss' Christopher 23 x JPnHu SMHM Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
CCA Spanish Moss' Christopher 23 x WCM SMHM Spanish Moss' Caputo
CCH SMHM Galactic Trailblazer x IPnH A Dusting of Stardust
(Border Collie)
CCRO thx Iron Constitution x NCE TØPs Spanish Moss' Molly 24HH
(Border Terrier)
CCRO thx Iron Constitution x WCE 413 Spanish Moss' Wicket 18
(Border Terrier)
GCP *LwK* Laurel's Birds Fly Far x APnO ANO IPnM Park Frosted Flakes
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
GCP *LwK* Laurel's Birds Fly Far x JAHu chor Chirsty 24HH
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
GCP *LwK* Laurel's Birds Fly Far x JAO Park 100, 102
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
GCP *LwK* Laurel's Birds Fly Far x JAO Park Puppy 6
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
GCP *LwK* Laurel's Birds Fly Far x MSh Suction and Climb EEEE
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
IPnSh SMHM A Whisper of Glory x JASh SMHM Thunderbolt Tango
(Toy Poodle)
IPnSh SMHM A Whisper of Glory x NHu SMHM Annie
(Toy Poodle)
JAA Ad Astra x AA A Sky Full of Stars
(Border Collie)
JAA Ad Astra x AA DFC Star Light, Star Bright
(Border Collie)
JAA Ad Astra x JAH RD17 Space Odyssey
(Border Collie)
JASc *PAC* Vienna Waltz x NH SMHM Have a Snickers
(German Shepherd Dog)
JPnHu Head in the Clouds x ChM SMHM Spanish Moss' Objectionable Behavior
JPnHu Head in the Clouds x JPnSh Down By the River
JPnHu Head in the Clouds x NCA SMHM Spanish Moss' Bo Diddley
JPnHu Head in the Clouds x WCRO SMHM Spanish Moss' Bo-Peep
JPnSc SMHM Murphy's Temptation x NT SMHM Sunflower's in June
(German Shepherd Dog)
JPnSc SMHM Tempest's Rain x ExSc NSK~* Love Rush |24HH lala|1.058|
(German Shepherd Dog)
MFl MiMi Ragweed's Cry Me A River | EEEE 24HH lala x4agi 1.490x *red w/ black sable* x IPnH SMHM Toby's Here Come's the Sun
(Shetland Sheepdog)
MFl MiMi Ragweed's Cry Me A River | EEEE 24HH lala x4agi 1.490x *red w/ black sable* x JPnA SMHM Ocean's Current
(Shetland Sheepdog)
MFl MiMi Ragweed's Cry Me A River | EEEE 24HH lala x4agi 1.490x *red w/ black sable* x NH SMHM Riding the Waves
(Shetland Sheepdog)
MFl MiMi Ragweed's Cry Me A River | EEEE 24HH lala x4agi 1.490x *red w/ black sable* x NH SMHM Stony River
(Shetland Sheepdog)
MFl MiMi Ragweed's Cry Me A River | EEEE 24HH lala x4agi 1.490x *red w/ black sable* x PnA SMHM Sea Salt on the Air
(Shetland Sheepdog)
MFl MiMi Ragweed's Cry Me A River | EEEE 24HH lala x4agi 1.490x *red w/ black sable* x PnFl SMHM Serpents Jewell
(Shetland Sheepdog)
MFl SMHM Running Down to the Riptide x IPnH SMHM Midnight Sea
(Shetland Sheepdog)
MSh HVOND Cosmic Voyager x MH ~H Flying Through the Solar System
(Border Collie)
NCFr NTFox Chi Ursae Majoris x AFl DK » Gravity’s Pull
(Border Collie)
NCFr NTFox Chi Ursae Majoris x ExA Starry Night
(Border Collie)
NCFr NTFox Chi Ursae Majoris x JAH RStar Floating through space
(Border Collie)
NCFr NTFox Chi Ursae Majoris x MH ¤REVI Brave Madam |EEEE 24HH|
(Border Collie)
NCH 24HH 4stm lala 1.595 5:2 x MH |HRK| Bippity Boppity Boo |EEEE 24HH|
(Border Collie)
NH SMHM Smurphy's Cooper in the Rain x NH SMHM Smurphy's A Morning Dewdrop
