Jemsa Kennels

Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
76 Locked Dogs
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Scent Hurdles 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Dock Diving 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Catahoula Leopard Dogs
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
8 Locked Dogs
Border Terriers *PHOENIX*
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
8 Locked Dogs
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Greyhounds *PHOENIX*
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
8 Locked Dogs
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Critter Haven
Critter Town
47 Critters
Earthdog Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Frisbee 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
5 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedIPnHu TISK A Dozen WondersPetit Basset Griffon Vendeen914
LockedFor StudCCM TISK Aaron DinkinsKai Ken5867
LockedFor StudGCT TISK Arch NemesisGiant Schnauzer5159
LockedFor StudChE TISK Believe It Or KnotDachshund3340
LockedASh TISK Berry Happy To See YouPug2126
LockedFor StudWCD TISK Busy as a BieberGreater Swiss Mountain Dog6374
LockedFor StudExE TISK Captain CrunchIrish Terrier3137
LockedFor StudMP TISK Ceremony for a KingCentral Asian Shepherd3136
LockedJAHu TISK Chipsi MayaiBlack Mouth Cur1419
LockedFor StudExT TISK Code PhoenixRedbone Coonhound3841
LockedFor StudChM TISK Couch PotatoShiba Inu4045
LockedFor StudGCE TISK Crushing BlowDandie Dinmont Terrier4350
LockedWCFT TISK Cupid's ArrowGordon Setter6581
LockedFor StudNCH TISK Danger MouseFinnish Lapphund6172
LockedASh TISK Devil in DisguiseAlaskan Husky2428
LockedFor StudNCFT TISK Dinosaur ApocalypseKooikerhondje5461
LockedFor StudME TISK Doctor SmuckersRat Terrier3035
LockedFor StudExRO TISK Don't Spill The TeoBoston Terrier3439
LockedMHT TISK Down For The CountAmerican Cocker Spaniel2934
LockedFor StudGCS TISK Exceeding LimitsCanadian Eskimo Dog4046
LockedFor StudGCSh TISK FinniganBull Terrier4551
LockedASh TISK Fish Outta WaterAmerican Eskimo Dog1825
LockedASc TISK FlaymethrowerDutch Shepherd2629
LockedCCA TISK Full of SurprisesKerry Blue Terrier6280
LockedJASh TISK Ghost in the DarknessMaremma Sheepdog1521
LockedFor StudNCSh TISK Give It The Old College TryChesapeake Bay Retriever5665
LockedFor StudNCM TISK Groovin' With The StarsShikoku5562
LockedFor StudNCSh TISK Half Upon A TimeKorean Jindo4854
LockedFor StudWCRO TISK Handel With CareAlaskan Klee Kai5968
LockedMFr TISK Hunter's GloryAinu Dog2732
LockedAHu TISK I Need A HeroBlack and Tan Coonhound2126
LockedFor StudExSc TISK I'm In Charge Now PhasmaBelgian Laekenois4248
LockedFor StudExFT TISK I've Been Ready For This My Whole LifeGerman Wirehaired Pointer4047
LockedFor StudChR TISK I've Got QuestionsSaluki4347
LockedFor StudNCM TISK Ice On The RiverKarelian Bear Dog5261
LockedFor StudMT TISK IcefireMiniature Dachshund3035
LockedASh TISK If You're Happy and You Know ItAmerican Bully1522
LockedMHT TISK Jelly HunterJamthund2831
LockedFor StudWCR TISK Keepin' It DiceyAfghan Hound7685
LockedFor StudWCFr TISK Larry the CuclumberClumber Spaniel6270
LockedFor StudNCFl TISK Lead the ChargeCanaan Dog5258
LockedAM TISK Livin' In A Lha Lha LandLhasa Apso2630
LockedFor StudMFT TISK Lonesome CowboySussex Spaniel3235
LockedWCP FSss Lovely LadyEnglish Mastiff7098
LockedARO TISK Luck of the IrishStabyhoun1721
LockedFor StudWCA TISK Moloka'iCroatian Sheepdog6371
LockedFor StudExT TISK New York ManAmerican White Shepherd3841
LockedFor StudWCP TISK Old Fashioned Kettle CornLagotto Romagnolo6276
LockedFor StudWCHu TISK Perseid Dynasty BOBGreek Harehound7586
LockedNCH TISK Petty WomanAkbash Dog5966
LockedWCO TISK Pinewood's Gold FeverEnglish Cocker Spaniel6197
LockedJPnSh TISK Pop RocketJapanese Spitz112
LockedFor StudMFT TISK Prince CharmingEnglish Springer Spaniel3336
LockedARO TISK Professor BinnsHavanese1721
LockedTISK Puppy 11 22Norwegian Lundehund16
LockedTISK Puppy 4 24Rough Collie16
LockedAP TISK Red River in AutumnDogue de Bordeaux1823
LockedJAT TISK Reese's PiecesJack Russell Terrier1621
LockedFor StudNCFr TISK Rise To The ChallengeAzawakh Hound4957
LockedWCA TISK Rose To The OccasionSmooth Collie7179
LockedAT TISK RumplestiltskinPorcelaine1721
LockedFor StudMA TISK ScottyWest Highland White Terrier3742
LockedFor StudChP TISK Smoke On The WaterTibetan Mastiff4349
LockedJAA TISK Stars on IceRussell Terrier1621
LockedJAP TISK The Ballad of Ronnie DrewIrish Water Spaniel1520
LockedASh TISK The Best Koala-tyShih Tzu2226
LockedFor StudWCRO TISK The Best of EnemiesVizsla6978
LockedFor StudUCO TISK The Powers That Be BOBAnatolian Shepherd8795
LockedME TISK Theory of EvolutionSkye Terrier2731
LockedAH TISK Time To Settle The SkorMiniature Australian Shepherd2630
LockedFor StudMSh TISK Top DawgStaffordshire Bull Terrier3035
LockedAO TISK Top NotchNorwegian Buhund1622
LockedFor StudMFr TISK Twist the TruthAkita3438
LockedFor StudGCO TISK Uncle BobKuvasz4553
LockedWCHu TISK WilmaTibetan Spaniel7496
LockedAPnT TISK You Otter Be ColonelOtterhound1318
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAT Jemsa GaladrielCatahoula Leopard Dog2632
LockedMA Jemsa GatsbyCatahoula Leopard Dog2732
LockedMHT Jemsa GeorginaCatahoula Leopard Dog2632
LockedAH Jemsa GeronimoCatahoula Leopard Dog2632
LockedAT Jemsa GlindaCatahoula Leopard Dog2632
LockedAT Jemsa GodwinCatahoula Leopard Dog2632
LockedAT Jemsa GretchenCatahoula Leopard Dog2632
LockedAT Jemsa GunnarCatahoula Leopard Dog2532


