Charismatic Kennels

Deluxe Kennel
25 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
25 Dogs
12 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Deluxe Kennel
25 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Deluxe Kennel
5 Dogs
20 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Pumpkin Patch
Have you ever seen bigger pumpkins than these? What a healthy pumpkin patch!
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
10 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Small Critter Pasture
2 Critters
Order By:


ASc [CHA] 3rd times the charmGerman Shepherd Dog1842
ASc [CHA] All or NothingGerman Shepherd Dog1526
AT [CHA] BOIGerman Shepherd Dog1847
ASc [CHA] BOI 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOOGerman Shepherd Dog1846
ASc [CHA] ChronomancerGerman Shepherd Dog1730
ASc [CHA] Dark N' StormyGerman Shepherd Dog1728
JASc [CHA] DragonhunterGerman Shepherd Dog1734
ASc [CHA] Ghastly BreachGerman Shepherd Dog1832
ASc [CHA] GORLGerman Shepherd Dog1946
ASc [CHA] GORL AGAINGerman Shepherd Dog1946
ASc [CHA] GORL ALSOGerman Shepherd Dog1946
JASc [CHA] gotta have itGerman Shepherd Dog1533
JASc [CHA] Hittem AgainGerman Shepherd Dog1635
ASc [CHA] Itza BoyyeGerman Shepherd Dog1946
ASc [CHA] LAST GORLGerman Shepherd Dog1846
ASc [CHA] NullfieldGerman Shepherd Dog1734
ExSh PnH [CHA] OopsGerman Shepherd Dog3285
AT [CHA] Pls 2German Shepherd Dog1947
ASc [CHA] Pls Be GoodGerman Shepherd Dog2047
ASc ohio PupperinoGerman Shepherd Dog1936
ASc [CHA] RadianceGerman Shepherd Dog1832
ASc [CHA] Round 2German Shepherd Dog1842
ASc [CHA] Splash of CreamGerman Shepherd Dog1838
ASc [CHA] Trail of AnguishGerman Shepherd Dog1932
ASc [CHA] Wells of CorruptionGerman Shepherd Dog1935
Order By:


APnSc BelgiBelgian Tervuren1430
AS CandyflossSamoyed1330
JASc [CHA] CaramelloGerman Shepherd Dog1423
APnSc [CHA] ChillblainsGerman Shepherd Dog1322
APnSc DootchDutch Shepherd1430
APnSc [CHA] HeatsinkGerman Shepherd Dog1222
APnSc [CHA] Itsa Notha OneGerman Shepherd Dog1428
APnSc [CHA] Just Good CalisGerman Shepherd Dog1120
APnA LoosiSaarloos Wolfdog1330
PnSc [CHA] Lunar VirtuosoGerman Shepherd Dog1018
PnSc [CHA] Mask OffGerman Shepherd Dog1019
IPnSc [CHA] MasqueradeGerman Shepherd Dog1019
IPnSc [CHA] Moon MirageGerman Shepherd Dog918
PnSc Mörk Only Blue PetuniasGerman Shepherd Dog1118
PnSc [CHA] Porsche 911German Shepherd Dog1125
PnSc [CHA] Princess In SilverGerman Shepherd Dog1019
PnP Puppy 4Saarloos Wolfdog918
PnSc [CHA] RachneraGerman Shepherd Dog1125
PnSc FHHK Reaper's IceforgeGerman Shepherd Dog1119
JASc [CHA] Reeces PieceGerman Shepherd Dog1423
APnSc [CHA] Rhinestone CowboyGerman Shepherd Dog1221
PnSc GFRTY S'moreGerman Shepherd Dog1020
APnSc [CHA] Sunday DelightsGerman Shepherd Dog1221
PnSc [CHA] Tit for TatGerman Shepherd Dog1120
APnSc [CHA] To The Other SideGerman Shepherd Dog1120
Order By:

Young Dogs

NSc FPBB Flower GGEG Ll 6HH 13Hh 5hhGerman Shepherd Dog111
NSc Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog16
NSc Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog16
NSc Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog16
NSc Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog16
NSc Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog16
NSc FHHK Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog16
NSc Puppy 6German Shepherd Dog16
NSc Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog16
NSc Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog16
NSc FHHK Puppy 8German Shepherd Dog16
NSc Puppy 9German Shepherd Dog16
Order By:


ANSc [CHA] A Splash of SanctuaryGerman Shepherd Dog714
JPnSc [CHA] Anotha ThundaGerman Shepherd Dog715
PnA BansheeMudi1123
NSc JPDK CheddaGerman Shepherd Dog614
JPnSc [CHA] Crashing StormGerman Shepherd Dog715
PnA DaisyAustralian Shepherd1123
IPnSc Bunie Dark IntentionsGerman Shepherd Dog915
JPnH DixieCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1023
ANSc ~OK~ Flash In The NightGerman Shepherd Dog614
PnRO FHHK Flowers for a VampireGerman Shepherd Dog918
IPnSc FHHK For the Love of LightningGerman Shepherd Dog918
JPnSc [CHA] Garden of the GodsGerman Shepherd Dog916
ANSc SMHM Ivory FeathersGerman Shepherd Dog714
JPnSc DDSK NailsGerman Shepherd Dog817
PnSc [CHA] Pass the AuxGerman Shepherd Dog1018
PnSc [CHA] Passenger PrincessGerman Shepherd Dog1018
IPnFr PennyGolden Retriever1023
PnSc Puppy 6Belgian Tervuren918
IPnSc [CHA] Royal DessertsGerman Shepherd Dog917
ANSc SMHM Silver Ivory KintsugiGerman Shepherd Dog714
JPnSc [CHA] The End Of EverythingGerman Shepherd Dog714
JPnSc [CHA] Tiki GalGerman Shepherd Dog816
IPnSc Lee K TrajectoryGerman Shepherd Dog1017
ANSc SMHM White BeetleGerman Shepherd Dog714
PnA WispBorder Collie1023
Order By:


NSc [CHA] All About The ChocolateGerman Shepherd Dog513
NSc [CHA] Blue On TopGerman Shepherd Dog513
JPnT [CHA] One Powerful PorsheGerman Shepherd Dog513
NSc [CHA] Torn Up TuxedoGerman Shepherd Dog513
ANSc [CHA] V12 POWERHOUSEGerman Shepherd Dog513
Order By:

Young Dogs

NSc [CHA] Do It For The BoysGerman Shepherd Dog111
NSc Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog111
NSc Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog111
NSc Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog111
NSc [CHA] Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog110
NSc Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog111
NSc Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog19
NSc Puppy 4German Shepherd Dog18
NSc Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog18
NSc Puppy 6German Shepherd Dog110
NSc Puppy 6German Shepherd Dog19
NSc Puppy 6German Shepherd Dog18
NSc Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog18
NSc Puppy 9German Shepherd Dog110
NSc [CHA] SlayyyterGerman Shepherd Dog110
NSc [CHA] Sunday FundayGerman Shepherd Dog19
NSc [CHA] White Chocolate DrizzleGerman Shepherd Dog111
NFl Will O' The WhispsBorder Collie110
NSc [CHA] Wonderus KrobusGerman Shepherd Dog111
NSc B.J.R Your Toxic ExGerman Shepherd Dog111
Order By:

Young Dogs

NSc Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog17
NSc Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog17
NSc Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog17
NSc Puppy 11German Shepherd Dog17
NSc Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog18
NSc Puppy 3German Shepherd Dog17
NSc Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog18
NSc Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog18
NSc Puppy 5German Shepherd Dog17
NSc Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog17


  • Fezz the Purple Baby Dragon Fezz the Purple Baby Dragon
  • Zebra Unicorn Zebra Unicorn
    love Complete


AS Flame Runner x AS Candyfloss
ASc DCS 0:0 • 87.5 • 1.458 • 12,0 • lala • EEEE • stmint stmint x PnSc Puppy 6
(Belgian Tervuren)
AT Ds2CR Chance To Serenade x IPnP Puppy 4
(Saarloos Wolfdog)
AT Ds2CR Chance To Serenade x PnA Loosi
(Saarloos Wolfdog)
GCFl Mgck 24HH lala Humphrey x PnA Daisy
(Australian Shepherd)
IPnSc FHHK For the Love of Lightning x PnSc [CHA] Itsa Notha One
(German Shepherd Dog)
IPnSc FHHK Reaper's Iceforge x NSc SMHM White Beetle
(German Shepherd Dog)
IPnSc GFRTY S'more x NSc JPDK Chedda
(German Shepherd Dog)
IPnSc GFRTY S'more x NSc [CHA] Tiki Gal
(German Shepherd Dog)
JASc ohio Pupperino x NSc DDSK Nails
(German Shepherd Dog)
JAT Hunter x APnSc Dootch
(Dutch Shepherd)
JPnSc FHHK For the Love of Lightning x APnSc [CHA] gotta have it
(German Shepherd Dog)
JPnSc GFRTY S'more x NSc Lee K Trajectory
(German Shepherd Dog)
JPnSc [CHA] Anotha Thunda x NSc [CHA] The End Of Everything
(German Shepherd Dog)
MH Pizza Party x PnA Banshee
NSc SMHM Ivory Feathers x ASc [CHA] Splash of Cream
(German Shepherd Dog)
NSc SMHM Silver Ivory Kintsugi x NT [CHA] One Powerful Porshe
(German Shepherd Dog)
NSc [CHA] Garden of the Gods x JASc [CHA] Round 2
(German Shepherd Dog)
NSc [CHA] Torn Up Tuxedo x ASc [CHA] All or Nothing
(German Shepherd Dog)
NSc ~OK~ Flash In The Night x NSc [CHA] A Splash of Sanctuary
(German Shepherd Dog)
PnRO FHHK Flowers for a Vampire x JPnSc [CHA] Crashing Storm
(German Shepherd Dog)
PnRO FHHK Flowers for a Vampire x PnSc [CHA] Porsche 911
(German Shepherd Dog)
PnSc FHHK Reaper's Iceforge x IPnSc [CHA] Rachnera
(German Shepherd Dog)
(German Shepherd Dog)
WCSh NCT hallv Hallavaaran Ahojäkkärä x APnSc Belgi
(Belgian Tervuren)

Game Time

07:18am on Mar 3

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