(Central Asian Shepherd)
NH SMHM Smurphy's Hide and Seek x NH SMHM Smurphy's Indigo Sky
(Central Asian Shepherd)
NH SMHM Smurphy's Ready Or Not x NO SMHM Smurphy's Late Summer Breeze
(Central Asian Shepherd)
NHu SMHM Luke x JPnSh SMHM Desert Thorns
(Toy Poodle)
NHu SMHM Luke x NSh SMHM Fine and Dandy
(Toy Poodle)
NO SMHM A Little bit of Rain x NP SMHM Smurphy's First Line of Defense
(Central Asian Shepherd)
NO SMHM Smurphy's A Splash in the Ocean x NP SMHM Smurphy's Twilight Meadow
(Central Asian Shepherd)
NO SMHM Smurphy's Here I Come x NH SMHM Smurphy's Willow Breeze
(Central Asian Shepherd)
NO SMHM Smurphy's Oh No I Left The Oven On x NH SMHM Smurphy's A Rose Amongst Silk
(Central Asian Shepherd)
NO SMHM Smurphy's Summer Breeze x NH SMHM Smurphy's A Stormy River
(Central Asian Shepherd)
NSc SMHM Over the Hills and Far Away x NSc SMHM Dip Dip Potato Chip
(German Shepherd Dog)
NSh SMHM Boop x NRO SMHM Toby's Here I Go
PnH SMHM Soaring above the clouds x MSc MiMi Midnight Orchid 24/0 lala 1.512x Int
(German Shepherd Dog)
UCSc 24HH/lala/4int 1.502 x CCSc WGC Spanish Moss' Gertrude 23
(American White Shepherd)
WCA Spanish Moss' Wine Maker x CCA Spanish Moss' Fancy Sapphire
(Silky Terrier)
WCA Spanish Moss' Wine Maker x WCA Spanish Moss' Amazonite
(Silky Terrier)
WCA Spanish Moss' Wine Maker x WCO Spanish Moss' Cultured Pearl
(Silky Terrier)
WCD Silver and White (Irish) 24 x JAA Ziggy 20HH 0hh lala [stmspd chaint] 1.262x
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
WCD Silver and White (Irish) 24 x JAM Park Cookies n Creme
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
WCD Silver and White (Irish) 24 x JAM Park Puppy 6
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
WCD Silver and White (Irish) 24 x NCM AFr Spanish Moss' Champion
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
WCD Silver and White (Irish) 24 x ND SMHM Samantha
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
WCD Silver and White (Irish) 24 x WCO MariK Tammy 24
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
WCD Silver and White (Irish) 24 x WCSh 24HH/lala/3agi 1.015
(American Pit Bull Terrier)
WCFl m Spanish Moss' Leaning Tower 22 x GCH Ikarada
(Border Collie)
WCH EM Wolf-Rayet x MM |HRK| Butter Beer |EEEE 24HH|
(Border Collie)
WCH EM Wolf-Rayet x MT |HRK| Brown Sugar |EEEE 24HH|
(Border Collie)
WCH EM Wolf-Rayet x WCH Love Blind 22
(Border Collie)
WCM Spanish Moss' Alerter Peke x NHu Little Miss Muffet
WCM Spanish Moss' Alerter Peke x NRO Bippity Bap
WCM Spanish Moss' Alerter Peke x NSh Tip Tap
WCM Spanish Moss' Auto Peke x NSh SMHM Molly
WCSh SFA* Silas-1.338 x WCO SMHM Spanish Moss' No Escape
WCSh TCR* Grit and Glory x JAHu HCEK Sadie in the Dark
(Toy Poodle)
WCSh TCR* Grit and Glory x NHu SMHM Rain
(Toy Poodle)
WCSh TCR* Grit and Glory x NHu SMHM Rosie
(Toy Poodle)
WCSh TCR* Grit and Glory x NSh SMHM Chloe
(Toy Poodle)
WCSh TCR* Grit and Glory x WCSh VSTAR Pitter patter
(Toy Poodle)
WCT m Staying the Course x ExT Lucy In The Sky
(Border Collie)

Game Time

07:55pm on Mar 17

Welcome Guest

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