  • Siri the Talking Parrot Siri the Talking Parrot
  • Nope Rope the Eastern Kingsnake Nope Rope the Eastern Kingsnake
  • Terrance the Lonely T-Rex Terrance the Lonely T-Rex
    train Complete
  • Chick Jagger the Rhode Island Red Hen Chick Jagger the Rhode Island Red Hen
  • Catman the Calico Persian Catman the Calico Persian
  • Hamfast the Champagne Hamster Hamfast the Champagne Hamster
  • Ruby Red the Ruby Chinese Dragon Ruby Red the Ruby Chinese Dragon
  • William the Wolpertinger William the Wolpertinger
  • Hothead McFizzle the Fiery Egg Hothead McFizzle the Fiery Egg
  • Akela the Mellow Wolf Pup Akela the Mellow Wolf Pup
  • Thunderfrost the Icy Egg Thunderfrost the Icy Egg
  • Rhode Island Red Rooster Rhode Island Red Rooster
  • Buckbeak the Emerald Hippogriff Buckbeak the Emerald Hippogriff
  • Goldilocks the Gold Gryphon Goldilocks the Gold Gryphon
  • Barbaloot the Blue Baby Dragon Barbaloot the Blue Baby Dragon
  • Fizzleboop the Iridescent Dragon Fizzleboop the Iridescent Dragon
  • Featherclaw the Ruby Hippogriff Featherclaw the Ruby Hippogriff
  • Tweety Bird the Canary Tweety Bird the Canary
  • Foo Foo the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny Foo Foo the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny
  • Sparky McSizzlepants the Sparking Egg Sparky McSizzlepants the Sparking Egg
  • Pygmy Puff the Chocolate Hamster Pygmy Puff the Chocolate Hamster
  • Dora The Eggs-plorer the Australorp Hen Dora The Eggs-plorer the Australorp Hen
  • Trix the French Lop Bunny Trix the French Lop Bunny
  • Weird Al the EEGEW Weird Al the <b><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>E</font><font color=#FF01B4>G</font><font color=#FF9000>E</font><font color=#4CFF00>W</font></b>
  • Sundew the Green Baby Dragon Sundew the Green Baby Dragon
  • Angelina JoPeep the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen Angelina JoPeep the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Mad Catter the Mean Orange Tabby Cat Mad Catter the Mean Orange Tabby Cat
  • Thumper the A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny Thumper the A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny
  • Hamsterdam the Silver Hamster Hamsterdam the Silver Hamster
  • Energizer the A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny Energizer the A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny
  • Shelob the Friendly Spider Shelob the Friendly Spider
  • Furious the Red Baby Dragon Furious the Red Baby Dragon
  • Luke Catwalker the Scary Black Cat Luke Catwalker the Scary Black Cat
  • Smurglewing the Molten Chinese Dragon Smurglewing the Molten Chinese Dragon
  • Sir Pent the Brown Snake Sir Pent the Brown Snake
  • Velveteen the A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny Velveteen the A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny
  • Chick-a-las Cage the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen Chick-a-las Cage the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Silver Laced Wyandotte Rooster Silver Laced Wyandotte Rooster
  • Colonel Sanders the Evil Rooster Colonel Sanders the <font color=red>Evil Rooster</font>
  • Judy Hopps the A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny Judy Hopps the A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny
  • Jane Doe the Timid Fawn Jane Doe the Timid Fawn
  • Black Banded Hamster Black Banded Hamster
  • Marie Cat-oinette the Mean Brown Tabby Cat Marie Cat-oinette the Mean Brown Tabby Cat
  • Princess of Plunder the Purple Baby Dragon Princess of Plunder the Purple Baby Dragon
  • Hamelia the Black Hamster Hamelia the Black Hamster
  • Creature of Rabbit the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny Creature of Rabbit the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny
  • Fishbait the Orange Persian Fishbait the Orange Persian
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedWCS TISK Black Diamond 1.627Samoyed6670
LockedUCP TISK Flight of the Phoenix 1.583Alaskan Malamute7180
LockedUCD TISK Go Platinum 1.583Standard Poodle7382
LockedWCP TISK Minnie Mouse 1.592Cairn Terrier6774
LockedICFr TISK Ride the Waves 1.607 BOBWest Siberian Laika8796

Game Time

11:48am on Mar 3

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